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We put MAKING A DIFFERENCE BEFORE making a profit!


In April 2004, I decided that I would make a run at starting my own safety consulting business where I could continue working for those individuals whose safety expectations met or exceeded my own.  My goal was to create a consulting business that focuses solely on improving the safety and health of workers and emergency responders.  SAFTENG.net LLC (SAFTENG or Safety Engineering Network) comprises solely of senior safety professionals who are recognized leaders in the safety and emergency response fields.  Take a minute or two and review the SAFTENG Team Bio's, as I am sure you will be impressed with our team's experience and capabilities.  The team has over 150 years of hands-on experience in safety and health and emergency response at all levels within private and government organizations.

SAFTENG focuses on those areas in which the team has EXTENSIVE hands-on experience.  We do not claim to be experts in the entire field of safety and health or emergency response, but our clients do consider our abilities in the areas we practice to be of a world-class caliber.  Our strengths are HONESTY, INTEGRITY, ETHICS, and NO NON-SENSE COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS to meet your needs.  We are not that company that will produce world-class written reports to sit on your shelves; rather our strength is in our fieldwork, working with your team members to get you the desired results.  We pride ourselves in being the most thorough safety team you will ever work with and I can assure you, our level of detail will be nothing like you have experienced before.

Our areas of specialty are:

  • Training (Safety/Health and Emergency Response)
  • OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program
  • Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis
  • Behavior Based Safety
  • Auditing (Compliance/Assessments/Systems)
  • Life Safety & Fire Safety
  • Utilizing Six Sigma Methodology in
    Safety & Health Metrics (Leading Indicators)
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessments (PHA, JSA, etc.)


The industries we work mostly in:

  • Chemical
  • Refining
  • Pulp & Paper
  • Pharmaceutical & Medical Nutrition
  • Semi-Conductor
  • Warehousing & Distribution Centers
  • Heavy Manufacturing (foundries, Press Shops, etc.)
  • Dyes & Inks
  • Food Industry
  • Emergency Response Organizations
  • Power Generation
  • Plastics & Adhesives


Click Here for a partial list of key clients and industries served or for references.

We are always willing to offer and encourage you to speak with our clients and former employers to be sure you know exactly what you are getting when you hire SAFTENG as your safety resource.  How many consulting firms do you know that encourage you to contact former employers and clients of the actual consultant that will be managing your project to verify capabilities and performance within the scope of your project.  We certainly have nothing to hide and everything to gain by you speaking with our clients and former employers, as they are our best advertisement and happiest customers.

Click Here to see what clients and former employers say about the SAFTENG Team's safety knowledge, abilities, ethics, and passion for protecting workers.

So, if you are in need of some outside safety resources, give us a call (513-238-8747) and let's discuss your needs.  If it is something SAFTENG can handle, we can have you a proposal within the week.  If it is outside of our abilities and requires us to tread into areas that we are not absolutely comfortable in or equipped, we have several close relationships with some other great safety professionals that we can put you in touch with.  As an ethical practice, we put you in direct contact with these partner companies and individuals so that you have the ultimate say as to who does the work for you - no mark-up's on hourly rates and no mark-up's on travel costs like so many of the bigger firms do when they hire a subcontractor.  We want you to get the service you requested, at the best possible price, with the highest quality possible!


Bryan Haywood, MS
Founder & CEO
(513) 238-8747
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Partner Organizations

 Chlroine Institute Logo 100 years

I am proud to announce that

The Chlorine Institute and SAFTENG

have extended our"Partners in Safety" agreement

for another year (2025)

CI Members, send me an e-mail

to request your FREE SAFTENG membership




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Member Associations

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