1. PRCS fatality with LPG Cylinder (OSHA Alert)


  2. 1 entrant and 1 would-be-rescuer die in newly installed sewer (O2 Deficiency)


  3. PRCS Engulfment Fatality inside dust collector/air separator (MSHA)


  4. Defining and Quantifying "potential hazardous atmosphere"


  5. Fatality inside Railcar @ railcar repair facility (HAZ ATM 1 Entrant - 1 Attempted Rescue)


  6. Fatal PRCS explosion during UltrasonicThickness Testing inside railcar


  7. PRCS Fatality (Plastic Tank w/ liquid whey) - Single Entrant w/ Asphyxiation


  8. PRCS Fatality (Railcar) - Single Entrant and 2 would-be rescuers


  9. Permit-Required Confined Space Fatality (Engulfment)


  10. The difference between a "Blind" and a "Blank"


  11. Silent Killer in a Newly Constructed Manhole


  12. OSHA issues PRCS citations @ tanker truck inspection facility


  13. PRCS Non-Entry Rescue System


  14. PRCS FATALITY inside tanker truck - Nitrogen Inert Atmosphere


  15. PRCS Engulfment Fatality inside powdered limestone silo

  16. Does a door 68" tall and 20" wide "alleviate confined space limitations"?
  17. Is a "baler" a PRCS?
  18. OSHA finally says it... "single valve isolation is not allowed for PRCS isolation"
  19. Why the PRCS standard begins when any part of the body breaks the plane
  20. A Trash Compactors is PRCS
  21. Cal/OSHA Cites Four Employers $1.75 Million for Safety Violations in Death of Worker at a refinery
  22. Tanker truck H2S fatality - single entrant
  23. PRCS Fatalities, 1 entrant and 1 would-be rescuer (H2S inside Tanker Truck)
  24. PRCS citation @ Truck Stop and tanker washing business (IN-OSHA $275K)
  25. PRCS Fatality in tanker truck - one entrant and one would-be rescuer (H2S atm)
  26. PRCS Fatality - single entrant - NO LOTO (Inert atm w/ Argon Gas)
  27. Simple LOCKOUT would have saved a life that day! (PRCS Fatality)
  28. Worker dies inside hopper railcar (Engulfment by fertilizer)
  29. A dropped cellphone into a PRCS cost a life (Engulfment in Sawdust)
  30. Two (2) different tanker truck incidents claim two (2) lives
  31. Cellphone cost two (2) workers their lives inside a PRCS (CH4 & H2S)
  32. PRCS (Sewer) fatality due to H2S
  33. Hazardous atmospheres inside PRCS can kill workers outside of the space
  34. OSHA issues Serious and Willfuls for Grain Bin entries after engulfment incident ($303K)
  35. OR-OSHA issues PRCS citation @ winery (Single Entrant & N2 asphyxiation & $11K)
  36. Canada is amending it's Federal PRCS standard triple PRCS fatality (1 entrant & 2 would-be-rescuers) incident in sanitary sewer (Oxygen Deficient atm)
  37. PRCS fatalities (1 Entrant; 1 Would-be-Rescuer) in dredging vessel’s ballast tank (Oxygen Deficiency)
  38. Is an ammonia refrigeration penthouse a Permit-Required Confined Space?
  39. OSHA issues PRCS and Willful Fall Protection citations ($234K)
  40. A Fish Bin Chiller Alley is not a PRCS, as it was designed for Continuous Employee Occupancy (AK-OSHRC)
  41. Knowing the limitation of your respiratory protection can mean the difference between life and death
  42. Isolating a Permit-Required Confined Space is a requirement regardless of your entry option used
  43. 2020 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities
  44. OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations for oven entries ($119K)
  45. 2011-2018 Accident Data regarding Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  46. Words mean something when discussing Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  47. PRCS fatality in cyclone discharge box (MSHA)
  48. Is the "maintenance bay" on a new winder machine a PRCS?
  49. Interesting PRCS Atmospheric hazard data (BLS)
  50. Single entrant and three (3) would-be rescuer (2 were firefighters) results in two fatalities and two VERY SERIOUS injuries to firefighters
  51. Double Fatality in sewer manhole, 2 entrants, rescue unsuccessful
  52. OSHA issues PRCS Construction citations after 1 entrant and 1 would-be-rescuer died from H2S
  53. A CS rescue team that is equipped only with traditional SCBA’s is not a CS rescue team by any measure!
  54. Permit-Required Confined Space rescuer training; 8, 12, 24, or 40 hours?
  55. WA-OSHA's straight-forward standard language is something we can all appreciate
  56. A Double Block and Bleed (DB&B) ARRANGEMENT is different than an API 6D Double Block and Bleed (DB&B) VALVE
  57. Alternate Procedures for certain PRCSs in OSHA's own words (1926.1203(e))
  58. Reclassifying a PRCS in OSHA's own words (1926.1203(g))
  59. OSHA issues PRCS citations after double railcar fatalities (Toxic fumes & $419K)
  60. OSHA issues PRCS citations after triple fatality (O2 deficiency and subsequent drowning)
  61. Is an Oil Seperator on a NH3 Compressor a PRCS?
  62. PRCS Fatality @ WWTP involving contractors (hydrogen sulfide or possibly an O2 deficiency)
  63. PRCS fatality during internal inspection with inerting in a fractionation vessel
  64. Worker dies in potable water tank from Cardiomegaly and OSHA issues 1926.1211 citation
  65. Fatal flash fire in water tank (PRCS)
  66. Manhole entry kills entrant and almost killed a "would-be rescuer" (H2S and O2 deficiency)
  67. Flammable atmosphere generated within a ship's ballast tank
  68. Employee enters reactor and dies from fall after being overcome by VC vapors
  69. What does "potential" mean in relation to Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS)
  70. Is NFPA 326 a step up from OSHA's PRCS entry standards? Unpublished
  71. Is a spiral freezer a Permit-Required Confined Space (PRCS)?
  72. PRCS Fatality in 8'X8'X10' pit (Oxygen Deficiency)
  73. Isolating a PRCS with misaligning or removing sections of lines, pipes, or ducts
  74. The Silver Medalist for the number of "would-be-rescuers" (Water Valve Pits are PRCSs)
  75. PRCS (Heater Treater) Explosion fatality (Flammable atm & $44K)
  76. OSHA grants an interim order for isolation of a "condenser/water box" (PRCS isolation - 1910.146(d)(3)(iii))
  77. FATAL PRCS accident; Explosion (Flammable atm & $44K)
  78. PRCS Rescue and Emergency Services (1926.1211)
  79. Alternate Procedures for Certain Permit Spaces — Section 1203(e)
  80. Entry into a space that is a PRCS REQUIRES a rescue plan and coordination with that team
  81. OSHA issues PRCS citations at tank cleaning business after double fatality (single entrant, one would-be rescuer, $1.5M)
  82. PRCS Attendants are a CRITICAL PATH for a safe entry - who are you allowing to fill your roles?
  83. OSHA confirms in a LOI that we can ISOLATE, use FORCED AIR Ventilation, and CONTINUOUS atmospheric monitoring to enter a PRCS without an entry permit
  84. One Entrant and 3 would-be rescuers with 2 fatalities and 5 hospitalizations ($499K)
  85. NFPA 350, Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work Updates/Revisions
  86. Fatal occupational injuries involving confined spaces (BLS July 2020)
  87. OSHRC vacates fatal PRCS citations involving gasoline tank cleaning (OSHRC said it was "construction work")
  88. PRCS fatality in Flour Tanker Truck (Nitrogen - O2 Deficiency)
  89. PRCS fatality in Mine Water Treatment valve pit (5% O2 Deficiency w/ Methane @ 15%)
  90. Canada is proposing some interesting revisions to their Confined Space standard
  91. OSHA issues willful and repeat citations for a double fatality PRCS entry into a tank trailer ($497K)
  92. Is the space below the raised floor in a semiconductor facility a PRCS?
  93. Ammonia refrigeration and evaporative condenser tube failure (Video)
  94. What happens when we do work inside a Confined Space that turns the space into a PRCS? Unpublished
  95. Solvents in pits that are NOT a CS (nor a PRCS) still pose a serious HAZARD
  96. Ammonia refrigeration and evaporative condenser entry options (PRCS)
  97. OSHA citations @ grain elevator ($205K)
  98. OSHA Grain Bin citations after engulfment fatality ($69K)
  99. OSHA issues PRCS, Respirator, citations to a tank manufacturer
  100. OSHA's 1926 PRCS standard and combing entry methods to avoid a permit-entry
  101. We create a NON-Permit Required Confined Space
  102. Labeling Permit-Required Confined Spaces, Words Matter Unpublished
  103. OSHA citations for PRCS Fatality in Gasoline Storage Tank (Flashfire)
  104. SILO: Short Documentary
  105. OSHA PRCS citations @ University (Steam Vault & $235K)
  106. 2019 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities (Purdue University)
  107. How a transformer becomes a Permit-Required Confined Space
  108. Fatal Flash Fire inside PRCS (non-intrinsically safe light)
  109. Supplied Air Entry into PRCS requires IMMEDIATE rescue
  110. Pressure testing water piping inside valve pit kills two workers
  111. How does a 10-day old water valve pit obtain a 9.2% Oxygen atmosphere?
  112. Fuel vaults are PRCS's (OSHA Fatality Case File)
  113. Water Valve Pits are Permit-Required Confined Spaces (1926 Subpart AA - Confined Spaces in Construction)
  114. Double Block and Bleed - OSHA vs API
  115. FREE Permit-Required Confined Space Training (2020)
  116. Noise is a recognized hazard, but noise is NOT a hazard that makes a CS become a PRCS
  117. OSHA's Poultry Processing Industry eTool and confined spaces
  118. Has OSHA's Permit-Required Confined Space standard met its goal?
  119. Understanding Nitrogen Hazards - It is NOT a "toxic hazard" (OSHA GHS)
  120. Permit-Required Confined Space Program (w/ Construction requirements)
  121. Reclassifying a PRCS to a Non-PRCS is more than just locking out energy sources!
  122. PRCS Fatality in a railcar (HAZ ATM & $131K)
  123. PRCS fatality cleaning a railcar (Oxygen Deficient and $551K)
  124. Never has an OSHA "Note" ever been so overlooked (1910.146)
  125. Triple Fatality in Water Vault (Atmospheric)
  126. Fatal PRCS Lessons Learned (6% Oxygen in muncipal water pit)
  127. Fatal PRCS Lessons Learned (H2S in open top pit)
  128. The serious flaw in OSHA's PRCS application
  129. OSHA issues PRCS citations to railcar service provide (Fatality/Oxygen Deficiency & $551K)
  130. They're at it again... does this door eliminate a "limited means of egress"
  131. OSHA PRCS Citations @ Refinery (Contractor lost breathing air; $106K)
  132. OSHA makes it clear - difference between controlling a hazard and eliminating a hazard
  133. Another solvent applied in lift station PRCS Fatality (Acute MEK toxicity)
  134. Does an PRCS attendant need respiratory protection?
  135. Is a palletizer a Permit-Required Confined Space?
  136. Falls, Permit-Required Confined Spaces, and Reclassifying the space
  137. Did OSHA mean to define a non-PRCS differently in the Construction Standard?
  138. Company Fined $220,000 for PRCS Accident that Left 3 Workers with Burns
  139. Toluene applied in a 10' X 8' X 5.5' pit using an APR as protection (PRCS Fatality - O2 Deficiency)
  140. Dispelling the myth... entry into a PRCS requires ventilation
  141. When the Condenser manufacturer is telling you their equipment is a Permit-Required Confined Space
  142. Confined Spaces and Limited or restricted means for entry or exit
  143. Line Break involving Chlorine within a crawl space goes bad when workers have FACIAL HAIR
  144. PRCS Fatality - Engulfment inside wood dust silo
  145. Don't confuse continuous employee occupancy with maintenance access
  146. When we make a confined space a Permit-Required Confined Space Unpublished
  147. Firday follies - Confined Spaces
  148. Evaluating your Confined Spaces - when a CS becomes a PRCS because of the work taking place Unpublished
  149. Does OSHA's new PRCS in Construction allow the use of Alternative Entry and Reclassification on the same PRCS?
  150. Contains any other RECOGNIZED SERIOUS SAFETY OR HEALTH HAZARD (SAFETY2019! Follow-Up)
  151. 2019 ASSP Conference Presentation - Myths and Misconceptions of CS/PRCS
  152. PRCS Insanity has NO BOUNDARIES! (Video)
  153. 2015 Tanker Entry practices... Just SAD that so many have no idea! (Video)
  154. Breaking the plane of a PRCS and the atmospheric hazards from within
  155. Confined Spaces: Silent & Invisible Killers (USCG Alert, 4/12/2019)
  156. OSHA's Welding, Cutting, and Heating in Confined Spaces Enforcement Memo
  157. Another PRCS double-fatality, with 2 would-be rescuers (O2 Deficiency and CO2)
  158. NFPA 350 is open for public input with a closing date of January 9, 2020
  159. OSHA PRCS Citations @ asphalt plant ($89K)
  160. PRCS Fatality in Tanker Truck due to H2S and HCN exposures
  161. PRCS Engulfment fatality in Sawdust Bag-house
  162. Fatal Flash Fire inside PRCS (Construction PRCS)
  163. Employee enters PRCS to retrieve a bag liner that had fallen into the space (Oxygen Deficiency Fatality)
  164. The magic of Carbon Monoxide... Chemical Asphyxiant (Video)
  165. More limitations and "did ya know" items regarding direct-reading monitors
  166. Your 4-gas direct-reading meter has been lying to you
  167. My 4-part series on PRCS's at the SW OHIO ASSP
  168. OSHA PRCS citations @ tanker cleaning company
  169. FREE PRCS Training via ASSP SW OH Chapter
  170. OSHA issues PRCS citations after an explosion on a tow boat
  171. 1 entrant & 2 would-be rescuers die in H2S atmosphere @ WWTP (Construction Permit-Required Confined Space)
  172. Worker dies in Nitrogen atmosphere in Rail Car (PRCS)
  173. Three workers died while working underground on a road project in Key Largo
  174. OSHA PRCS Citation @ Chemical Manufacturer (Oxygen Deficiency & $64K)
  175. Labeling your Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  176. OSHA's PRCS by the numbers (2018)
  177. Paper Work Requirements for 1910.146 (PRCS)
  178. OSHRC to decide if welding in a CS makes that CS a PRCS
  179. Reclassifying a PRCS to a non-PRCS using 1926.1203(g)
  180. WA-OSHA's PRCS Rescue Plan Document
  181. Making sense of OSHA's Construction PRCS Standard (WA-OSHA's PRCS Construction Standard)
  182. OSHA issued PRCS citations in fatal grain bin engulfment
  183. Cal/OSHA Fines Foundry over $280,000 for Permit-Required Confined Space Accident (Auger Double Leg Amputation)
  184. OSHA issues PRCS citation to power plant after contractor fatalities
  185. OSHA issues PRCS citation to contractor after PRCS fatalities (H2S)
  186. PRCS personnel hoisting system(s)
  187. OSHA's "paperwork" requirements clarify expectations in the Confined Spaces in Construction Standard
  188. One Entrant, Two "would-be rescuers" Fatal PRCS Incident (2017, Unknwn Cause of HAZ ATM, Tanker Truck)
  189. OSHA FATAL FACT: Confined Space Entry on a farm
  190. Breaking the plane can be fatal (OSHA Fatality)
  191. One Entrant, Two "would-be rescuers" Fatal PRCS Incident (2017, H2S, Sewer Pipe)
  192. Father and son die in PRCS; son entered, father attempted rescue (H2S)
  193. OSHA PRCS citations @ transportation company ($333K)
  194. Another PRCS "cooked to death" incident (2017)
  195. Fatal PRCS Entry - Worker killed by agitator blades
  196. OSHA issues Willfuls and Repeats regarding entry into grain bins
  197. Two (2) years into OSHA's Confined Spaces in Construction and General Industry workplaces are still struggling to comply
  198. US Court of Appeals 7th Circuit refuses to hear an appeal involving PRCS Entry Accident and OSHA citations
  199. An "energy isolation" failure on a PRCS results in a fatality (NH3 Dryer @ Fertilizer Plant)
  200. OSHRC gets it wrong on 1910.1469(k) Rescue Plans
  201. OSHRC confirms that EXPIRED "calibration gas" for calibrating atmospheric testing equipment is a violation
  202. Did the OSHRC just say that blanking/blinding, disconnect/misalignment, or a DB&B is not required for PRCS isolation?
  203. "Dock Levelers" and Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  204. Failure of the Entry Supervisor to "verify rescue services are available" leads to an OSHA Willful Citation of $126,749 (Railcar & $204K)
  205. Changing the configuration of a space may also require a different energy isolation plan
  206. This “man-sized” door does NOT eliminate “limited means of egress”
  207. Clarifying the "continuous employee occupancy" confined space definition
  208. OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations @ paper mill ($101K)
  209. Why cooling towers should be considered PRCS's
  210. OSHA issues Construction PRCS citations @ FL manhole triple fatalities (H2S & $119K)
  211. The creation of a Confined Space... from construction to general industry
  212. Permit-Required Confined Space Alert - Hopper (MSHA)
  213. OSHA's First Year Enforcement Activities for Confined Spaces in Construction
  214. Contractor doing a PRCS Rescue Evaluation (1910.146(k) & 1926.1211)
  215. BSEE Safety Bulletin No. 003 - Mud/Gas Separator Cleaning Results in PRCS Death
  216. When contractors enter a host's PRCSs (1910.146(c)(8)(iii)
  217. Construction Companies learning that PRCS Rescue is not a walk in the park (1926.1211)
  218. Purdue University releases their 2016 Ag Confined Space Fatality Report
  219. Development of a Confined Space Risk Analysis and Work Categorization Tool (IRSST - Canadian)
  220. Isolating a Permit-Required Confined Space (1910.146(d)(3)(iii)
  221. OSHA's take on Atmospheric Hazards inside Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  222. Technological advances in Process Safety and Permit-Required Confined Space Entries
  223. Confined Space Fatality Alert - Unloading rail car
  224. Confined Space Alert - Collapse of floating roof in storage tank (WorkSafe Victoria)
  225. Tampa Bay FD reviews their CS Rescue protocols after Key Largo TRIPLE fatality incident
  226. OSHA PRCS citations @ tanker truck cleaning facility (oxygen deficiency & $249K)
  227. OSHA issues Construction PRCS citations (Sewer Entry & $152K)
  228. OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations in PRCS Engulfment fatality
  229. Permit-Required Confined Spaces and Exposure Records Retention
  230. OSHA issues PRCS citations @ transformer manufacturer ($43K; 2 fatalities - 1 entrant and 2 "would be rescuers")
  231. WA-OSHA has published their DRAFT - Confined Spaces in Construction and it is AWESOME
  232. OSHA issues grain bin entry and LOTO Citations @ farmer-owned cooperative ($411K, Egregious Willful)
  233. General Industry vs. Construction on Permit-Required Confined Space Citations (OSHRC)
  234. OSHA cites a contractor $203K for a PRCS fatality and it flies under the radar
  235. Cal/OSHA has cited a metal processing company $73,105 for serious PRCS violations
  236. OSHA cites contractor under new Construction Confined Space Standard
  237. OSHA PRCS Citations on Reclassification with Combustible Coal Dust ($20K)
  238. USGC Marine Safety Information Bulletin - Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue Drills
  239. PRCS Entry Supervisor and Rescue verification has changed with 1926.1210
  240. OSHA's new Fact Sheet on PRCS Rescue - Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
  241. Does “emergency services” mean “rescue service” in OSHA’s new PRCS standard for Construction?
  242. OSHA issues PRCS Citations @ food cannery($143K, Willful, Repeats)
  243. OSHA issues PRCS (Construction) Citations @ WWTP (PRCS, Pressure Testing & $85K)
  244. OSHA PRCS citations @ railcar cleaning facility (O2 Deficiency & $226K)
  245. OSHA PRCS Citations @ food plant (Acetic Acid/Vinegar & $79K)
  246. 2016 Ohio BWC PRCS Rescue Presentation (1910.146(k)
  247. OSHA PRCS citations @ Concrete Plant ($140,000)
  248. Does 1910.146 allow (c)(5) AND (c)(7) to be used on the same PRCS at the same time? (Part 2)
  249. OSHA S&H Bulletin - Hazards when Purging Hydrogen Gas-Cooled Electric Generators (SHIB 01-22-2016)
  250. Does 1910.146 allow (c)(5) AND (c)(7) to be used on the same PRCS at the same time?
  251. Temporary Enforcement Policy for Residential Construction Work in Confined Spaces (1/2016)
  252. Real Life Accident: Chief Mate Dies From Asphyxiation
  253. Tough start for PRCS Fatalities into OSHA's 2016
  254. Confined Space Standards Side-by-Side Comparison Chart (OSHA Directorate of Construction)
  255. Employee Is Killed When Asphyxiated In Oil Storage Tank (PRCS - Issues with five minute escape pack)
  256. Scaffolder falls from height in a process vessel at a refinery - fatal
  257. NFPA 350, Table A.10.9.1 may be the MOST IMPORTANT Confined Space document published in 2015
  258. NFPA 350: Best Practices Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work (Effective 12/4/15)
  259. Why OSHA states "entry" has taken place as soon as ANY PART of your body breaks the plane
  260. PRCS "program reviews" under 1910.146(13) & (14) (OSHRC decision)
  261. OSHRC decision on PRCS Tanker Truck Willfuls
  262. IN-OSHA PRCS citations @ Power Plant inside pulverizer (Combustible Dusts $20K)
  263. MSHA's special initiative on Confined Spaces
  264. Temporary Enforcement Policy for Residential Construction Work in Confined Spaces
  265. Is "competence" for doing a CS evaluation = to "competence" for doing a RECLASSIFICATION
  266. Confined Space Evaluations and a "competent person"
  267. OSHA PRCS citations @ Railcar Cleaning business (Flammable Atmosphere & $963,000)
  268. The five (5) KEY differences between PRCSs in GI and Construction and the added provisions that CLARIFY 1910.146 requirements (OSHA)
  269. OSHA publishes Confined Spaces: Protecting Construction Workers in Confined Spaces - Small Entity Compliance Guide (OSHA 3825)
  270. The process of isolating a PRCS
  271. When is entry rescue required and when is non-entry rescue required for entries into Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  272. How many confined spaces do you see?
  273. Would you be an entrant? (PRCS isolation)
  274. Side-by-Side comparison of OSHA's PRCS Standards
  275. PRCS energy isolation methods and locking/tagging
  276. Questions for those in General Industry work places about when the new Construction Confined Space standard would apply
  277. OSHA issues temporary enforcement policy for confined spaces in construction (OSHA)
  278. Comparing OSHA’s Confined Spaces in Construction standard (1926.1201-.1212) to the General Industry Standard (1910.146)
  279. Can you name ALL the "documentation" one would need to demonstrate FULL compliance with 1910.146?
  280. NFPA 350 Guide to Confined Space Entry and Work coming in November (NFPA)
  281. Why is 1910.146(j)(4) INVISIBLE in most every PRCS Entry Program/Procedure?
  282. On-Duty Firefighter Fatalities Involving Confined Spaces, 2003 – 2012 (NFPA Fire Analysis and Research Division)
  283. How do you comply with debriefing contractors after they exit your PRCS?
  284. OSHA issues PRCS Citations @ food tanker cleaning facility ($179K)
  285. Fatal Hotwork Explosion on Barge (USCG)
  286. Investigation of PRCS Flash Explosion and Injuries (BSEE)
  287. Labeling Permit Required Confined Spaces may not be as simple as some would believe
  288. OSHA issues PRCS citations after two workers died in Railcar with H2S
  289. WA-OSHA citations after worker, 19, dies inside "bark blower" truck
  290. UK’S HSE updates their “Safe work in confined spaces” Guidance
  291. OSHA PRCS citations involving Tanker Truck @ a producer and distributor of food products ($30K)
  292. OSHA PRCS citations involving Rail Car cleanout ($188K)
  293. OSHRC affirms PRCS citations (Preventing Unauthorized entry and Rescue)
  294. How can one argue that a large roll-off trash compactor is not a PRCS?
  295. Getting in is ALWAYS easier than getting out! (Video)
  296. OSHA cites a Grain Elevator for 1 willful, 2 repeat, 8 serious violations ($120,120)
  297. Safety Bulletin - Entry of a confined space on board a cargo ship resulting in three fatalities (Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
  298. Oregon OSHA – Proposed Changes to Confined Spaces Standard for General Industry and Construction
  299. Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies During Attempted Rescue of Utility Worker From a Confined Space (NIOSH FACE)
  300. Confined Space Flash Fire (Tank NOT connected!)
  301. Cal/OSHA Cites an industrial service provider $82,090 for Accident in Confined Space that Seriously Injured Worker
  302. Off-Gassing Hazard from Wood Pellets and Chips (The Annals of Occupational Hygiene)
  303. OR-OSHA HAZARD ALERT: Confined Spaces – Winery Vessels
  304. OSHA cites concrete company after temporary worker fatality inside PRCS (Failure to LOTO and $303,900)
  305. ASU’s (Air Separation Units) Nitrogen Fatality
  306. Calibrating and Testing Direct-Reading Portable Gas Monitors (OSHA Bulletin)
  307. OSHA cites concrete company for 10 violations after worker fatally engulfed in fly-ash silo
  308. Confined Space Rescue GUIDANCE that should be taken to heart (WorkSafe BC)
  309. Confined Space Isolation GUIDANCE that should be taken to heart (WorkSafe BC)
  310. OSHRC rules on "off-site" PRCS Rescue Services
  311. Trucking company cited by OSHA for asphyxiation hazards following worker fatality (PRCS and $113K)
  312. NFPA 350 - Preliminary Draft of Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work is Open for Public Input
  313. OR-OSHA Alert: Confined Spaces – Winery Vessels
  314. OSHRC on Permit Required Confined Spaces
  315. Paint Maker Dies from Exposure to Methylene Chloride While Cleaning a Paint Tank (California FACE Report #11CA009)
  316. OR-OSHA Delays Construction CS Standards
  317. Not designed to be occupied (Oregon OSHA’s guide to confined space safety)
  318. Cal/OSHA Cites Employers for Worker’s Death in Confined Space
  319. Confined Space Barriers (video product demo)
  320. FREE PRCS video from NY Dept of Labor
  321. Worker & FF die in sewer manhole (NY-FACE)
  322. Large rolloff type TRASH COMPACTORS are PRCS's
  323. OSHA cites industrial cleaning contractor after worker dies while cleaning storage tank at a chemical manufacturer
  324. OSHA issues PRCS citations to Brewery ($88,000)
  325. Drowning in PRCS (TN-OSHA #24-2008)
  326. PRCS Fatality - acute heptane and toluene toxicity (TN-OSHA Fatality II #4 2010)
  327. Verifying rescue services are "available" BEFORE entry
  328. MSHA HAZARD ALERT - Working in Confined Spaces
  329. NIOSH investigation of Dairy Plant Inspectors and Permit Required Confined Space's
  330. 11 Serious and 2 willful violations regarding confined spaces
  331. The infamous Phoenix FD Toluene Tank PRCS Rescue Fatality
  332. Oregon OSHA - Adopted Changes for the Confined Space Standard
  333. Grain Bin Accidents Still a Major Problem, Says Safety Specialist
  334. How fast does my PRCS Rescue Service have to respond?
  335. Monitoring PRCS Atmospheres and Entrants Rights
  336. Discussing the three (3) criteria that makes a space a Confined Space
  337. PRCS Reclassification Flow Chart
  339. Ammonia Condensers are WITHOUT A DOUBT a PRCS
  340. February 6th, 2012 PRCS Fatality in 30" Pipe
  341. Confined Space Emergency Response: Assessing Employer and Fire Department Practices (Cal-Berkley)
  342. Is a Roll-Off Trash Compactor a PRCS?
  343. Important Confined Space Atmospheric Hazards Study
  344. Entering a Cone of Safety (PRCS Safety Tips)
  345. CS Ventilation Straight Edge Tool
  346. WorkSafeBC has ammended their PRCS Std... all agencies need to do this
  347. OSHA explains their expectations for RESCUE from permit-required confined spaces (1910.146(k)
  348. Using 1910.146(c)(7) as your entry method into a Permit-Required Confined Space
  349. Using 1910.146(c)(5) as your entry method into a Permit-Required Confined Space
  350. CS Rescue... Tripods and Winches and a false sense of security
  351. Creating a Permit-Required Confined Space
  352. Would your rescue plans pass an OSHA Inspection?
  353. PRCS Fatality News Account
  354. PRCS Multiple Fatality Incident
  355. PLEASE EVALUATE your CS Rescue Service!
  357. Sweating the SMALL stuff in CS Entry can make a BIG difference
  358. CONFINED SPACE FATALITY – Oxygen Deficiency from Nitrogen Purge
  359. PRCS Multiple Fatality Incident - 1 entrant and 3 "would be rescuers"
  360. Why does Confined Space and High Angle Rescue go hand in hand?
  361. The MUST SEE confined space video - REAL LIFE TRAGEDY
  362. Testing a PRCS atmosphere VIDEO
  363. Confined Spaces: Test to Live
  364. No Escape: Dangers of Confined Spaces
  365. Retaining CS Entry Permits
  366. One MAJOR flaw in the use of Combustible Gas meters that ALL users should know
  367. Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue
  368. OSHA cites 5 companies for PRCS violations that lead to a dust flash fire and H2S exposures
  369. Using my local FD as my PRCS Rescue Team
  370. Entry vs. Non-Entry Rescue
  371. Important Confined Space Atmospheric Hazards - Study Do you think wood chips and logs in a ship container hold could produce an IDLH atmosphere?
  372. Does exceeding the PEL make the atm a hazardous atm?
  373. Reclassifying a permit required confined space
  374. Evaluating a Confined Space
  375. Confined Space Hazards that are to be considered
  376. Isolation for Reclassification of Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  377. Evaluating Confined Spaces (1910.146(c))
  378. Making sense of entry options under OSHA's PRCS Entry Std. 1910.146
  379. A Purdue University report showed 51 grain bin accidents last year
  380. Overview of the Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard
  381. OSHA's PRCS Decision Flow Chart

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