Chemical Process Safety Articles INDEX (1,443 postings as of 8/2022)

  1. New HSE Shared Research project on Corrosion Under Insulation - can you contribute to this important research? (UK's HSE)
  2. It does not take 1,500 pounds of Chlorine to pose a serious hazard
  3. The BULLETIN - Summer 2022
  4. The CSB's Accidental Release Reporting Rule Data
  5. Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance Advisory Preventive Hazard Evaluation for Process Safety
  6. Was the Jordan Cl2 a true Worst-Case Release Scenario?
  7. Is Auto-Refrigeration an "inherent safeguard" for liquified pressurized gases Worst-Case Release scenario
  8. Worst-case Release Scenario for Separate, Interconnected Vessels
  9. Hot Work Permit Procedures and Date in Section 7.13 (EPA RMP)
  10. If a covered process has an accident, when does it lose eligibility for Program 1 status?
  11. Does the distance to endpoint start at the process or stationary source boundary?
  12. Who Must Develop an Emergency Response Program? (EPA RMP)
  13. Are Mechanical Controls Considered Administrative Controls as they relate to the WCS?
  14. RMP Records Maintained Onsite
  15. Should tank capacity be considered when determining thresholds? (EPA RMP)
  16. Process identification and distance between vessels (EPA RMP)
  17. Do I have to report accidents that resulted in medical treatment? (EPA RMP)
  18. EPA's Hot Work Definition and Requirements
  19. Different distances to toxic endpoints with different versions of RMP*Comp
  20. Is a hazard review synonymous with a process hazard analysis (PHA)?
  21. Why are industries exempt under OSHA's PSM subject to RMP?
  22. What if the quantity in the RMP Covered process fluctuates?
  23. Worst-case release from smaller process with larger distance to endpoint
  24. Administrative controls considered when determining worst-case release quantity
  25. Criteria for selecting alternative release scenarios
  26. Hexane explosion in an oil extraction plant (Double Fatality - PRCS)
  27. EPA issues RMP citations @ water treatment facility (WRONG CHEMICAL - WRONG TANK incident, 2,000 lb Cl2 release & $66K)
  28. Understanding your Pressure Vessel(s) "Birth Certificates"
  29. Pressure Vessel "Car Seal" program in Saskatchewan
  30. ASME B31.3 and Hydrostatic Relief Valves
  31. How long should fire watches keep watch after Hot Work ends?
  32. Modifications of a Hydrogen Skid unit leads to explosion with serious injuries during start-up
  33. Anhydrous Ammonia incident leads to blindness
  34. Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂) Generation Fataility (Incompatibles and Combustible Dust Explosion)
  35. OSHA issues their 2022 VPP Supplemental PSM Questions
  36. Contractor Safety - Evaluation Tip
  37. EPA issues RMP/EPCRA ENFORCEMENT ALERT: "Risks of Improper Storage of Hazardous Chemicals at Chemical Warehouses and Distribution Facilities"
  38. EPA is adding natural gas processing (NGP) facilities to EPCRA/TRI
  39. EPA finally answers the question: Are "tube" trailers considered a single process?
  40. Can the RMP's partial pressure exemption be applied to formaldehyde solutions?
  41. RMP applicability for a process at a facility connected to another facility by piping
  42. Ammonia present in ammonium hydroxide and RMP TQ Determination
  43. Does EPA's RMP provide an exemption for the atmospheric storage of flammable liquids?
  44. Once again EPA attempts to explain their CONCENTRATION QUALIFIERS concept
  45. The UK's HSE Team and Developing process safety indicators
  46. Modifications to pressure/vacuum relief devices allows for catastrophic failure of container
  47. Relief Valves with Activation Indicators and the MOC and PSSR needs
  48. Ventilation System Design basis?
  49. Basic "emergency isolation" requirements for Hazardous MaterialsVentilation System Design basis?
  50. Basic "emergency isolation" requirements for Hazardous Materials
  51. OH EPA updates their Accidental Releases Prevention Program Rules
  52. Car Seal is an Operational Safety Program
  53. Learning from an amusement park ride accident
  54. Another example of something CRITICAL but not required by OSHA/RAGAGEPs (Electrical Classifications)
  55. The story of the Three (3) little MI failures and the COVID Pandemic
  56. Anhydrous Ammonia and CFATS (2021)
  57. The Fertilizer Canada updates it's Anhydrous Ammonia Code of Practice
  58. Is an MOC required when making repairs to an ASME pressure vessel?
  59. Are Mechanical Controls Considered Administrative Controls? (EPA RMP)
  60. EPA's RMP inspection priorities
  61. Is a hazard review synonymous with a process hazard analysis (PHA)?
  62. Do I have to conduct PSM/RMP incident investigations of releases resulting from theft?
  63. What if the quantity in the process fluctuates?
  64. EPA finally makes it clear - the TQ determination is NOT based on the capacity of the vessel(s)
  65. How far apart do separate vessels have to be to be considered different processes?
  66. Your PSM written program should not be a cut and paste of the standard(s)
  67. Your MOC/PSSR program(s) and 3-year audit findings
  68. Process Safety training that is often over looked and NOT required by OSHA/EPA
  69. Gas detection requirements (IFC)
  70. Atmospheric storage tank collapses from rapid cooling after a steam cleaning
  71. Liquid Nitrogen and the State Fire/HAZMAT Codes (Part III - Use and Handling)
  72. PSM Coverage of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities
  73. Operating procedures and Operational Discipline
  74. NB Part 4 (2021) recognizes RVs venting to a header/manifold and the need for an intervening stop valve
  75. Changes to the 2021 Edition of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC)
  76. NEW to 2021 ASME BPVC: Section: XIII – Rules for Overpressure Protection
  77. Upwards and unobstructed, two simple words that cause way too much debate!
  78. Should we allow line break/equipment opening behind a single valve isolation?
  79. OSHA (State Plan) issues GDC citation regarding "Hot Bolting"
  80. DOT tankers without their motive power may be PSM covered processes
  81. Pressure testing after breaking the boundary of previously tested piping circuit (Part 1)
  82. Ammonia refrigeration and process chemistry
  83. The difference between an RMP Correction and Update and the six (6) changes that will trigger an Update
  84. Line break with single valve isolation is like playing with a loaded weapon Unpublished
  85. Technical BC launches Ammonia Safety Awareness Program
  86. Did Technical BC just say pressure vessels in NH3 refrigeration need to be PWHT?
  87. EPA addresses the forever on-going debate about revised RAGAGEPs and the facility's responsibility to upgrade
  88. On your next RMP 5-year Update, be sure to include this
  89. Chlorine Dioxide released inside a tomato processing plant - 47 workers sent to hospital
  90. EPA issues EPCRA citations @ meat processing facility (1,700 lbs NH3 release & $68K)
  91. Chlorine (Cl2), the IFC, and treatment system
  92. Stop Valves in Pressure Relief Piping (ASME B31.3)
  93. Pneumatic pressure testing gone bad (2 fatalities @ food plant)
  94. Chemical plant fined after major gas leak (chloride-induced stress corrosion)
  95. Pamphlet 65 - Personal Protective Equipment for Chlor-Alkali Chemicals is FREE and a MUST HAVE for these chemicals
  96. Chlorine, the IMC, and Treatment Systems
  97. Did WELD-ON® just mandate hydrostatic pressure testing of Chlorine piping?
  98. ASME B31.3 requires each weld be identified as to who made the weld
  99. CPVC Chlorine piping and "solvent welded" connections
  100. Chlorine and Process Safety (MI-OSHA ppt)
  101. GREAT UPDATE from EPA on RMP, EPCRA and Ammonia's impact
  102. NFPA 499 (2021) updated with a peculiar reference
  103. Opening the "bleed" on a Double-Block & Bleed arrangement is a "process opening" and is NOT to be taken lightly
  104. Cal ARP Program 4 and reporting on Process Safety Performance Indicators
  105. Chemical detection tape - the pro's and con's?
  106. The CGA updated their G-2 Ammonia standard
  107. Chlorine and a "KY Scrubber"
  108. Finding chlorine leaks - approved methods and PSM/RMP requirements
  109. Why can't I pressure my piping and hold it for X hours and if no loss in pressure it passes my test?
  110. Chlorine and tubing used in vacuum systems
  111. Could a fire in my "covered process" that did not cause a release trigger two (2) RMP requirements?
  112. The Chlorine Institute updates their Emergency Kit “A” for 100-LB. & 150-LB. Chlorine Cylinders Instruction Booklet
  113. Technical Safety BC issues two (2) Ammonia Refrigeration Safety Orders
  114. FAILURES of true "facility siting" - our "zoning" process is broken and dangerous! (Part II)
  115. Spring is here and ammonia transfers are at their peak for spring application
  116. The Chlorine Institute updates Pamphlet 95, Gaskets for Chlorine Service (Ed. 6)
  117. Elemental Chlorine (Cl2) is NOT present in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
  118. OSHRC vacates HAZWOPER citation for response to NH3 @ a power plant
  119. USA, Mexico, Canada Chlorine (Cl2) Release Data (1997-2014)
  120. NH3 Line break from hell!
  121. Are your 1-ton chlorine cylinder trunnions in your MI program?
  122. Is a Chlorine 1-ton cylinder a DOT container requiring hydrostatic testing?
  123. Facility fined $200K after Chlorine release from cylinder's fusible plug
  124. March 15, 2021 should have triggered a modification to your written RMP Management System and II Program or procedure
  125. Learning opportunities... NH3 leak investigation
  126. Changes to the 2021 National Board Inspection Code (NBIC)
  127. EPA issues an Enforcement Alert on Process Start-Ups
  128. Ammonia leak and explosion was caused by a bad 1/4" liquid drain valve - ignition source still unknown
  129. WA-OSHA releases Draft Curriculum Elements for Refinery Safety Training for the Skilled Trades
  130. Kansas Department of Agriculture updates its Anhydrous Ammonia Storage Tank policies (2/13/2021)
  131. FAILURES of true "facility siting" - our "zoning" process is broken and dangerous!
  132. Preparing a process for "opening"
  133. OSHA updates their VPP Application with NH3 Refrigeration questions
  134. Getting to know your toxic end points
  135. The hazards of UNSAFE pressure testing
  136. FM Global to the rescue once again with their Data Sheet 7-45 - Safety Controls, Alarms, and Interlocks (SCAI)
  137. Why does it matter which ASME B31 section I apply to my piping circuits? Unpublished
  138. Sulphuric acid process opening gone bad
  139. CSB update on the N2 Mass Casualty incident at the GA Chicken plant
  140. NEW 2021 standard for NH3 refrigeration systems in Alberta Canada
  141. Design Pressure vs. MAWP of a ASME Pressure Vessel
  142. Some of the 2020 LOPC events in chemical processes in Alberta
  143. Worker H2S fatality @ Oil Battery
  144. Bleeder valve left open during tank truck unloading causes fatal NH3 release
  145. Failed energy isolation during process opening and poor communications results in fatal NH3 release
  146. Stainless Steel process equipment and corrosion under insulation (CUI)
  147. Our response to the PHA phrase "never happened before"
  148. EPA and OSHA are getting serious in their RMP enforcement efforts, especially with NH3 refrigeration and refinery piping inspections!
  149. Contractor's lack of a PPE HAZ Assessment, saved by the host facility's Safe Work Permit (OSHRC)
  150. New relief valve on new compressor releases NH3 into engine room
  151. OSHA PSM Inspection Activity (10/2019 thru 9/2020)
  152. NFPA now recognizes ISA-RP12.12.03, Standard for PEPs
  153. Pump cavitation demonstration (Video)
  154. Do recommendations from the facility siting study report need to be included on the process hazard analysis (PHA) worksheet to be in compliance with .119(e)(5) and .119(e)(7)?
  155. Understanding the requirements from 1910.119(i)(2)(iii)
  156. RMP Amendments may get another chance under a Biden Administration
  157. Lack of proper assembly and torque leads to blown out gasket leading to ammonia leak from heat exchanger
  158. Did the IFC relinquishes NH3 refrigeration to IIAR?
  159. NFPA 497 has its Table 4.4.2 updated with new chemical-physical property data
  160. The Chlorine Institute recognizes three (3) piping pressure testing techniques
  161. The Chlorine Institute has revised its hydraulic thermal expansion design considerations
  162. The Chlorine Institute revises its piping leak testing protocols
  163. The Chlorine Institute has revised its piping RAGAGEP
  164. PHMSA issues DRAFT FAQ for Midstream facilities and OSHA's PSM
  165. Tenth Circuit Appeals court rules a boiler connected to a PSM/RMP covered process is part of the "covered process"
  166. Emergency Response Coordination Activities Effective Date(s)
  167. Differences in accident history between Program 1 eligibility and the hazard assessment
  168. Dispersion Modeling Systems Relevant to Homeland Security Preparedness and Response
  169. Pipe Welding and Welder Qualifications (ASME B31.1 and 31.5)
  170. COVID safety changes may need an MOC when they impact a PSM/RMP process
  171. Deficiencies in Process Piping Cause Gas Release Incidents (QA and MI programs)
  172. Sampling the PSM/RMP covered process can be a serious risk
  173. Do the quantities of two separate vessels that are interconnected with a closed valve need to be aggregated for the worst-case release scenario analysis?
  174. Are mechanical controls such as alarms considered administrative controls and therefore limit the worst-case release quantity?
  175. Worst-case release scenario “quantity released” reporting for a mixture
  176. FRESH AIR intakes for a ventilation system need to be from a source of FRESH AIR! (Part II)
  177. A food pantry, 50% Hydrogen Peroxide, and DHS's CFATS
  178. A PHA is not a JHA; a JHA is not a PHA Unpublished
  179. More on the limitations of Excess Flow Valves - 9 out 10 times they may let you down when you really need them
  180. Flammable Liquids, Combustible materials, and Pressure Vessels
  181. Are you an Anhydrous Ammonia distributor using Nitrogen Stabilizers?
  182. Safety Advisory: Effects of additives in anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks or delivery tanks (Transport Canada)
  183. UPDATED 09/12/20: OSHA PSM Citations @ food plant (Fatality, NH3 & $107K)
  184. EAPs and Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate (1910.38(c)(3))
  185. Which RMP facilities must develop an Emergency Response Program?
  186. Can the partial pressure exemption be applied to formaldehyde solutions?
  187. Process Safety and our primary containment systems
  188. RMP Emergency response coordination activities effective date
  189. Anhydrous Ammonia, nitrification inhibitor, and EPCRA Sections 311 and 312 reporting
  190. Updated PSM/RMP Audit Checklist with EPA Emergency Response updates
  191. Bolted Flanges - torque with dry/rusty bolts
  192. Bolted flanges - sweat the small stuff (LPG Jet Fire)
  193. Routine and Non-Routine process openings and Chlorine
  194. Hydrostatic Relief on piping systems - why so much hate?
  195. Are you worried about a hydrostatic relief system discharging an HHC/EHS into an occupied space?
  196. When 1926.64, OSHA's PSM standard for Construction would apply
  197. 2020 UPDATE on EPA's Initiative to Improve Safety of Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities in New England
  198. When must a facility with an RMP covered process develop an emergency response program?
  199. Owner / operator compliance audit timeline
  200. Process Safety Information... sweating the small stuff (Flange Bolts/Rods)
  201. Designed with maintenance in mind, NOT! (Ammonia Refrigeration header detection)
  202. A chicken processor loses its appeal regarding MI procedures (j)(2) and inspections (j)(4)
  203. Process safety failures led to the fatal Styrene release in India last month
  204. NH3 2,100 pound NH3 LOPC event exposes eight (8) workers, one hospitalized ($119K)
  205. Nitrogen Gas generator for fixed water-based fire suppression systems
  206. Fabrication and Field Testing of Refrigerant Piping (ASME B31.5)
  207. OSHA Interpretation on Connected Processes managed by two different companies, but on the same contiguous property controlled by an employer or group of affiliated employers
  208. Compressor vibration may have caused ammonia leak
  209. Ammonia released from a cold storage room evaporator
  210. Improper torque leads to Hydrogen fire and explosion
  211. Visual differences between a BLEVE and a HIT
  212. Check valve flange failure leads to Ammonia release (Technical Safety BC)
  213. What can happen when pressure testing is not done by the book
  214. Two Kansas Companies Fined $1 Million Each In Atchison Chlorine Gas Case
  215. Determining frequency of emergency coordination activities (changes to response capabilities)
  216. Face Coverings, flame-retardant/resistant clothing (FRC) and hazardous locations
  217. Worker injured by explosion in hose during pressure testing (WorkSafe Victoria)
  218. Three (3) MUST DO with Excess Flow Valves (EFV)
  219. Welding Inspectors and their documentation
  220. A shaft seal failure on a compressor in a refrigeration system released approximately 5lbs of ammonia (Technical Safety BC)
  221. Intermittent compressor shaft seal leak resulted in multiple ammonia releases (Technical Safety BC)
  222. Black liquor pulp by-product released from ruptured SAE 304 stainless steel piping elbow (Erosion/Corrosion - Technical Safety BC)
  223. Main shaft seal compressor failure releases ammonia (Technical Safety BC)
  224. Compressor valve packing failed to maintain a seal to prevent Ammonia saturated oil leak (Technical Safety BC)
  225. Crack in suction header pressure gauge line results in a NH3 leak (Technical Safety BC)
  226. Circuitizing your piping for maintenance/inspections (API 570/574)
  227. Common Operator Deficiencies Discovered by Safety Environmental Management System (SEMS) Audits
  228. Don't skimp on your piping inspections (API 570 and 574)
  229. Styrene Incident in Visakhapatnam, India (Polymerization Incident?)
  230. EPA UPDATES their RMP GDC guidance (April 2020)
  231. Production facilities that recover natural gas liquids may have enforceable PSM-covered processes
  232. Multiple LOPC incidents involving highly toxic and corrosive chemicals from incompatible fittings
  233. Line Break gone BAD (Natural Gas and verifying a ZES)
  234. Pipe Labeling and ASME B13.1 (EPA RMP & $2,700 and $89K abatement costs)
  235. Inherently Safer Technology Reviews (NJ TCPA)
  236. Compliance in a time of COVID-19 Pandemic
  237. NEVER use the HHC/EHS as your pressure/leak testing media
  238. This is why ASME B31 series requires us to have written procedures for pressure and leak testing the piping
  239. Leak testing gone bad (Bubble test on NH3 pipe/valve weld)
  240. Line Break gone BAD (replacing a defective NH3 pressure gauge)
  241. EPA required to issue rules requiring hazardous substance spill-prevention and response planning in the next 2 years
  242. Ammonia Refrigeration, flange connections, gaskets, and torque (EPA Region VI)
  243. What does a "suitable telltale indicator" look like when we have a dual relief system (Part II)
  244. Bypassing safety devices is a no-no! (BSEE Alert)
  245. Pressure Relief Valve Testing on Pneumatic Systems (USCG Bulletin)
  246. Changes to a plant's water system leads to a flash fire (MOC and State Plumbing Code)
  247. No MOC for reduction of inventory to below PSM/RMP TQ leads to LPOC event (engineering out excess flow valves)
  248. When does a pressure vessel not require a pressure relief device? (ASME 6-inch exception)
  249. Contractor Safety training at petroleum refining or petrochemical manufacturing facilities (WA-OSHA)
  250. Amine regeneration unit explosion (UK's HSE Report)
  251. EPA Updates its National Compliance Initiative: Reducing Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities data
  252. Houston Explosion, Propylene, PSM, and RMP
  253. Hazardous Locations: When, Where, and How Unpublished
  254. Process Safety and Engineered Pressure Enclosures Unpublished
  255. Canada's Ammonia Refrigeration staffing requirements (Public Occupancies)
  256. Line Break gone BAD (Chlorine)
  257. When we fail @ Hot Work Safety (Video of Designated HW area)
  258. CSB's Accidental Release Reporting
  259. No Procedure for Requesting RMP Five-Year Review Extension
  260. Types of Information Relevant for Response Planning
  261. Time Frame to Submit RMP Emergency Contact Information Changes
  262. Key Safety Measures for Ammonia Refrigeration Processes (EPA & IIAR)
  263. What does a "suitable telltale indicator" look like when we have a dual relief system
  264. OSHA's Process Safety Management and EPA's Risk Management Plan Regulatory Requirements along with the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety Elements
  265. Process Safety is blowing in the political winds (GHS and Flammable Gas Categories)
  266. EPA EPCRA/CERCLA citations for two (2) Ammonia releases ($82K)
  267. Line Break gone bad (Natural Gas Condensate w/ flash fire)
  268. Inadvertent Opening of Valve Causes Injury (Safety Alert)
  269. Emergency Response to a CATASTROPHIC FAILURE of a Y-Strainer leads to fatal explosion (Isobutylene & $131K)
  270. Structural failure leads to NH3 LOPC event and 16 employees treated and 3 hospitalized
  271. Why Hydrostatic Pressure testing is the preferred method - over pneumatic methods
  272. BLEVE #1 (2020)
  273. Pressure testing for individual piping system components (an official interp)
  274. Have you granted your local Fire Department access to your Ammonia Machinery Room on a 24/7/365 basis?
  275. Line Break gone bad (Butane w/ improper energy isolation)
  276. Small cracks grow up to become big cracks and big problems (NH3 direct expansion chiller)
  277. EPA publishes the FINAL RMP Rule (Rescinded Amendments)
  278. CSB's proposed chemical accident reporting rule (CFR 1604)
  279. EPA's RMP - Quantity of a substance in a mixture or solution toxics with listed concentration (Conc >20% Aqua Ammonia)
  280. Helping lower risk through safety engineering (Chlorine and Gas Cabinets)
  281. FINAL REPORT on the Intercontinental Terminals Company (ITC) Tank Farm Fire
  282. Process opening GONE BAD with flammable vapors and a cordless grease-gun
  283. Diaphragm failure is caused from overpressure due to trapped liquid ammonia
  284. Ammonia release results in facility evacuation and temporary shutdown (CUI)
  285. Compressor fails causing an uncontrolled ammonia release
  286. Case Study - Ammonia Incidents in British Columbia (BC) 2007 - 2017 (November 2019)
  287. In Process Safety - Torquing Matters! (NH3 Leak on manway gasket)
  288. Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) leads to NH3 release
  289. Bonnet gasket leaking from chiller isolation valve to oil pot (10 pound release)
  290. Guidelines for Ammonia Refrigeration Plant Equipment Integrity Programs (TSBC Draft #2)
  291. Anhydrous Ammonia Tank Failure - South Africa 1973, Detailed report on a major disaster in a fertilizer plant
  292. A 3rd Catastrophic Failure of a NH3 Refrigeration pressure vessel
  293. Line Break gone BAD (Phosgene)
  294. What RMP information will be available to the public under the new RMP Reconsideration Final Rule
  295. RMP Reconsideration Final Rule is FINAL as of November 20, 2019
  296. Another CATASTROPHIC FAILURE of a Ammonia Refrigeration vessel (150-gallon Vessel @ chicken slaughterhouse)
  297. A PSSR is NOT an Initial Start-Up Procedure
  298. When a Nitrogen (N2) Purge makes an A_s out of U and Me (Assume)
  299. Anhydrous Ammonia exposure leads to a tracheotomy (OSHA)
  300. Why was the Intercontinental Terminal Company (ITC) Tank Fire not a PSM accident?
  301. Car Seal program and NFPA 496 Type Z Pressurized Cabinet
  302. Piping inspections matter - NH3 pipe pinhole(s) failure (Video)
  303. What it looks like when a 1.5" NH3 Relief Valve lifts (Video)
  304. Catastrophic Failure of an Anhydrous Ammonia Receiver (Video)
  305. Ammonia Engine Room Explosion (Video Elk Grove, IL 2017)
  306. Qualifiying your PSM/RMP Contractor is more than OSHA Rates! (high pressure piping contractors)
  307. Hierarchy of Hazard Control Analysis (HCA)
  308. Hot Work Incidents Involving NH3 Refrigeration Facilities (NFPA Data 2011)
  309. NFPA 77 and the use of jumper cables and star washers at flanges
  310. National Board turns 100 on 12/2/2019
  311. There is a BIG difference between a Compressed Gas and a Liquified Pressurized Gas (and it matters immensely!)
  312. NFPA 58 (the leading Flammable Gas code) updated to 2020 Edition
  313. Piping inspections during installation (API 570)
  314. PSM and Aerosol (Flammable Gas) Containers Stored in Warehouses/Distribution Centers
  315. Why some refrigerant piping falls into ASME B31.3 rather than B31.5 Unpublished
  316. Is a CUI inspection required for insulated vessels?
  317. API 510 Internal Inspection Frequency
  318. EPA's RMP Vulnerable zone determination
  319. NEW RMP Application and Program Level flowchart
  320. Pipe flanges and process safety
  321. ORFA Commentary on Ontario-related Legislation, Regulations, and Registered Refrigeration Plant Operational Best Practices
  322. UK's HSE Safety Alert - Catastrophic rupture of dead-leg pipe-work
  323. EPA RMP Program 1 five-year accident history and hazard assessment differences
  324. EPA RMP Worst-case “quantity released” reporting for a mixture
  325. Ammonia (concentration 20% or greater) and ammonia (anhydrous) alternative release scenarios
  326. Effect date for 2017 RMP amendments
  327. EPA RMP... Emergency response Coordination activities effective date 
  328. What changes and amendments were made to the Risk Management Program in 2017 and when will they go into effect?
  329. EPA RMP... should the model include the entire quantity of the mixture or just the quantity of the regulated substance present in the mixture?
  330. EPA RMP... When does a facility need to revise its OCA?
  331. EPA RMP... What is considered hot work and what are the requirements related to hot work?
  332. EPA RMP... What are the requirements related to contractor procedures and performance?
  333. EPA RMP... Is there a required minimum or maximum distance for the distance to endpoint in the worst case release scenario?
  334. EPA RMP... Does the owner or operator have to maintain a written copy of the RMP on site at the stationary source?
  335. EPA RMP... Does this require the owner or operator to submit an annual update or certification to EPA or the implementing agency?
  336. EPA RMP... What are considered industrial buildings, commercial buildings, or recreational areas, and how can they be identified?
  337. EPA RMP... For the five-year accident history, does the owner or operator need to include accidental releases that were only released onto the land or into water?
  338. EPA RMP... Do the quantities of two separate vessels that are interconnected with a closed valve need to be aggregated for the worst-case release scenario analysis? 
  339. EPA RMP... What is the definition of fuel for the purposes of exclusion?
  340. EPA RMP... Are mechanical controls such as alarms considered administrative controls and therefore limit the worst-case release quantity?
  341. EPA RMP... Do all facilities subject to the risk management program regulations have to develop an emergency response program?
  342. Expansion/Seismic hoses, excess flow valves, and check valves
  343. Internal inspections... of my pressure vessel??? We don't need no internal inspections
  344. What happens when the NH3 release inside the engine room exceeds 40,000 ppm?
  345. 2019 edition of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) summary of major changes
  346. Anhydrous Ammonia hydrostatic expansion event?
  347. Hazards of Improper weld repair and failed hydrostatic pressure testing?
  348. EPA RMP GDC citations @ windshield wiper fluid manufacturing facility (Methanol & $197K)
  349. Benchmarking Risk by Whole Room Scale Leaks and Ignitions Testing of A3 Refrigerants
  350. Human Factors 101 - #1002 Signs
  351. Human Factors 101 - #1001
  352. Hazardous Materials and Chicago Coupling(s)
  353. Piping Corrosion (External - Outside/In)
  354. Current National Enforcement Initiative (NEI), Ammonia Refrigeration - What To Look For
  355. Overview of New RMP Provisions (EPA Region 3)
  356. EPA announces their RMP enforcement and compliance assurance priorities for fiscal years 2020 to 2023
  357. Ammonia Refrigeration and Tight-Fitting Doors
  358. Setting the record straight on NH3 detectors, the IMC, IFC and ASHRAE 15
  359. Why lawyers/judges make poor safety engineers (OSHRC NH3 PSM decision)
  360. Was the massive explosion at PES this past week a BLEVE or a HIT
  361. NTSB issues PRELIMINARY findings on Beach Park, IL NH3 release
  362. What you do with your "Ammonia bleed water" matters!
  363. Controlling access to your process battery limits is CRITICAL... for almost everyone
  364. Vehicle Impact Protection Alternative to Bollards - Curb Barrier Protection Model
  365. Anhydrous Ammonia Pipe Welding per ANSI K61.1/CGA 2.1 (ASME B31.3)
  366. North Dakota's Anhydrous Ammonia Code - well done ND!
  367. Accidents associated with ammonia (ARIA)
  368. Explosion of an alcohol tank inside a vinegar plant
  369. Hydrogen chloride release following a maintenance operation
  370. Explosion of an underground solvent storage tank during a maintenance operation
  371. Phosgene discharges in a chemical plant (IMPEL)
  372. The use of sulfur stick to find a CAT 2 Flammable Gas Leak comes with some inherent hazards (Video)
  373. Process Safety MANAGEMENT Unpublished
  374. Anhydrous Ammonia Exposure Event (Line Break Gone Bad - RV change out @ power plant)
  375. Anhydrous Ammonia nitrogen stabilizers need an MOC and PSSR in the fertilizer industry
  376. Workers Hospitalized from Ammonia Leak during PRV Maintenance (Line Break/Process Opening Gone Bad @ food plant)
  377. Process Opening 24' up in a scissor lift gone bad (NH3 Oil Draining)
  378. NH3 Fatality after ice cream vessel (NH3 coils) catastrophically fails
  379. One Killed, One Injured Following Ammonia Vessel failure (Oil Separator)
  380. UNSAFE NH3 charging practices causes catastrophic failure of 150-pound NH3 cylinder and a fatality
  381. FATAL NH3 refrigeration vessel catastrophic failure at 170 psi
  382. Fatal NH3 release caused by threaded joint weakened by vibrations
  383. Example of valves to Car-Seal OPEN and CLOSED on a NH3 refrigeration process
  384. Line Break Gone Bad (Flammable Liquid)
  385. Welding on used containers fatal explosion
  386. A little known CAT 1 Flammable Liquid with an IDLH of 10 ppm Unpublished
  387. Perfect example of delayed response to HF acid exposure
  388. EPA issues a Hazardous Weather Release Prevention and Reporting Alert
  389. Process Safety Tip... Car Seal vs LOTO
  390. What do we see in this picture? (Pressure vessels and fire scenarios)
  391. Proper application of Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus (EEBA)
  392. So does OSHA really want to revise the PSM standard?
  393. Leak Testing Fatality GDC Citations
  394. Excellent explanation of the HFO-1234yf transition
  395. Line Break Gone Bad (Cl2 Bleed)
  396. Cl2 release at corn and flour milling facility from ruptured vacuum regulator
  397. When inches matter in our design basis
  398. Valve fails while being turned and releases 200 pounds of NH3 leading to 1st and 2nd degree burns
  399. Hazards of improper pressure testing - Employee Is Killed When Refrigeration System (commercial) Explodes
  400. Ammonia Evaporator not LOTO'ed leading to 68 pound release and 4 hospitilizations
  401. Liquid ammonia causes frostbite injuries to sanitation employee working on Evaporator drain pan
  402. My Aussie friend in safety ROCKS!
  403. Is there a difference between a vapor and a gas?
  404. Did we just experience an NH3 Worst-Case Release Scenario?
  405. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe (Human Factors)
  406. Anhydrous Ammonia is still the top Toxic involved in RMP 5-year accident histories
  407. 1,800 pound Ammonia release from a CO2/NH3 Cascade Refrigeration System
  408. What does it mean when we say our facility has coordinated response needs with local emergency planning and response organizations?
  409. Process Safety and our pipe flanges (type of bolts, threads showing, etc.)
  410. Quite Possibly the best ASME B31.3 Cheat Sheet for Anhydrous Ammonia (MN-Dept of Ag)
  411. Purged and Pressurized Enclosure Protection Techniques in HAZLOCs
  412. Draining/Venting an HHC/EHS from a process
  413. Another example of "Start-Up After Turnaround/Shutdown"
  414. OSHRC defines PSM Battery Limits (Boiler Explosion @ Refinery)
  415. Ruptured refrigeration evaporator releases ammonia resulting in extensive area evacuation
  416. US EPA's Safety Video - Anhydrous ammonia safety in ice rinks (2019)
  417. Hazards of Pressure Testing using the Hazardous Material as your test media
  418. WorksSafeBC ammonia inspection results (3/2019 Update)
  419. A look at EPA's Ammonia Refrigeration General Duty Clause (GDC) Pilot Project
  420. Verification of Energy Isolation Device effectiveness is CRITICAL (CCPS Process Safety Beacon)
  421. Why its important to establish process battery limits to control external hazards to the process
  422. RMP Trends Analysis (NC DEQ)
  423. Pressure Testing Hazards are serious and need written procedures
  424. Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) and just a tad bit of thickness loss
  425. Does your process have a rupture disc below the relief valve?
  426. When you need to PNEUMATICALLY pressure test your pressure vessel
  427. Have you revised your Incident Investigation procedure/practices and report form(s) for your RMP covered process(s)?
  428. NJ's Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA) Program Update
  429. NFPA 51B - 2019 Updates to Fire Watch and Fire Monitoring Requirements
  430. Emergency Pressure Control Systems (EPCS) and Car Seal Program
  431. EPA's RMP and Ammonia Refrigeration
  432. LOPC... just four letters but they mean SO MUCH to process safety engineers
  433. An emergency alarm system at a PSM/RMP facility and NFPA 72
  434. Why are the pressure vessels in my PSM/RMP covered processes managed differently than those "every day" type pressure vessels?
  435. Is API 570 your Piping Inspection/Repair RAGAGEP... Repair Requirements are now crystal clear
  436. MDMT and Atmospheric Temps
  437. OSHA's position on flammable liquids (.106) and PSM (.119) with regard to PD pumps in a process
  438. The Food Industry, Peracetic Acid (79-21-1), and the 1% Rule
  439. Safety in New England Ice Rinks (EPA Region 1)
  440. Managing your PRCS Entry Program/Procedures at a PSM/RMP covered facility
  441. EPA's RMP Reconsideration Rule
  442. Process Safety - Systems and Equipment Isolation
  443. Don't let fools scare you! EPA RMP 3rd Party Compliance Audits
  444. Ammonia release caused by a "recalled" solenoid valve not being addressed
  445. PSM/RMP "Inspection of Buried Process Piping" Unpublished
  446. The differences between ASME B31 series and API 570 series
  447. OSHA 2018 citations in NAICS Code: 493120 Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage
  448. A look at EPA's RMP Emergency Response "Exercises" requirement Unpublished
  449. The RMP Amendments are NOW EFFECTIVE as of TODAY
  450. What are inherently safer practices?
  451. Moving from PSM/RMP Operating Procedures to Emergency Action Plan (EAP) to Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  452. Fernie Investigation- Findings & Recommendations for Refrigeration Contractors/Mechanics (Video Presentation)
  453. What are "applicable provisions of the emergency action plan" for contractors working at a PSM/RMP covered facility?
  454. What is "corrosion allowance" and why should I care about it?
  455. Flame-Resistant Clothing and emblems (and reflective striping) on the garments (Size now matters!)
  456. NYC RMPs
  457. EPA's 2017 RMP Amendments Compliance Obligations
  458. Chlorine Accident Summaries (1968 - 2003)
  459. Fatal Explosion - catalyst Raney nickel was exposed to air during cleaning
  460. Technical Safety BC Workshop pinpoints two factors behind ammonia releases
  461. Can compressed air be used for pressure testing refrigerant piping?
  462. BSEE Safety Alert - Fired Vessel Hazards Identified in Risk-Based Inspections
  463. EPA releases the 2017 RMP Accidents
  464. Leave the politics out of my Process Safety!
  465. OSHRC differs on what constitutes RAGAGEP
  466. Is EPA seeking to modify the List of Regulated RMP Substances?
  467. EPA Region 7 RMP Accident Data Analysis
  468. UPDATE on Seafood Plant NH3 Fatality (New Scene Pics)
  469. EPA RMP Amendment Dates (as of 9/14/2018)
  470. A deeper look into OSHA's PSM vs. EPA RMP
  471. Process deviation indicators (i.e. alarms)
  472. Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS): Ammonia (Anhydrous)
  473. The Ventilation Design Basis begins with our intakes
  474. United States Court of Appeals vacates the RMP Amendments Delay Rule
  475. 8-hr RMP Submittal Course
  476. 2018 BLEVE in Italy (MC331 LPG Tanker)
  477. How do you update your RMP Emergency Contact info within a month when a replacement contact is not in place within one month?
  478. Anhydrous Ammonia will BURN! (Video)
  479. "Slugging" Compressor with liquid ammonia (Video)
  480. Line Break Gone Bad (tetra-methyl ammonium hydroxide and man-lift)
  481. Labeling for PSM/RMP Process "Battery Limits"
  482. The Borden's Ammonia Explosion December 11, 1983
  483. LPG leak at flange during Start-Up (DMIR)
  484. Shelter-In-Place means a RMP Update is due in 6-months
  485. Process Operators and "Emergency Response"
  486. Car-Seal Program (Revised 6/2018)
  487. WorkSafeBC Ammonia Inspection initiative Update (June 2018)
  488. OSHA and "No. 54 drill-size openings" (Anhydrous Ammonia)
  489. Should a PRD header/manifold system have "intervening valves"?
  490. Fiscal Year 2018 U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Management Challenges
  491. Scissor Lift causes NH3 leak and serious chemical burns and severe respiratory damage
  492. Why I would never ask... "What if the RV has an incorrect set point" in my What-if Analysis
  493. Why I no longer list "Relief System" as a PREVENTION Safe Gaurd in most of my "HIGH PRESSURE" scenario(s)
  494. What is my FIRST LAYER of protection?
  495. OSHA’s Potential Revisions to the Process Safety Management Standard
  496. EPA's Proposed Changes: Rescind Incident Investigation, Third-Party Audit, Safer Technology and Alternatives Analysis (STAA), and Other Prevention Program Amendments (May 2018)
  497. EPA's estimated costs of chemical accidents with off-site impacts
  498. Try to look at your next PHA in a different frame of mind
  499. Recommended improvements to EPA's RMP inspection process (OIG 2018)
  500. OSHA's official interpretation and explanation of the phrase "on site in one location"
  501. Difference between Maximum Intended Inventory and "the charge" in an NH3 refrigeration process
  502. CAL-OSHA's Annual PSM Report
  503. RMP Reconsideration Proposed Rule Fact Sheet (May 2018)
  504. Hot Work and an IMPAIRED SPRINKLER (and update FM HW Data Sheet)
  505. EPA RMP Amendment(s) UPDATE (May 2018)
  506. Which ASME B31 Piping RAGAGEP will apply to my process piping?
  507. OSHA'S revised Process Safety Management "Retail Exemption" Enforcement Policy (2018)
  508. Top 10 errors using Flame-Resistant Clothing (FRC) for flash fire protection
  509. Changes to facilities that affect a covered process (1910.119(l)(1)
  510. Diesel Tank Hot Work Incident Investigation Report
  511. National Board's position on "intervening stop valves" in Relief systems
  512. Understanding an NH3 Refrigeration "Emergency Pressure Control System"
  513. More Human Factors nightmares (NH3 to LPG Tank)
  514. Thoughts on our Ammonia Process Diffuser Tank's Mechanical Integrity
  515. Is a NH3 discharge to a water diffusion system a "reportable release"
  516. Mechanical Integrity for your Anhydrous Ammonia Hose(s)
  517. How often are you pressure testing your Bulk Unloading/Loading Hoses?
  518. WorkSafe BC - Ammonia in Refrigeration Systems (Revised 3/2018)
  519. CFATS data update
  520. Are your fire hydrants in your Mechanical Integrity Inspection/Testing program?
  521. Protecting your fire hydrants and connections per "code"
  522. How many RMPs do you have vs. How many processes you report in your single RMP
  523. Relief Valve Testing and the National Board
  525. OSHA, along with EPA and DHS, make up the Chemical Facility Security and Safety Working Group
  526. IFC's Section 606.8 Refrigerant detector, alarm signals and "approved location(s)"
  527. Is the IIAR adopting "bench testing" for Relief Valves?
  528. WorkSafeBC Ammonia Inspection Initiative update (2/2018)
  529. 4C HSE Conference PSM Presentation
  530. FM Global offers a HOT WORK PERMIT APP
  531. When your hot gas defrost just isn't get'n her done!
  532. Returning to Service after Line Break/Process Opening GONE BAD (SO2 Valve)
  533. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's Business Impact Analysis on OAC Chapter 3745-104, “Accidental Releases Prevention Program” (RMP)
  534. Federal EPA considering a "new fee" for facilities under the RMP and SPCC rules
  535. FM Global's NEW Data Sheet shares Loss Histories related to Ammonia Refrigeration Processes
  536. Ohio's new Mechanical Refrigeration Code (based on IFC 2015)
  537. OSHA's General Duty Clause and RV's "discharging to a safe location"
  538. Process Safety Training - April 2-6, 2018
  539. ASME B31.3 Pressure Testing and Leak Testing Requirements for Process Piping
  540. Human Factors and Process Valves
  541. D.C. Circuit Court Sets Oral Arguments for Challenging EPA's delay of the RMP Amendments
  542. D.C. Circuit Court Sets Oral Arguments for In Challenging EPA's delay of the RMP Amendments
  543. RMP Top 20 Facilities w/ a 5-year Accident History (Jan. 2018)
  544. Improper "Hot Charging" causes NH3 cylinder to rupture
  545. Ammonia release leads to flashfire and destruction of electrical inside conduit
  546. Dangers of process openings and bleeding off NH3 (RV Change out)
  547. Process/Line Opening gone bad
  548. What does a "Hierarchy of Hazard Controls Analysis (HCA)" look like?
  549. Break-down of WA-OSHA (DOSH) NEW PSM standard for Refineries
  550. WA-OSHA has released its DRAFT language for its PSM Standard for Refineries
  551. Relief System Design Basis Tips from Canada's TSSA
  552. When piping pressure tests go bad
  553. This is why using your hazardous material to perform the pressure or leak testing is NOT a good idea
  554. Opening the cage (LOPC) allows the animal to roam free
  555. Disconnecting "process hoses" are by definition a "Line Break/Process Opening" task (Chlorine)
  556. Pressure Testing newly installed HHC/EHS Piping matters (Chlorine start-up)
  557. CSB's latest video on the 2016 Kansas WRONG CHEMICAL to WRONG TANK incident (H2SO4 and NaClO)
  558. Flanges, their bolts, their gaskets, and their TORQUE
  559. Line Break/Process Opening GONE BAD (NH3 Pump Down)
  560. A new grade of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer means an MOC, PSSR, etc.
  561. Using codes/standards from foreign countries to improve process safety
  562. Annual SOP(s) review and training
  563. Correcting RMP with new emergency contact information
  565. Refrigeration Safety Study - Ammonia Incidents in British Columbia (BC) 2007 - 2015
  566. OH Mechanical Code Update (11/2017)
  567. OH Fire Code and Ammonia Refrigeration as of 12/15/2017
  568. 2018 IFC changes in HAZMAT piping requirements
  569. Line Break/Process Opening GONE BAD (NH3)
  570. Another fatal hot work (electrical tool) explosion on storage tank
  571. Hot Work Accident Data (NFPA 2016)
  572. New versions of CAMEOfm and Tier2 Submit are now available (November 2017)
  573. Does EPA believe NH3 is safer and better for the environment than R-22???
  574. Do regulated facilities fare better after Hurricanes?
  575. 300# NH3 release from ruptured cylinder during start-up of a refinery alkylation unit
  576. Using CAMEO Tools for RMP and EPCRA Off-Site Consequence Analyses
  577. RMP Data by the numbers as of November 2017
  578. FM Global is leading the way with revised Hot Work Permit and Fire Watch Requirements
  579. What your piping contractor should provide you for your PSM/RMP piping installation(s)
  580. UPDATE on the 40,000 NH3 release in IL in April 2016
  581. Ohio upgrades Hot Work requirements when performing Hot work on flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks
  582. State of Ohio to require NH3 RV Discharge to be thru a destruction system or have an engineering analysis stating otherwise
  583. Hydrostatic test or Pneumatic Test... which shall I use on my flammable liquid piping?
  584. Bleeding off NH3 Accident (2017)
  585. 2017 OSHA PSM activity by Industry Sectors
  586. How things have changed in the world of RMP Risks... Anhydrous Ammonia
  587. An explanation of Certified Welding from the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau
  588. "Welder Certification", What it is - What it isn’t (AWS)
  589. Chlorine Institute pulls Pamphlet 74 - Guidance On Estimating the Area Affected By A Chlorine Release
  590. Did you hear about the ammonia release at the IN Food plant that killed six (6) - me either, but EPA has
  591. 4,400 pound anhydrous ammonia leak @ meat plant (PSSR & Torquing Failures)
  592. Chlorine Accident Study (Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity)
  593. Ammonia Refrigeration Accident Study (Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity)
  594. Seal/Gasket accident study
  595. Rupture of a cryogenic ammonia tank w/ vapor cloud ignition (1989, USSR)
  596. "It's just Ammonia" - yep it sure is! (1992 Senegal/SONACOS catastrophe)
  597. Make sure your "coded welder" certification is NOT out of date (ASME B31.3 and 31.5)
  598. What does it mean when someone mentions the "VR Stamp" when discussing relief valves?
  599. What does it mean when someone mentions the "R Stamp" when discussing pressure vessels?
  600. National Board's NEW Part 4 Cross Reference Cheat Sheet
  601. Playing "Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third" - with EPA's R-134a refrigerant replacement (HFO-1234yf)
  602. Is your car a traveling PSM covered process?
  603. EPA Region 1 Increasingly Targeting Ammonia Refrigeration Processes for RMP and GDC Enforcement
  604. It took two (2) years, but HFO-1234yf is now an NFPA Flammable "4"
  605. Flaring off NH3 and a few things to consider
  606. Fatal Hot Work - Tank Explosion (September 2017)
  607. DHS's Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) October 2017 Update
  608. "UPWARD" actually means UP, which is the opposite of down in RV Discharge Design
  609. Can we have more than the PSM or RMP thresholds on site and not be covered under PSM or RMP?
  610. NFPA 51B, NFPA 241, and your Fire Watch requirements
  611. $2.7 Million in Damages from Faulty Sight Glass Valves (BSEE Bulletin)
  612. OSHA's new publication "Process Safety Management for Petroleum Refineries"
  613. Part II - BFD Fatality Report on NH3 Refrigeration Fatality (March 2016)
  614. A sign of the times for the USA and our HAZMAT Facility Siting?
  615. Niffty infrared video of an NH3 release @ cold storage warehouse (Video)
  616. EPA's new "Final Rule" Risk Management Program (RMP) (August 2017)
  617. Two Ammonia Refrigeration Technicians Sustain Corneal Burns
  618. Draining oil from NH3 refrigeration process flash fire fatality
  619. BFD Fatality Report on NH3 Refrigeration Fatality (March 2016)
  620. A PERFECT example of Inventory Management and Inherently Safe Design (CL2 & $220K)
  621. Georgia's Insurance & Safety Fire Commission issues Pressure Vessel Code violations following Nitrogen Fatality ($302K)
  622. Steps required to correct or avoid deviation (1910.119(f)(1)(ii)(B)
  623. DHS CFATS follows suit on "motive power" and application of the standard
  624. Another WRONG CHEMICAL to the WRONG TANK incident (NH3 to LPG)
  625. Your OSHA history may just stifle your growth...
  626. Ammonia Refrigeration FATALITY - Hot Gas Defrost Valving Error
  627. NC EPA RMP Inspections and Citations (2016)
  628. Example of how an Initial Start-Up procedure is different (1910.119(f)(1)(i)(A)
  629. EPA's RMP Program Level 3 Process Checklist For Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
  630. AIR ALLIANCE HOUSTON’s lawsuit against EPA for delaying the RMP Amendments
  631. A look into the inner workings of a fatal NH3 release
  633. Your Risk Management Plan details are available for the world to see - a little bit of attention could save a lot of embarrassment
  634. “What’s that Handle For?” A Primer on Lifting Devices (National Board)
  635. Ammonia Leak Hospitalization (WA-OSHA Presentation)
  636. "Layers of Protection" simplified
    PSM and RMP... Design codes and standards employed
  637. Fatality Alert - Overpressure of an Explosion-Proof Enclosure
  638. EPA delays the effective date of the RMP Amendments for an additional 20 months
  639. Washington Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals VACATES ALL of WA-OSHA PSM citations related to 2010 Refinery Explosion that killed 7
  640. OSHA's CHEM NEP Update by the Numbers (June 7, 2017)
  641. Hydrostatic Relief done RIGHT!
  642. "Safety" for Process Safety Managers
  643. "Nonincendive Equipment" protection technique can be difficult to manage
  644. Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) (Video)
  645. CAL OSHA Standards Board passes new PSM requirements for Refineries
  646. Anhydrous Ammonia unloaded to Propane Tanks (Wrong Chemical - Wrong Tank)
  647. FATAL Explosion and Fire at Acrylic Acid Production Facility (Polymerization Reaction in Intermediate Storage Tank)
  648. A MOC makes a great Halloween Costume…
  649. The State of MA revises their "Process Safety" standard "527 CMR 33.00: Hazardous Material Process or Processing"
  650. Even the Chemical Safety Board uses UK's HSE Material
  651. A PSM Audit finding closure plan may entail a PSM/RMP Investigation
  652. A pressure vessel service change (Lesson Learned)
  653. Process Safety is more than a highly hazardous chemical (HHC) and its threshold
  654. CSB Releases Preliminary Findings into WRONG Chemical - WRONG TANK incident in KS
  655. EPA's take on Hot Work Definition and Permit Requirements
  656. "Human Factors" matter in Process Safety... and @ crosswalks!
  657. Line Break/Process Opening GONE BAD (flammable butylene mixture)
  658. ASME B31.3 makes it clear that hydrostatic leak testing is PREFERRED
  659. EPA RMP Amendments proposed delay until February 19, 2019
  660. OH EPA offers nice "flow chart" for RMP Program Classification
  661. Process Safety Management Course - Advanced (4/3-4/7/2017) Unpublished
  662. State of CA ups the Refinery Contractor Safety Training requirements via state Hazardous Materials Management Code
  663. OSHA's intent with the PSM "retail exemption"
  664. OSHA, PSM, "Retail", and LOI's
  665. UPDATE: Final Amendments to the Risk Management Program (RMP) Rule
  666. 738 pound Chlorine (Cl2 ) Release Investigation Report
  667. EPA Extends Comment Period on Risk Management Plan Rule
  668. Right-To-Know Website is BACK thanks to the Houston Chronicle
  669. It's a bird, It's a plane, no... it's a pressure vessel (BLEVE 2017)
  670. Pipe Systems - their QA labels and their supports (2015 IMC)
  671. EPA amended RMP "Availability of information to the public"
  672. Worst-case release scenarios for toxics and flammables involving the same process
  673. Yep... it's just ammonia (OSHA Database Accidents)
  674. Line Break(s) gone bad (Chlorine)
  675. Is your plant speed limit based on engineering or a whim
  676. 2017 Seminar Fest Process Safety Manual and ppt (Student Access)
  677. Aqueous solutions of HCl are NOT covered under the PSM standard regardless of quantities
  678. EPA delays amendments to the RMP rule
  679. US CSB Video "Blocked In" (Heat Exchanger failure due to isolation from RV)
  680. Another PSM/Safety tip from International Mechanical Code (IMC)
  681. OSHA issues REVISED 2017 National Emphasis Program for PSM Covered Chemical Facilities
  682. OSHA's original guidance on PSM and "dispersal of inventory"
  683. Line Breaking (e.g. Process opening) is like handling a gun
  684. EPA's 3rd Party Audits
  685. How will the RMP rule impact changes to OSHA’s PSM update? (EPA Letter)
  686. EPA explains the changes to the FINAL RMP Amendments local emergency response coordination requirements
  687. EPA clarifies the new "public information" requirements for their FINAL amendments of their RMP Rule
  688. EPA explains the new Incident Investigation provisions in their Final RMP Amendments
  689. EPA explains Safer Technology and Alternatives Analysis (STAA)
  690. EPA explains the new RMP rule Third Party Audit requirements
  691. EPA explains the new RMP rule provisions COMPLIANCE DATES
  692. EPA issues two (2) letters regarding Ammonium Nitrate
  693. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit agrees that a control room's positive pressurization unit (PPU) is part of a "covered process" (PSM)
  694. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit finds that OSHA can't cite for violations that were over 6 months old (PSM)
  695. Changes to the 2015 IFC impact “Mechanical Refrigeration” requirements in a BIG WAY
  696. EPA's Amended Risk Management Plan Rule (December 2016)
  697. A breakdown of EPA's amendments to their Risk Management Plan rule (2016)
  698. Breaking down EPA's new Emergency Response requirements for RMP facilities
  699. Breaking down EPA's revisions to the Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule Unpublished
  700. EPA finalized it's Risk Management Plan Amendments
  701. 2015 International Fire Code (IFC) and Hotwork Requirements
  702. AWS updates Specification for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors
  703. EPA issues new RMP FAQ - NFPA 4 Criteria
  704. Just another "government tax" or is 527 CMR 33.00-Hazardous Material Process or Processing going to be enforced Unpublished
  705. 2016 RMPs Top 10 Lists (By Chemical & Pounds in Process)
  706. RMP #'s by State
  707. ASME B31 series for piping - Fluid Service Categories
  708. OSHA Line Break Incidents and Citations
  709. EPA recently offered more on "co-location" of two (2) non-connected processes
  710. The holidays are upon us, so it is time for our piping "holiday inspection" (sarcasm)
  711. FM Global revises their Hot Work Data Sheet
  712. OSHA's 1910.119 Appendix A, Sulfur Dioxide (liquid)
  713. OH EPA offers some RMP Program Level scenarios
  714. Coast Guard issues Safety Alert regarding “nuisance alarms”, a lesson in process safety as well
  715. Basic DOT Unloading Requirements SPECIFIC to LPG and NH3 (Class 2) Unpublished
  716. Report to the University of Hawaii at Manoa on the Hydrogen/Oxygen Explosion of March 16, 2016
  717. The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation (OSHA Fact Sheet)
  718. How well do you know your process piping?
  719. Enforcement Delay Notice Note: OSHA is not implementing the July 2015 retail exemption memo
  720. The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management (PSM) Facilities (OSHA Fact Sheet)
  721. UPDATE on Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Top-Screens and Security Vulnerability Assessments (SVA)
  722. Senator Boxer (D-CA) sends letter to EPA calling on the agency to strengthen their RMP revisions
  723. CSB Presentation on West Fertilizer Lessons Learned
  724. OSHA loses their battle to redefine "retail" in the PSM Standard (1910.119)
  725. RMP Accident Data (2006-2016)
  726. Catastrophic Failure of 500 ton Atmospheric Refrigerated Anhydrous Ammonia Tank (2016)
  727. Can my PSM covered process be a RMP Program 1 process?
  728. Do I have to count the quantities of my RMP covered chemicals in railcars sitting on my site?
  729. FATAL Hotwork Explosion @ pipeline station ($1.6 million for failure to follow facility procedures)
  730. HFO-1234yf refrigerant may end up in New Zealand Refrigerators and Home ACs
  731. California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services extends CalARP Program 4 written comment deadline
  732. Can a facility alter its highly hazardous chemical storage practices to avoid PSM?
  733. OSHA publishes DRAFT "Process Safety Management for Small Business Compliance"
  734. Ammonia Refrigeration, Diffuser Tank and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC)
  735. Ammonia Refrigeration, Diffuser Tank and NFPA 1
  736. Another example of why our Line Break Permitting should cover MORE than just our PSM/RMP covered process(s)!!!
  737. Fertilizer Canada has gotten serious about Facility Siting for NH3 Ag facilities!
  738. NFPA's 2017 Edition of NFPA 70 (NEC) will impact facilities handling Anhydrous Ammonia
  739. RMP Enforcement Data from Ohio EPA
  740. EPA announces NEW National Enforcement Initiative: Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities (Fiscal Years 2017-19)
  741. Is the state of IL moving fast enough to improve process safety @ NH3 Ag retail facilities?
  742. Appropriations Bill Blocks OSHA's efforts to revise the "retail exemption" as it applies to Anhydrous Ammonia @ Fertilizer Distributors
  743. OSHA Memo - PSM Chemicals and Covered Concentrations of Listed Appendix A Chemicals (July 18, 2016)
  744. Dow Line Break/Equipment Opening Presentation
  745. CSB Board Members Adds Preventive Maintenance and Emergency Planning and Response to Most Wanted Safety Improvement Programs
  746. New twist in DOT unloading/loading and PSM/RMP Threshold Determination
  747. California Announces Major Regulatory Proposal to Improve Safety at Oil Refineries
  748. NBIC’s NATIONAL BOARD BULLETIN hits a homerun for process safety practitioners!
  749. FY 2016 U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Management Challenges (EPA Office of Inspector General)
  750. Managing boilers attached to a PSM/RMP covered process
  751. Pressure Testing gone bad (Fatality)
  752. NBIC introduces a NEW Certification Mark for Pressure Relief Valve Certified Testing Organizations
  753. OSHRC rules that a boiler providing steam used in safety systems is part of the PSM Covered Process
  754. "Routine Process Openings" can be hazardous as well
  755. Downloading, Installing, and Running the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW)
  756. A baseline for Pressure Vessel Safety in the USA
  757. ASSE Safety 2016 - Line Break Presentation
  758. PSM/RMP Application and NFPA 704 Ratings
  759. UPDATE on OSHA's PSM Revisions (June 2016)
  760. Congress meddling in PSM and OSHA Outreach Courses again
  761. CAL-OSHA shares details on NH3 HOT Gas/Oil Draining Valve Error Fatality
  762. HI-OSHA gives Federal OSHA PSM Inspection duties
  763. How did you "Class" your PSM/RMP covered process piping?
  764. Did you ever think about the information collection requirements in the PSM Standard?
  765. OR-OSHA announce PSM Inspection Selection Protocol (VPP Sites exempted)
  766. NH3 Fatality - Process Opening/Line Break Gone Bad!
  767. OSHA PSM Letter – Agricultural Retailers Association, et al. v. United States Department of Labor
  768. OSHA's behind the scenes political battle with PSM enforcement
  769. OSHA issue Enforcement Policy Memo to Regional Administrators on "RAGAGEP in Process Safety Management Enforcement"
  770. OSHA Clarifies the Flammable Atmospheric Storage Tank PSM Exemption and why they seek to change it
  771. Process Safety Management SER Background Document (May 2016)
  772. Process Safety Management Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) SER Background Document (May 2016)
  773. UPDATE on OSHA's PSM Revisions (May 2016)
  774. Pressure Differential Between Safety or Safety Relief Valve Setting and Pressure Vessel Operating Pressure (NBIC)
  775. How strong is your MI "Quality Assurance Program"?
  776. Intrinsically SAFE instrumentation MATTERS (digital pressure gauge caused explosion that severed arm)
  777. An OSHA PSM or an EPA RMP inspection is NOT a 3-year audit
  778. What does 527 CMR 33.00: Hazardous Material Process or Processing have to do with the Boston NH3 Fatality?
  779. A functioning weak roof-to-shell seam on Diesel Tank (Hot Work Fire Video)
  780. Using a pressure vessel that does NOT carry the ASME Stamp in the state of CA?
  781. 1998 BLEVE Aniversary
  782. A part of process safety history ending this week (70 ton CL2 release)
  783. Proud moment for SAFTENG
  784. When does a process safety nearmiss become an incident that needs to be investigated
  785. OSHA's GDC for Nitrogen Pressure Vessel Manifold Failure Fatality
  786. Pipe flanges, screwed connections, fittings, valves, meters, etc. and our Hazardous Locations
  787. Inside look at OSHA's desired PSM revisions
  788. Cost–Benefit Analysis of Proposed California Oil and Gas Refinery Regulations (RAND Corp)
  789. How safe is your Permit-to-Work management system? (QRA Results)
  790. Low Pressure storage tank @ brewery catastrophically fails (RD installed upside down)
  791. Crocker Park Propane Tank BLEVE (Update #4 03/14/16)
  792. EPA releases Q&A's on Proposed Changes to the RMP Rule
  793. Free PSM Workshop on April 29, 2016 (WA-OSHA, officially called Department of Labor and Industries )
  794. What is the REQUIRED FREQUENCY of my relief valve(s) maintenance
  795. Tying your Maximum Intended Inventory back to your material and energy balances
  796. A sneak peek @ EPA's Revised RMP Rule (the NPRM)
  797. OMB approves EPA's NPRM on the Risk Management Plan revisions (Modernization of the Accidental Release Prevention Regulations Under Clean Air Act)
  798. FM Global offers FREE GUIDANCE on implementing a "car seal" program
  799. The power of a vacuum (Videos w/ Railcar and Tank Truck)
  800. OSHA requesting permission to inspect "small businesses" who have PSM covered processes
  801. Did a terrorist group and anhydrous ammonia just validate DHS's CFATS?
  802. Does your PSM/RMP utilize “check valves” as a safe guard to PRVENT “reverse flow”? (NRC and API 570)
  803. Defining our Safety Systems in our PSI
  804. HAZLOC's and "Fitness Bands" (Part II)
  805. HAZLOC's and "Fitness Bands" (Part I)
  806. BEST PRACTICES in Contractor Management (NSC White Paper)
  807. ASME BPV Manufacturers' Data Reports On-Line Ordering Information
  808. Catastrophic failure of non-coded pressure vessel (Fatal)
  809. Managing your HFO-1234yf BLEVE risk (Part 6)
  810. West, TX Fertilizer Plant Explosion analysis (videos/photos)
  811. OSHA PSM citations @ chemical manufacturer (Flammables & $66K)
  812. Failure of Relief System results in two (2) fatalities (WorkSafeBC)
  813. FRESH AIR intakes for a ventilation system need to be from a source of FRESH AIR!
  814. Butterfly valves and relief valve line isolation
  815. Example of IMPROPER welding on pressure vessel(s)
  816. OSHA's Interim PSM Enforcement Policy (December 23, 2015)
  817. EPA Risk Management Plan (40 CFR Part 68) revisions being considered
  818. Process Opening/Line Break Accident due to IMPROPER LOTO (Government of Western Australia)
  819. Risk Management Plan (RMP) Facilities by the numbers (12/2015)
  820. Worked Example of how a Category 1 Flammable Gas process can be DESIGNED so as to NOT be a PSM Covered process
  821. Is “dispersal of inventory” an accepted method to maintain inventories BELOW PSM/RMP Thresholds?
  822. Runaway: Explosion at T2 Laboratories
  823. OSHA's PSM Retail Exemption, Anhydrous Ammonia, and 2016 Omnibus Bill
  824. Anhydrous Ammonia leads RMP 5-year Accident Histories with Injuries
  825. FM Global UPDATES their Hot Work Fire Statistics involving contractors (2013)
  826. A chance to hear the reasoning/rationale behind Cal/OSHA's PROPOSED rules for "PSM @ Refineries"
  827. Excess Flow Valves and the International Fire Code (IFC)
  828. Legal UPDATE on OSHA's interpretation of a "retail facility"
  829. EPA memorandum to establish EPA policy on the effect of the OSHA's reinterpretation of the "retail exemption"
  830. A Few Good Auditors (as adapted from the movie A Few Good Men by Joe Chandler)
  831. Report of Violation Findings for Third Quarter 2015 (NBBI)
  832. Review of accidents involving ammonia (Institute For Systems Engineering And Informatics)
  833. Analysis of Liquid Ammonia Leakage Accidents based on Safety System Engineering Theory
  834. Explosion of a sulphuric acid tank (H2 Explosion - 2009 France)
  835. Analysis of Accidents in Chemical Process Industry and Lessons Learnt
  836. Start-Up Accident - Metal scaffold deck ejected out of cooling tower (PSSR FAILURE)
  838. Is your HHC/EHS a “Category M Fluid” (ASME B31.3)?
  839. Chlorine Piping design specs and joinment
  840. What is NURF in the PSM World?
  841. Pressure Vessel Failure Study
  842. OSHA PSM citations @ refinery (Document Control & $77K)
  843. Is changing the "service" of your pressure vessel a change that requires an MOC?
  844. Do your pressure vessels design meet RAGAGEP requirements for "pressure differential" between set point and operating pressure? (NB-23)
  845. CalARP looking to add a PROGRAM 4 for Refineries
  846. CalARP Regulation DRAFT PROPOSED Amendments for Petroleum Refineries Emergency Response
  847. Chemical Safety Alert: Safer Technology and Alternatives
  848. What an Ammonia Vessel inspection and their RVs should look like
  849. CFATs Program Statistics as of November 2, 2015
  850. CSB FY 2015 Management Challenges (OIG Report)
  851. Why Excess Flow Valves FAIL
  852. FAQs from OSHA on their REVISED PSM Retail Exemption Policy
  853. NH3 fatality filling nurse tank (Summary Nr: 200513448)
  854. Could HFO-1234yf have a short live span in our car's AC unit?
  855. Pressure Vessel Inspections 101
  856. Gasoline Storage Tank Overfill Explosion (CSB)
  857. Worked Example of Process Safety Information - “Consequences of Deviation”
  858. OSHA extends the compliance deadline for the REVISED PSM "Retail" Exemption (10/20/2015)
  859. Think you have control of your contractors? We may need to think again…
  860. Material and Energy Balance and "change to facilities that affect a covered process"
  862. What it looks like to go from a Level 2 RMP to a Level 3 RMP
  863. Refrigerant HFO-1234yf and Flame Retardant Clothing (Part 5)
  864. Comparing EPA's RMP Level 2 to Level 3 Programs
  865. What is the real reason for Maximum Intended Inventory?
  866. Difference in PSI Safe Upper/Lower Limits and SOPs Operating Limits
  867. Processing Facilities and PHMSA Jurisdiction (w/OSHA)
  868. Questions and Answers from PSM Webinar Sept. 29, 2015 (OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement)
  869. Learnings from a catastrophic release of 24,000 pounds of methyl mercaptan
  870. FREE Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (NOAA) and 1910.119(d)(1)(vii)
  871. DHS CFATS - Anhydrous Ammonia Top-Screen extension
  872. A REAL working example of how OSHA's 1% Rule works
  873. MOCs and Technology
  874. DHS CFATS - What needs to be done when a facility is bought or sold?
  875. Deciphering HHC/EHS Concentrations for PSM/RMP Applicability
  876. Consolidating two (2) Risk Management Plans into one (1)
  877. Your RMP and Earthquakes, Floods, Tornadoes and Hurricanes
  878. EXCELLENT short video on IIAR Pipe Labeling for NH3 Refrigeration
  879. Refrigerant HFO-1234yf is a PSM HHC with “special or unique hazards” (Part 4)
  880. Examples of catastrophic failure of NH3 refrigeration vessels caused by stress corrosion cracking (FMCSA)
  881. Is the Refrigerant HFO-1234yf a BLEVE risk? (Part 3)
  882. Dutch BLEVE Study (Department of Multi-Scale Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences Delft University of Technology
  883. Cal-OSHA PSM citations @ refinery (Flammables & $566K)
  884. EPA RMP citations for "failure to update RMP every five years and §68.15 Management
  885. Process Safety irony of the week
  886. Refrigerant HFO-1234yf is a Flammable "4" in the NFPA 704 Diamond (Part 2)
  887. Refrigerant HFO-1234yf is a PSM Highly Hazardous Chemical (Part 1)
  888. Agricultural Retailers Association's Letter to OSHA regarding the "retail exemption"
  889. Using Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (Hazardous Locations)
  890. OSHA's PSM Retail Exemption Interim Enforcement Policy
  891. How does OSHA’s revised PSM “retail exemption” policy impact my RMP?
  892. OSHA issues PSM Retail Exemption Interim Enforcement Policy
  893. 2014 Report of Violation Findings on Pressure Vessels and Pressure Relief Devices (NBBI)
  894. National Board's 2015 First Quarter Violation Report (NBBI)
  895. Our contractors and their “subs”
  896. Proposed Regulatory Changes to Improve Oil Refinery Safety (CalEPA)
  897. Plant Aging Study (UK's HSE COMAH )
  898. Will our cars soon be miniature PSM/RMP covered processes due to the “mildly flammable” refrigerant they will contain?
  899. EPA Seeks Input on Modernizing the Risk Management Plan (RMP) Rule
  900. Making the case my PSM/RMP covered process complies with RAGAGEPs (Vessels)
  901. EPA RMP vs. CalARP (CA Accidental Release Program)
  902. OSHA's presentation on RAGAGEP Enforcement from 2015 ASSE
  903. How could OSHA’s move to EPA’s “1% rule” for mixtures change at facilities handling OSHA PSM HHC mixtures?
  904. What the heck is "partial pressure" and how do I calculate it for my PSM/RMP mixture?
  905. OSHA memo on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals and Covered Concentrations of Listed Appendix A Chemicals (same as EPA's 1% Rule)
  906. OSHA memo on RAGAGEP in Process Safety Management Enforcement
  907. Another atmospheric tank over-flow incident with a flammable liquid (CSB)
  908. Example Contractor Work Permit
  909. EO 13650 Actions to Improve Chemical Facility Safety and Security (Working Group Update)
  910. ASSE 2015 Presentation and PSM Inspection Data (2/27/2014 to 3/30/2015)
  911. Executive Order 13650 - Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security Webinar Listening Session
  912. Example Car Seal Program
  913. A Process Hazards Analysis is NOT an “engineering review” - Part II
  914. A Process Hazards Analysis is NOT an “engineering review”
  915. Pipe labeling by way of ASME A13.1
  916. NH3 Line Break accident
  917. FATAL failure of an anhydrous ammonia compressor
  918. Ammonia Line Rupture Kills One Worker, Injuring Two
  919. Chemical Security Program Statistics as of May 1, 2015
  920. OSHRC on PSM, Guarding, and HAZCOM from a Refinery NEP
  921. Is a bollard just a post?
  922. Excess Flow Valves... Installation, Testing and PM requirements
  923. DIR Releases Status Report on Process Safety Management Regulatory Oversight of California's Petroleum Refineries
  924. EPA is getting in the game of issuing citations for NOT doing an MOC on "staffing changes"!
  925. Shock to the System (CSB Video on Hydraulic Shock in Refrigeration)
  926. IL Pressure Vessel Inspection Frequency (DRAFT FM Procedure)
  927. Chemical Security Program Statistics as of March 2, 2015
  928. Interesting look at some RMP Data
  929. Cal ARP Regulation Amendments 2015
  930. Line Break Gone BAD due to IMPROPER LOTO and OSHRC vacates all OSHA citations (not a type-o!)
  931. Changes in Regulation of Agricultural Anhydrous Ammonia
  932. Do you “certify” your 3-year PSM/RMP compliance audits?
  933. Consider the assumptions made during a PHA Facility Siting Assessment (Pipe Bridges)
  934. RMP Facilities in the United States as of December 2014 (Congressional Research Service)
  935. Region 5 RMP Presentation (one of the best)
  936. Anhydrous Ammonia at Refrigeration Facilities Under Scrutiny by U.S. EPA
  937. A look into what EPA expects in our RMP 3-year audits
  938. MOCs are much like WORD or EXCEL… they can do so much more than we use them for
  939. PSM Battery Limit Scenario w/ gas cylinders stored within the same building w/ NO passive fire barrier separation (OSHA LOI)
  940. ANSI K61.1-1999 Updated and is now CGA 2.1-2014
  941. RMP Program Level Flowchart (LA-DEQ)
  942. FM Global Data Sheet beat CSB to punch on Hydraulic Fracturing in NH3 Refrigeration Systems
  943. Chemical Security Program Statistics as of January 5, 2015
  944. CFATS Corporate Approach (DHS 1/20/15)
  945. Boiler Operator Attendance EXCEPTION Requirements now mirror a PSM/RMP style management system
  946. Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Bulletin - Five Key Lessons to Prevent Hydraulic Shock (CSB)
  947. Does a facility have an obligation to notify DHS if the facility is closing?
  948. Dual Stamped pressure vessels
  949. Safety systems and their functions in our SOPs
  950. PSM/RMP Refresher Training Frequency is not a 1,094 day vacation from training!
  951. Another MI Lesson to be learned - Tank Integrity
  952. UK’s HSE issues guidance on RBI Maintenance Programs
  953. HHC/EHS UNLOADING reliance on Excess Flow Valves and another lesson on pipe erosion-corrosion
  954. Congress Passes Legislation to Reinforce Protection and Security of Chemical Facilities
  955. ANSI Z49.1:2012 Available for FREE Download (pdf)
  956. Marsh 1974-2013, Large property damage losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry - 23rd Edition
  957. Another MI learning opportunity with regard to corrosion in piping
  958. Interesting PSM/RMP nuggets from the 12/11/14 Senate hearing on EO - IMPROVING CHEMICAL FACILITY SAFETY AND SECURITY
  959. The fundamentals behind “line breaking”
  960. Christmas eve refinery explosion caused by frozen pipe (Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan Executive Report)
  961. Joint Full Committee Hearing - Oversight of the Implications of the President’s Executive Order on Improving Chemical Facility and Security Committee
  962. Chemical Security Program Statistics as of November 1, 2014
  963. UK's HSE Human Factors Briefing Notes
  964. What is a service class in Chlorine piping?
  965. Testing for water in your Ammonia Refrigeration Process
  966. Relief Devices and Condensers in NJ
  967. Interesting RV replacement schedule for PV’s holding NH3 in WI
  968. Bench Testing your Relief Valves and IIAR
  969. CAL OSHA's PROPOSED PSM Standard for Refineries
  970. OSHA’s revised Injury and Illness Reporting may call for an MOC at PSM/RMP facilities
  971. Hazardous Locations (HAZLOCs) and Medical Devices
  972. Catastrophic failure of Ammonia Cryogenic Storage Tank w/ Ammonia Fire (7 deaths and 57 injured)
  973. How far would you go with the “co-Location” coverage to determine PSM/RMP coverage?
  974. If this looks familiar... well, you may need some help (Cartoon)
  975. Some interesting changes coming to CalARP
  976. What to Expect from a CFATS Authorization Inspection (DHS)
  977. DHS issues ANPRM for CFATS
  978. Process Safety and calibrated direct-reading instrument
  979. 10 years of NH3 and CL2 release data (2004-2014)
  980. OSHRC decision on PSM Contractor Training and Work Permits
  981. Purposely Setting a Valve Higher than Nameplate Stamping: Acceptable or Not? (NBBI)
  982. UPDATE - Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3) Fatality at a NE Co-Op was an UNLOADING ACCIDENT
  983. CA Ice Rink forced to shutdown by local FD because of failure to comply with CalARP
  984. EPA's Risk Management Program (RMP) Request for Information (RFI)
  985. UPDATE on NH3 Fatality... Coroner's Jury Rules on Anhydrous Ammonia Incident
  986. Flammable Liquids process, PSM, MOC and simultaneous flows
  987. API Releases three (3) New Standards
  988. Your RMP "Emergency Contact"
  989. U.S. EPA Risk Management Plan (RMP) Webinars and Training - RMP*eSubmit Webinars
  990. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Report of Violation Findings for First Quarter 2014
  991. Hazards of Hot Work on Vessels/Containers
  992. Just some random thoughts about "Detectors in my header"
  993. Catastrophic Failure of a Liquid N2 Storage Tank - BLOCKED IN scenario (Japan, 8/28/1992)
  994. UK's HSE guidance on failure modes in Refrigeration Processes
  995. SOP annual certifications and 40 CFR Part 68.200 Recordkeeping (RMP)
  996. Is your Engine Room capable of withstanding your WCS?
  997. FREE EPA RMP Training for Ammonia in Ag
  998. Does changing a Relief Valve on a “Header/Manifold” require a line break permit at your facility?
  999. RMP*eSUBMIT Users’ Manual 2014 Update
  1000. High Pressure Shutdown Switch Fails - Catastrophic Equipment Failure
  1001. Using MARPLOT to obtain your 2010 Census data for your 2014 RMP UPDATE
  1003. Flame Resistance Clothing (FRC) program needs
  1004. Another "Unload to Wrong Tank" Incident (Nitric Acid into Caustic)
  1005. CCPS Interview with OSHA’s Jordan Barab (Video)
  1006. PSM versus TCPA (New Jersey Work Environment Council)
  1007. What is your EPA Risk Management Plan “Hazard Index”?
  1008. Yep, its JUST Anhydrous Ammonia "in Refrigeration" (Part II)
  1009. Excellent Advice from a Relief Valve Manufacturer regarding how to go about establishing Safe Upper Limits
  1010. OSHA’s Request for Information (RFI) regarding their PSM Standard has CLOSED, but here are the comments
  1011. Its all in how you say it... AND its all in how you're heard! How my 12 year old daughter taught me Human Factors
  1012. Plant oil filter failure on compressor causes ammonia leak
  1013. Impact of oxygen-enriched atmospheres on fire behavior (USFA)
  1014. “Our Initial Start-Up Procedure(s) are the same as our Normal Start-up Procedures”... Guess again!
  1015. CFATs newest FAQ Questions (Ammonium Nitrate)
  1016. OSHA asking for permission to inspect PSM facilities with fewer than 10 employees
  1017. Are my Railcars on site covered under RMP? (Sulphur Trioxide and Flammables/ $21,788 w/ $200,000 SEP)
  1018. A look at what RMP Facilities can expect from EPA in 2014
  1019. OSWER Risk Management Program Evaluation Scoping Project (EPA’s path forward in determining who should get an RMP inspection)
  1020. CAA 112(r) Inspections - What to expect & suggestions from the inspectors
  1021. EPA’s Office of Inspector General says Improvements Needed in EPA Training and Oversight for RMP Inspections
  1022. Pipeline fails because deteriorated coating, ineffective cathodic protection, and the failure to detect the corrosion because the pipeline was not inspected or tested after 1988
  1023. PSM Inspection Data UPDATE
  1024. Massachusetts 527 CMR 33.00: Hazardous Materials Process or Processing (UPDATED)
  1025. The 2013 National Board Incident Report (Based on 2002-2008 OSHA Data)
  1026. Relief Valve (RV) Header vs. Directly to Atmosphere
  1027. Another example of "Temporary Operations" in Process Safety
  1028. Final Refinery Safety Report Calls for Greater Collaboration and Oversight to Protect the Public and Employees (CAL-OSHA)
  1029. Another PSM Learning opportunity (Line Break, Safe Work Permit, LOTO, PPE, Pipe Labeling)
  1030. Updating your RMP OCA Populations
  1032. Food Processing Company Settles Violations of Chemical Release Reporting Requirements (NH3 Refrigeration)
  1033. Process Safety Operating Procedures and a Certified PPE Hazard Assessment
  1034. Is your facility REALLY prepared for an emergency? (ERT and PSM SOPs)
  1035. Vibration-induced fatigue on process pipework
  1036. Are we "dumbing" down RAGAGEPs to make OSHA's job harder?
  1037. API provides OPEN/FREE access to many of their codes/practices
  1038. How rigorous is your contractor safety evaluation(s)?
  1039. Discharging Pressure Vessel RVs back into process
  1040. INTERIM CHEMICAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION ADVISORY - Design of LPG Installations at Natural Gas Processing Plants
  1041. 2014 Public Listening Session Schedule and Registration Information EO 13650 Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security
  1042. EPA Region X RMP Training
  1043. Does PSM/RMP standards need a Ultimate Work Authority and Stop Work Authority concepts?
  1044. UPDATE - State of MA Hazardous Material Process or Processing: 527 CMR 33
  1045. HAZCOM labeling changes and your PSM/RMP programs
  1046. De-Rating or Re-Rating a Pressure Vessel
  1047. CSB Draft Report Proposes Overhaul of Refinery Industry Regulatory System in CA and Urges Adoption of the "Safety Case Regime" to Prevent Major Chemical Accidents
  1048. Acting Responsibly? Federal Contractors Frequently Put Workers’ Lives and Livelihoods at Risk
  1049. ASME's Single Certification Mark (new nameplate)
  1050. Training requirements for mechanics repairing and/or testing pressure relief devices
  1051. The 12 things OSHA wants to change about it PSM Standard and its enforcement
  1052. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Fatality (TNOSHA)
  1053. CSB follow-up letter to DOT regarding emergency shutdown systems for chlorine railcars
  1054. EPA explains the difference between a PHA and a "Hazard Review"
  1055. PHMSA answers the question... Who regualtes the unloading of ammonia to a process
  1056. First (1st) Public Review of Standard BSR/IIAR 2-201x, Safety Standard for Equipment, Design, and Installation of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Mechanical Refrigeration Systems (11/22/13 - 1/6/14)
  1057. National Board Report of Violation Findings for Second Quarter 2013
  1058. Another example of Catastrophic Pressure Vessel failure
  1059. Key Process Safety Performance Indicators (UK's HSE)
  1060. New Edition of Pamphlet 6, Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine, now AVAILABLE (FREE Download)
  1061. What could your NH3 38,000 pound WCS look like?
  1062. PHA's and "previous incidents"
  1063. Pressure Vessel Accident Rates
  1064. CATASTROPHIC FAILURE of ASME Pressure Vessel (Video and CSB Investigation)
  1065. OSHA is considering revising its Process Safety Management (PSM) standard
  1066. First (1st) Public Review of Standard BSR/IIAR 4-201x, Installation of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Mechanical Refrigeration Systems
  1067. "Temporary Operations" in Ammonia Refrigeration
  1068. Resubmitting an RMP
  1069. RMP WCS and "An enclosed space in direct contact with outside air" (UPDATED 11/7/13 w/ EPA Response)
  1070. Inside an EPA RMP Inspection at a Refinery
  1071. BSEE Releases Panel Investigation Report into Fire and Explosion on Gulf of Mexico Platform (FATAL HOTWORK ACCIDENT)
  1072. What is it? Hint: Think piping RAGAGEP
  1073. Comparison of Tier II, TRI, and 112(r) Requirements
  1074. Which agency (feds, state, county) enforces RMP at your facility?
  1075. NBIC Pressure Relief Device (PRD) Inspection Guide
  1076. Principles for proof testing of safety instrumented systems in the chemical industry (UK's HSE)
  1077. RMP and Population Estimates from 2010 Census Data
  1078. Challenging PHA assumptions during revalidations
  1079. NH3 Refrigeration Auto Purger Design Change
  1080. Are you tired of pressure testing your process piping after the pressure boundary has been breached?
  1081. 3" NH3 Line Failure (video)
  1082. Control Room Management and Human Factors
  1083. PHAs and the consequences of engineering and administrative controls failing
  1084. Chemical Advisory: Safe Storage, Handling, and Management of Ammonium Nitrate
  1085. What is a "Tell-Tale" gauge and why is it significant in process safety
  1086. Pipe RAGAGEPs and Hydrostatic relief
  1087. Is the 1-U form for my pressure vessel really not a PSM requirement?
  1088. OSHRC frowns on OSHA's use of "Internal Reports/Documents" to issue PSM citations
  1089. What do I have to do for material and energy balances?
  1090. Run to failure... Can it be done while achieving process safety?
  1091. The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Report of Violation Findings for First Quarter 2013
  1092. Looking for some technical data for one of your pressure vessels?
  1093. CFATs Program Statistics as of August 1, 2013
  1094. How can I determine if my facility’s wastewater treatment operation meets the Chemical Facility Anti- Terrorism Standards (CFATS) exemption under 6 CFR 27.110(b) for the Federal Water Pollution Control Act?
  1095. "It's just Ammonia" - yep it sure is!
  1096. Executive Order - Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security
  1097. Passivation... PSM/RMP activity that belongs in the "initial start-up" SOP?
  1098. Making the case my PSM/RMP covered process complies with RAGAGEPs (Piping)
  1099. Emergency Response Program (ERP) requirements differ for PSM and RMP
  1100. Control the amount of scaffolding permitted in a process area?
  1101. The RAND Corporation memo for the CA-OSHA Process Safety Review
  1102. Draft Report of the Interagency Working Group on Refinery Safety - Improving Public and Worker Safety at Oil Refineries
  1103. PHMSA Safety Advisory - Heating Railcars
  1104. EPA Region 10 Top 5 RMP violations
  1105. Preventive Hazard Evaluation for Process Safety (Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance Advisory)
  1106. Seven Keys to Surviving a Chem NEP Audit (John Newquist)
  1108. OSHA reaches settlement agreement with Food Company to protect workers from NH3
  1109. Answering the question... Can a Relief Valve be installed horizontally?
  1110. RAGAGEPs and "the numbers"
  1111. DHS CFATS Update as of June 6, 2013
  1112. Human and organizational errors are the major cause of equipment failures in in the process industries
  1113. Ammonia Incidents in NY State
  1114. Ammonia Refrigeration FATALITY - Compressor Pump Out Valve
  1115. Runaway reaction fatality explosion (TNOSHA)
  1116. Line Break Fatality @ Refinery (TNOSHA)
  1117. Boiler & Pressure Vessel accidents by year (from NBIC)
  1118. What differentiates a GREAT PSM/RMP audit from a "so-so" audit?
  1119. What is LUP & PADHI and what does it have to do with West Fertilizer?
  1120. How many Program 2 RMPs like West Fertilizer are out here?
  1121. West, TX Fertilizer... a lesson in "process safety" and the "retail facility" exemption?
  1122. EPA Region 1 Letter to Drinking Water and WWTPs regarding Chlorine
  1123. Animation of Fire at Chevron's Richmond Refinery, August 6, 2012
  1124. How could the TX fertilizer plant be a Program 2 RMP?
  1125. Hydrogen Fluoride Study, Report to Congress Section 112(n)(6) Clean Air Act As Amended
  1126. Nonsparking Tools (USFA)
  1127. Emergency Shutdown Systems and Hydrostatic Relief Valves
  1128. OSHA's "hydrocarbon fuel exemption” in PSM
  1129. Facility Siting 101 - Vehicle Barriers around critical equipment (NH3 Tank Damage from Semi - Photos/Layout/RMP)
  1130. What are the requirements when a component in my covered process was built to an OLD "out of circulation" RAGAGEP?
  1131. The CSB and API appear to be at odds on Recommended Practice ANSI/RPI 755, Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries, First Edition, April 2010
  1132. Splitting the hairs of Process Safety (Battery Limits and Changes)
  1133. Potential Issues When Wearing Non-Fire Resistant Base Layers with Outerwear Fire-Resistant Garments
  1134. Guidance on Handling Cases Developed Pursuant to the FRC Enforcement Policy Memorandum
  1135. Transport Company indicted in SC woman's ammonia death (Unloading NH3)
  1136. PSM/RMP Trick Question (Poll)
  1137. A "Manufacturer's Recommended Practice" is a RAGAGEP
  1138. HAZLOCs and Ventilation and Classification
  1139. A flaw with referencing info in PSM/RMP Operating Procedures
  1140. Understanding the requirements of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
  1141. OUTSTANDING Process Safety Information Worksheet
  1142. Evaluating your Mechanical Integrity Program effectiveness
  1143. Inside look at EPA's Ammonia Alarm Expectations
  1144. Pressure Vessel Update (NB-132, Revision 8)
  1145. A Flammable Liquid - Line Break Nearmiss LESSON
  1146. OSHA's "Process Opening" Hazard Information Bulletin
  1147. Unloading HAZMATs and PSM/RMP
  1148. Catastrophic failure of RRCar while being steamed (Excess temp leads to exotherm runaway)
  1149. Cargo Hose Rupture and Release of Anhydrous Ammonia During Offloading of a Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle at a Plant (7/15/09)
  1150. Do NOT rely on Excess Flow Valves (EFV)
  1151. Can I count the activation of my safety system as an actual test of the system?
  1152. UPDATE: CCTV video of the Mexico Refinery Explosion on 9/19/12
  1153. Sulfur sticks and ammonia leaks... are you in compliance when using these leak detection devices?
  1154. Hotwork Safety (UPDATED w/ NEW Hotwork data 12/04/12)
  1155. ASME UG-140... Overpressure protection by System Design
  1156. What does ASME Section VIII say about "torquing values"?
  1157. Can a spring-loaded Pressure Safety Valve be installed horitionally?
  1158. OSHA issues PSM citations after run-away reaction results in the hospitalization of 40 workers
  1159. OSHA issues PSM, HAZCOM, Asbestos, BBP, Fire Extinguishers, Walking/Working, Ladders, Guarding, Electrical, GDC, Hotwork,
  1160. Hydrostatic Relief Valves and Propane Systems
  1161. ASME "Lethal Service"
  1162. Third Public Review of Standard BSR/IIAR 7-201x, Developing Operating Procedures for Closed-Circuit Ammonia Mechanical Refrigerating Systems
  1163. Sixth Public Review of Standard BSR/IIAR 5-201x, Start-up and Commissioning of Closed-Circuit Ammonia Mechanical Refrigerating Systems
  1164. Internal Combustion Engines as Ignition Sources
  1165. Evaluation of Health Effects of a Chlorine Gas Release in a Poultry Processing Plant - Arkansas
  1166. RMP reporting requirements, when to update, and how to submit using the new web-based system
  1167. RMP's “Stationary Source” and "Incident to Transportation" exemption challenged
  1168. EPA to audit the CSB????
  1169. PSM Information Collection Requirements
  1170. The infamous "Process Safety Contractor Safety Study" by the John Gray Institute
  1171. Phillips 66 Explosion & Fire - Pasadena, TX 1989
  1172. Non-Routine process opening (e.g. "Line Break")
  1173. EPA Region X's RMP "Managment Plan" Example
  1174. A OSHRC review of PSM Citations following a 32,000 pound release (NH3 Refrigeration)
  1175. Preliminary fire testing of composite offshore pedestrian gratings
  1176. Perfect example of using the "Elimination/Substitution" in the hierarchy of controls as well as IST
  1177. Keep'n it real during the Process Hazards Analysis Unpublished
  1178. Some hazards deserve all four levels of controls! Unpublished
  1179. One of the worst refrigeration accidents rarely mentioned! (2007)
  1180. What is it? (Hint: Common PSM Safe Guard)
  1181. National Board RV Testing Data
  1182. RMP Facilities in the United States as of December 2009
  1183. Re-Submitting your RMP
  1184. Putting Seward, IL 38,000 NH3 release into some perspective
  1185. Can Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) occur in Ammonia Piping?
  1186. Flixborough... the beginning of the PSM movement
  1187. VIDEO UPDATE on Fatal HF Release - 5 Dead 18 Injured
  1188. Ohio Fire Code Requirements for Mechanical Refrigeration facilities using Ammonia
  1189. OSHA Enforcement Memo - Use of Flexible Hoses in Toxic Gas Service (10/2/2012)
  1190. What is a RMP management system? (EPA)
  1191. IFC's Performance-Based Design Alternative (PBDA)
  1192. Process Safety and Ohio State Fire & HAZMAT Codes
  1193. Applications and Limitations of Excess Flow Valves
  1194. Ammonia Releases in North Carolina (1993-1997 Data)
  1195. Loss of Containment (LOC) Data
  1196. Liquefied Gas Conversion Chart
  1197. When we claim alarms as "safe guards" in our PHA
  1198. TOSHA cites Refinery $63,000 for Fatal Flash Fire (PSM, LOTO, PPE)
  1199. EPA Region 10 RMP Newsletter- great resource!
  1200. Ammonia Fatality @ Winery
  1201. Amuay UCVE Event Aug 25, 2012
  1202. Process Safety and "Human Factors" (w/ video)
  1203. CCTV Video & photos from Chevron's Richmond, CA refinery fire
  1204. OSHA issues PSM citations to a TX Refinery
  1205. How does OSHA and EPA define "retail establishment" in regards to their "exemptions" from PSM/RMP
  1206. OSHA issues PSM, Explosives, PPE, Machine Guarding, LOTO, Electrical, and Flammable Liquid citations after explosion at a fireworks plant
  1207. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Steel in Liquefied Ammonia Service - A Recapitulation
  1208. When someone tells you Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is not an issue with NH3...
  1209. Corrosion Rates and Remaining Life/Fitness for Service
  1210. Comparison of Piping Inspection Requirements in Refrigeration Industry
  1211. Comparison of Pressure Vessel Inspection Requirements in Refrigeration Industry
  1212. Hydrostatic Relief Devices vs. Qualified Operator, which is required?
  1213. Auditing Process Safety Management Systems
  1214. OSHA issues $111K in PSM Citations following explosion that severely injured worker (PSM)
  1215. Flixborough Explosion (1974)
  1217. Risks associated with Loading and Unloading HAZMAT
  1218. ANSI/ASME B31 - Standards of Pressure Piping
  1219. The 12 sections of the Boiler Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC)
  1220. EPA fines the US Olympic Park for RMP violations related to their Anhydrous Ammonia refrigeration process
  1221. OR-OSHA changes their PSM applicability to NH3 Fertilizer and the impact it will have on RMP
  1222. EPA Region X RMP/EPCRA Actions April 1-June 30, 2012
  1223. Process Safety and “Critical Utilities”
  1224. Has EPA established a new selection criteria for RMP inspections?
  1225. MI Inspection of Anhydrous Ammonia Vessel (No PWHT)
  1226. Now this is Process Safety Information!!
  1227. August 2012 CCPS Process Beacon - HOTWORK HAZARDS
  1228. Flammable vapour cloud risks from tank overfilling incidents
  1229. Excellent depiction of PSM/RMP Process Arrangements
  1230. Another "Culture" Failure leads to major pipeline incident
  1231. Pressure Testing vs. Leak Testing for Mechanical Refrigeration Processes
  1232. Inherently Safer Design (CSB Video)
  1233. Process Safety, Staffing, and responding to alarms
  1234. PSM Enforcement UPDATE from Region V
  1235. A NON-PSM chemical impacting a PSM covered process
  1236. WA-OSHA latest State Plan to implement PSM CHEM NEP
  1237. “LOPC” of an ammonia pipe in unoccupied refrigerated spaces
  1238. Culpeper, Va. settles alleged environmental violations at water treatment facility (RMP-Chlorine)
  1239. Flammable Liquid and Gas PSM Citations
  1240. What ISA-84 can do for process safety
  1241. Considering failure of engineering controls in a PHA
  1242. National Board Inspection Code vs. API 510
  1243. Process Safety and Hotwork requirements
  1244. Techniques for assigning a Target Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
  1245. Understanding ISA-84
  1246. EPA RMP Q&A on latitude and longitude coordinates (April 2011)
  1247. FREE CCPS Reactivity Management Tool (RMT)
  1248. June 2012 CCPS Process Beacon - Nitrogen – Hazard and Safeguard!
  1249. Ammonia Explosion News Accounts
  1250. EPA announces summary of enforcement actions for Winter 2012
  1251. Does your PSM/RMP included power systems?
  1252. DHS completes the 1000th Compliance Assistance Visit (CAV)
  1253. FREE COPY of Z49.1:2012 Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes
  1254. Anhydrous Ammonia Tank Catastrophic Failure
  1255. Relief Valve Maintenance & Testing
  1256. Relief Valve sizing and combustible/flammable storage
  1257. Has PSM driven us to dillute some “engineering standards”?
  1258. Pressure Vessels, MDMT, and Auto-Refrigeration (NBBI)
  1259. Implementation of New ASME Stamp for Pressure Relief Devices
  1260. Bypassing of storage tank safety features
  1261. Compliant with RAGAGEP?
  1262. May 2012 CCPS Process Beacon - Mechanical Integrity of Tubing
  1263. Are we overdoing procedures?
  1266. Ammonia Incidents in Oregon from 1993-2007
  1267. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland - Ammonia National Audit Program results
  1269. 2012 April CCPS Process Beacon - Unloading to the wrong tank
  1270. Using the common practice of “Draining Oil Pots” on refrigeration systems to examine the differences between “controlled” and “uncontrolled” releases of ammonia
  1271. An interesting "Facility Change" that fell through the cracks
  1272. The finer points of OSHA’s and EPA’s Management of Change requirements
  1273. EPA cancels their July 2012 Public Access to RMPs
  1274. Taking credit for a building in a WCS under RMP
  1275. Stairs vs. Ladders and Emergency Egress
  1276. March 2012 Update on OSHA’s Refinery & Chemical National Emphasis Programs
  1277. Does your facility “Car Seal” or “Lock Open” Valves? Do NOT use your LOTO Locks!
  1278. A close look at Incident Investigation techniques A MUST READ for ALL Safety Pro's
  1279. Ammonia HAZARD ALERT issued by NC-OSHA in response to a fatal accident involving NH3
  1280. Annual SOP Certifications for PSM/RMP
  1281. VPP Application Supplement for the Sites Subject to the Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard
  1282. Temporary MOC’s and Temporary Electrical Power
  1283. Ammonia and HAZLOC's (join the debate)
  1284. DHS Jack Rabbit CL2 and NH3 Release Testing videos
  1285. Why would my NH3 ventilation discharge need to be a Hazardous Location? Unpublished
  1286. Mechanical Ventilation - General Rules to live by
  1287. The IMPORTANCE of Hydrostatic relief valves in Ammonia Systems
  1288. RMP and Transportation Containers
  1289. RMP Program Level Determination Flowchart (LA-DEQ)
  1290. Summary of the RMP Chemical Exemptions
  1291. 2012 March CCPS Process Beacon - Double Block & Bleed Explanation
  1292. Difference between OSHA’s PSM and EPA’s RMP requirements
  1293. Comparison of RMP and PSM Chemicals and Thresholds
  1294. State of Massachusetts Hazardous Materials Processing regulation (527 CMR 33)
  1295. Challenging the NH3 Refrigeration & Electrical Classification (UPDATED 3/3/12)
  1296. Is the act of loading/unloading a PSM/RMP chemical exempt from OSHA/EPA enforcement?
  1297. Changing your RMP Emergency Contact
  1298. Can a PHA done for OSHA's PSM be used for EPA's RMP Compliance?
  1299. A reverse look at Facility Siting and Change Management
  1300. How many threads of a bolt must be showing outside a nut to meet RAGAGEP?
  1301. Hotwork - Learning from Losses
  1302. Change(s) that REQUIRE a PHA revalidation AND RMP Update
  1303. Interesting RMP Statistics - Where does your process rank?
  1304. PSM Scenario Challenge - Response
  1305. Hotwork Safety
  1306. The advantage of utilizing a Contractor Work Permit
  1307. Ammonia Gas Explosion
  1308. Use of High Visibility Vest in Safety Programs
  1309. Refinery NEP UPDATE (12/5/07)
  1310. NFPA 30 offers some GREAT facility siting for NEW process vessels
  1311. Process Hazards Analysis and “Safeguards”
  1312. “Operator Rounds” in a PSM/RMP Covered Process
  1313. NH3 Unloading Incident (30 Tons Release)
  1314. ASME B31.5 Pressure Testing and Leak Testing Requirements for Ammonia Refrigeration Processes
  1316. The power of a vacuum (photo)
  1317. Establishing your safe upper and lower limits for FLOWS
  1318. Establishing Safe Upper and Lower Limits
  1319. Key provisions of the PSM Preamble
  1320. Tracking Corrective Actions to closure
  1321. Ammonia release via RV
  1322. PSM, Flammable Liquids, & Secondary Containment
  1323. Current EPA plans call for the re-establishment of internet access to the non Off-site Consequence Analysis (OCA) sections of the RMP database beginning in July of 2012
  1324. OSHA Launches their PSM Covered Chemical Facilities NEP
  1325. Flammable Liquids Tank Integrity Learnings
  1326. Features of successful Safety Management System (SMS)
  1327. Importance of MAINTANING your Explosion Proof Equipment (Video)
  1328. PHA and Loss of Power
  1329. OSHA's Pressure Vessel "Cheat Sheet"
  1330. The Jack Rabbit Test Program Trial Summary - NH3 and CL2 Release Studies
  1331. PSM Battery Limits - it may not be as simple as "Interconnected"
  1332. More OSHA PSM Citations on a NH3 Refrigeration Process (includes NO MOC on personnel changes!)
  1333. Explosion of MDEA Storage Tank
  1334. How strong does my explosion have to be to do damage?
  1335. How did EPA select the list of regulated substances?
  1336. Another valve that needs to be Car-Sealed OPEN
  1337. Vulnerability of oil contaminated fire retardant coveralls
  1338. Contractors and chemical process safety?
  1339. Electrical Classification for Hazardous Locations
  1340. How secure are your safety systems?
  1341. Management of Change (MOC) and Procedures
  1342. Is EPA setting a standard for PSM/RMP Staffing Levels?
  1343. Anhydrous Ammonia Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Incident sends 5 to hospital
  1344. Animation of January 23, 2010 Phosgene Accident
  1345. CFATS Personnel Surety Privacy Impact Assessment is now available
  1346. Truck Drivers being your DOT HAZMAT Attendant and potential safety and health concerns
  1347. What does EPA's RMP "General Duty Clause" actually require?
  1348. Buyer BEWARE regarding offsite Operator and Maintenance training courses
  1349. Process Safety and Security Guards
  1350. HOTWORK Tank Explosion (Video)
  1351. PSM Chemical Plant NEP UPDATE March 2011
  1352. Replacement in Kind... is it really?
  1353. PSM/RMP "co-location" or "proximity" when determing PSM/RMP Applicability
  1354. Worst Case Release Scenario and Severe Weather
  1355. RMP*eSubmit Webinar Presentation
  1356. THE REAL COST of an accident!
  1357. A perfect storm in the making...have we learned our lesson?
  1358. RMP eSubmit Webinar Questions and Answers
  1359. RMP Worst Case Scenario considerations
  1360. Another Example of Torque Requirements - GASKETS
  1361. Torque Examples - Mechanical-Joint Assembly
  1362. Torque Requirements and Process Safety Management
  1363. Fire Watches and their Fire Extinguishers
  1364. PSM and Electronic Management Systems and Emergency Power Systems
  1365. Is Your Welding Hot Work Policy in Compliance (VIDEO - 5 minutes)
  1366. Dangers of Hot Work - VIDEO (14 Min)
  1367. Maintain Process Safety During the Recession (Video)
  1368. Is your Fire Extinguisher Contractor covered under PSM?
  1369. Ammonia HAZARD ALERT issued by NC-OSHA in response to a fatal accident involving NH3
  1370. New Leading and Lagging Indicators of Process Safety Performance
  1371. When is Flame Retardant Clothing (FRC) Really required?
  1372. PSM Operating Procedures Survey Conducted
  1373. Is OSHA Targeting Ammonia Refrigeration & Chlorine water treatment processes in their new PSM NEP?
  1374. States with RMP accidents causing at least one off-site Death
  1375. EPA's General Duty Clause for RMP
  1376. More on EPA's General Duty Clause
  1377. Top 10 RMP Chemicals by On-Site Quantities
  1378. Refinery Heat Exchanger Failure Fatality
  1379. Concurrent Operating Procedures…Emergency Shutdown and Start-Up after ESD
  1380. Some GREAT PHA Observations from one of the best in the business
  1381. Some GREAT Process Safety Observations from one of the best in the business
  1382. How do you define a PSM/RMP contractor and what does your evaluation process look like?
  1383. NH3 Releases occuring in NY state from 1993-98
  1384. Difference in Emergency SOPs and Emergency Response Plan
  1385. Unloading Hoses and PSM/RMP
  1386. IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding NH3 and LPG hoses
  1387. Hot Work Requirements and Combustible Dusts
  1388. Hot Work Preparation and OSHA Requirements
  1389. Hot Work Safety and learning from others costly errors
  1390. Better be thinking MOC before you do RBI
  1391. Mechanical integrity management of bulk storage tanks
  1392. Trick Question or legit question for PSM Compliance? Contractor Evaluations and PRCS Rescue Evaluations
  1393. What are "Temporary Operations" in regards to PSM Operating Procedures 1910.119(f)(1)(i)(C)
  1394. The difference between a MOC and PSSR
  1395. Staffing and Management of Change
  1396. What is a RAGAGEP?...and what it is NOT
  1397. Ventilation...Can I use it to declassify a HAZLOC?
  1398. Missed Preventive Maintenance Inspections/Tests
  1399. Emergency Shutdown (when does it get activated)
  1400. Car Seal Program and Relief Valves
  1401. How to use your PHA to write your SOPs
  1402. Starting point for PSM Facility Siting when dealing with Flammables (updated with LPG on 8/12/12)
  1403. Is your Diking in your PSI and MI
  1404. Tips when performing PHA's and how Chemical Process Safety should be viewed
  1405. Buying a used PSM/RMP facility or used equipment for PSM/RMP
  1406. Report reveals fundamental management flaws lay behind Buncefield disaster
  1407. UPDATE on Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
  1408. CSB Releases Case Study on Fatal 2008 Accident at a Tire and Rubber Plant
  1409. Car Seal Programs and how they operate
  1410. Flaw in NH3 Emergency Ventilation Design?
  1411. Managing your Relief Valves
  1412. "Lessons Learned" potentials from Japan's Nuclear Problems
  1413. Liquid Penetrant Examination (NBBI)
  1414. Guidance for Conducting Risk Management Program Inspections under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)
  1415. LOPA and SIS/SIL
  1416. Valves installed backwards?
  1417. What is the difference between an update and a correction to a risk management plan? (EPA)
  1419. Post Weld Heat Treating (PWHT) failure
  1420. ASME and Hot Bolting and Half Bolting Procedures
  1421. PSM and RMP (e.g HAZMAT) Pipe Supports... how many and how far?
  1422. Management of Organizational Change (OSHA Letter to RAs)
  1423. EPA Can Improve Implementation of the Risk Management Program for Airborne Chemical Releases (EPA OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL)
  1424. Not enough water is a bad thing and too much water is a bad thing in Anhydrous Ammonia Processes
  1425. Process Hazards Analysis Techniques (Methodolgies, Resources, and Time)
  1426. Are there any RMP recordkeeping requirements?
  1427. Rupture Disc between Pressure Vessel and Relief Valve (and after the RV)
  1428. OSHA's position on Hydrostatic Relief Valves and Ammonia Refrigeration Processes
  1429. EPA's RMP and Program 3 NAICS #'s
  1430. Catastrophic Failure during pneumatic pressure test
  1431. Brittle Fracture (Catastrophic) Failure during HYDROTEST of Propane Bullet
  1432. What is a process? (CALARP explanation)
  1433. Fire Watch for your roofing contractor may have a 2-hr requirement
  1434. Massive Leak of Liquefied Chlorine Gas (Henderson, NV 1991)
  1435. What does "relief system design basis" mean?
  1436. Response to an NH3 leak leads to serious exposures and missed shifts
  1437. Cellular Phones and Other Risks in Classified Areas (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
  1438. A look back at the first NFPA 51B committee meeting (Philidelphia, PA. May 21-25, 1962)
  1440. 5,700-gallon hydrochloric acid (HCl) storage tank ruptured during filling
  1441. OSHA Q&A on PSM Compliance (CPL02-02-045, 1994)
  1442. Process Safety Management Meer Decision (OSHRC)



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