PRCS fatality with LPG Cylinder (OSHA Alert)
1 entrant and 1 would-be-rescuer die in newly installed sewer (O2 Deficiency)
PRCS Engulfment Fatality inside dust collector/air separator (MSHA)
Defining and Quantifying "potential hazardous atmosphere"
Fatality inside Railcar @ railcar repair facility (HAZ ATM 1 Entrant - 1 Attempted Rescue)
Fatal PRCS explosion during UltrasonicThickness Testing inside railcar
PRCS Fatality (Plastic Tank w/ liquid whey) - Single Entrant w/ Asphyxiation
PRCS Fatality (Railcar) - Single Entrant and 2 would-be rescuers
Permit-Required Confined Space Fatality (Engulfment)
The difference between a "Blind" and a "Blank"
Silent Killer in a Newly Constructed Manhole
OSHA issues PRCS citations @ tanker truck inspection facility
PRCS Non-Entry Rescue System
PRCS FATALITY inside tanker truck - Nitrogen Inert Atmosphere
PRCS Engulfment Fatality inside powdered limestone silo
- Does a door 68" tall and 20" wide "alleviate confined space limitations"?
- Is a "baler" a PRCS?
- OSHA finally says it... "single valve isolation is not allowed for PRCS isolation"
- Why the PRCS standard begins when any part of the body breaks the plane
- A Trash Compactors is PRCS
- Cal/OSHA Cites Four Employers $1.75 Million for Safety Violations in Death of Worker at a refinery
- Tanker truck H2S fatality - single entrant
- PRCS Fatalities, 1 entrant and 1 would-be rescuer (H2S inside Tanker Truck)
- PRCS citation @ Truck Stop and tanker washing business (IN-OSHA $275K)
- PRCS Fatality in tanker truck - one entrant and one would-be rescuer (H2S atm)
- PRCS Fatality - single entrant - NO LOTO (Inert atm w/ Argon Gas)
- Simple LOCKOUT would have saved a life that day! (PRCS Fatality)
- Worker dies inside hopper railcar (Engulfment by fertilizer)
- A dropped cellphone into a PRCS cost a life (Engulfment in Sawdust)
- Two (2) different tanker truck incidents claim two (2) lives
- Cellphone cost two (2) workers their lives inside a PRCS (CH4 & H2S)
- PRCS (Sewer) fatality due to H2S
- Hazardous atmospheres inside PRCS can kill workers outside of the space
- OSHA issues Serious and Willfuls for Grain Bin entries after engulfment incident ($303K)
- OR-OSHA issues PRCS citation @ winery (Single Entrant & N2 asphyxiation & $11K)
- Canada is amending it's Federal PRCS standard triple PRCS fatality (1 entrant & 2 would-be-rescuers) incident in sanitary sewer (Oxygen Deficient atm)
- PRCS fatalities (1 Entrant; 1 Would-be-Rescuer) in dredging vessel’s ballast tank (Oxygen Deficiency)
- Is an ammonia refrigeration penthouse a Permit-Required Confined Space?
- OSHA issues PRCS and Willful Fall Protection citations ($234K)
- A Fish Bin Chiller Alley is not a PRCS, as it was designed for Continuous Employee Occupancy (AK-OSHRC)
- Knowing the limitation of your respiratory protection can mean the difference between life and death
- Isolating a Permit-Required Confined Space is a requirement regardless of your entry option used
- 2020 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities
- OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations for oven entries ($119K)
- 2011-2018 Accident Data regarding Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Words mean something when discussing Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- PRCS fatality in cyclone discharge box (MSHA)
- Is the "maintenance bay" on a new winder machine a PRCS?
- Interesting PRCS Atmospheric hazard data (BLS)
- Single entrant and three (3) would-be rescuer (2 were firefighters) results in two fatalities and two VERY SERIOUS injuries to firefighters
- Double Fatality in sewer manhole, 2 entrants, rescue unsuccessful
- OSHA issues PRCS Construction citations after 1 entrant and 1 would-be-rescuer died from H2S
- A CS rescue team that is equipped only with traditional SCBA’s is not a CS rescue team by any measure!
- Permit-Required Confined Space rescuer training; 8, 12, 24, or 40 hours?
- WA-OSHA's straight-forward standard language is something we can all appreciate
- A Double Block and Bleed (DB&B) ARRANGEMENT is different than an API 6D Double Block and Bleed (DB&B) VALVE
- Alternate Procedures for certain PRCSs in OSHA's own words (1926.1203(e))
- Reclassifying a PRCS in OSHA's own words (1926.1203(g))
- OSHA issues PRCS citations after double railcar fatalities (Toxic fumes & $419K)
- OSHA issues PRCS citations after triple fatality (O2 deficiency and subsequent drowning)
- Is an Oil Seperator on a NH3 Compressor a PRCS?
- PRCS Fatality @ WWTP involving contractors (hydrogen sulfide or possibly an O2 deficiency)
- PRCS fatality during internal inspection with inerting in a fractionation vessel
- Worker dies in potable water tank from Cardiomegaly and OSHA issues 1926.1211 citation
- Fatal flash fire in water tank (PRCS)
- Manhole entry kills entrant and almost killed a "would-be rescuer" (H2S and O2 deficiency)
- Flammable atmosphere generated within a ship's ballast tank
- Employee enters reactor and dies from fall after being overcome by VC vapors
- What does "potential" mean in relation to Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS)
- Is NFPA 326 a step up from OSHA's PRCS entry standards? Unpublished
- Is a spiral freezer a Permit-Required Confined Space (PRCS)?
- PRCS Fatality in 8'X8'X10' pit (Oxygen Deficiency)
- Isolating a PRCS with misaligning or removing sections of lines, pipes, or ducts
- The Silver Medalist for the number of "would-be-rescuers" (Water Valve Pits are PRCSs)
- PRCS (Heater Treater) Explosion fatality (Flammable atm & $44K)
- OSHA grants an interim order for isolation of a "condenser/water box" (PRCS isolation - 1910.146(d)(3)(iii))
- FATAL PRCS accident; Explosion (Flammable atm & $44K)
- PRCS Rescue and Emergency Services (1926.1211)
- Alternate Procedures for Certain Permit Spaces — Section 1203(e)
- Entry into a space that is a PRCS REQUIRES a rescue plan and coordination with that team
- OSHA issues PRCS citations at tank cleaning business after double fatality (single entrant, one would-be rescuer, $1.5M)
- PRCS Attendants are a CRITICAL PATH for a safe entry - who are you allowing to fill your roles?
- OSHA confirms in a LOI that we can ISOLATE, use FORCED AIR Ventilation, and CONTINUOUS atmospheric monitoring to enter a PRCS without an entry permit
- One Entrant and 3 would-be rescuers with 2 fatalities and 5 hospitalizations ($499K)
- NFPA 350, Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work Updates/Revisions
- Fatal occupational injuries involving confined spaces (BLS July 2020)
- OSHRC vacates fatal PRCS citations involving gasoline tank cleaning (OSHRC said it was "construction work")
- PRCS fatality in Flour Tanker Truck (Nitrogen - O2 Deficiency)
- PRCS fatality in Mine Water Treatment valve pit (5% O2 Deficiency w/ Methane @ 15%)
- Canada is proposing some interesting revisions to their Confined Space standard
- OSHA issues willful and repeat citations for a double fatality PRCS entry into a tank trailer ($497K)
- Is the space below the raised floor in a semiconductor facility a PRCS?
- Ammonia refrigeration and evaporative condenser tube failure (Video)
- What happens when we do work inside a Confined Space that turns the space into a PRCS? Unpublished
- Solvents in pits that are NOT a CS (nor a PRCS) still pose a serious HAZARD
- Ammonia refrigeration and evaporative condenser entry options (PRCS)
- OSHA citations @ grain elevator ($205K)
- OSHA Grain Bin citations after engulfment fatality ($69K)
- OSHA issues PRCS, Respirator, citations to a tank manufacturer
- OSHA's 1926 PRCS standard and combing entry methods to avoid a permit-entry
- We create a NON-Permit Required Confined Space
- Labeling Permit-Required Confined Spaces, Words Matter Unpublished
- OSHA citations for PRCS Fatality in Gasoline Storage Tank (Flashfire)
- SILO: Short Documentary
- OSHA PRCS citations @ University (Steam Vault & $235K)
- 2019 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities (Purdue University)
- How a transformer becomes a Permit-Required Confined Space
- Fatal Flash Fire inside PRCS (non-intrinsically safe light)
- Supplied Air Entry into PRCS requires IMMEDIATE rescue
- Pressure testing water piping inside valve pit kills two workers
- How does a 10-day old water valve pit obtain a 9.2% Oxygen atmosphere?
- Fuel vaults are PRCS's (OSHA Fatality Case File)
- Water Valve Pits are Permit-Required Confined Spaces (1926 Subpart AA - Confined Spaces in Construction)
- Double Block and Bleed - OSHA vs API
- FREE Permit-Required Confined Space Training (2020)
- Noise is a recognized hazard, but noise is NOT a hazard that makes a CS become a PRCS
- OSHA's Poultry Processing Industry eTool and confined spaces
- Has OSHA's Permit-Required Confined Space standard met its goal?
- Understanding Nitrogen Hazards - It is NOT a "toxic hazard" (OSHA GHS)
- Permit-Required Confined Space Program (w/ Construction requirements)
- Reclassifying a PRCS to a Non-PRCS is more than just locking out energy sources!
- PRCS Fatality in a railcar (HAZ ATM & $131K)
- PRCS fatality cleaning a railcar (Oxygen Deficient and $551K)
- Never has an OSHA "Note" ever been so overlooked (1910.146)
- Triple Fatality in Water Vault (Atmospheric)
- Fatal PRCS Lessons Learned (6% Oxygen in muncipal water pit)
- Fatal PRCS Lessons Learned (H2S in open top pit)
- The serious flaw in OSHA's PRCS application
- OSHA issues PRCS citations to railcar service provide (Fatality/Oxygen Deficiency & $551K)
- They're at it again... does this door eliminate a "limited means of egress"
- OSHA PRCS Citations @ Refinery (Contractor lost breathing air; $106K)
- OSHA makes it clear - difference between controlling a hazard and eliminating a hazard
- Another solvent applied in lift station PRCS Fatality (Acute MEK toxicity)
- Does an PRCS attendant need respiratory protection?
- Is a palletizer a Permit-Required Confined Space?
- Falls, Permit-Required Confined Spaces, and Reclassifying the space
- Did OSHA mean to define a non-PRCS differently in the Construction Standard?
- Company Fined $220,000 for PRCS Accident that Left 3 Workers with Burns
- Toluene applied in a 10' X 8' X 5.5' pit using an APR as protection (PRCS Fatality - O2 Deficiency)
- Dispelling the myth... entry into a PRCS requires ventilation
- When the Condenser manufacturer is telling you their equipment is a Permit-Required Confined Space
- Confined Spaces and Limited or restricted means for entry or exit
- Line Break involving Chlorine within a crawl space goes bad when workers have FACIAL HAIR
- PRCS Fatality - Engulfment inside wood dust silo
- Don't confuse continuous employee occupancy with maintenance access
- When we make a confined space a Permit-Required Confined Space Unpublished
- Firday follies - Confined Spaces
- Evaluating your Confined Spaces - when a CS becomes a PRCS because of the work taking place Unpublished
- Does OSHA's new PRCS in Construction allow the use of Alternative Entry and Reclassification on the same PRCS?
- 2019 ASSP Conference Presentation - Myths and Misconceptions of CS/PRCS
- PRCS Insanity has NO BOUNDARIES! (Video)
- 2015 Tanker Entry practices... Just SAD that so many have no idea! (Video)
- Breaking the plane of a PRCS and the atmospheric hazards from within
- Confined Spaces: Silent & Invisible Killers (USCG Alert, 4/12/2019)
- OSHA's Welding, Cutting, and Heating in Confined Spaces Enforcement Memo
- Another PRCS double-fatality, with 2 would-be rescuers (O2 Deficiency and CO2)
- NFPA 350 is open for public input with a closing date of January 9, 2020
- OSHA PRCS Citations @ asphalt plant ($89K)
- PRCS Fatality in Tanker Truck due to H2S and HCN exposures
- PRCS Engulfment fatality in Sawdust Bag-house
- Fatal Flash Fire inside PRCS (Construction PRCS)
- Employee enters PRCS to retrieve a bag liner that had fallen into the space (Oxygen Deficiency Fatality)
- The magic of Carbon Monoxide... Chemical Asphyxiant (Video)
- More limitations and "did ya know" items regarding direct-reading monitors
- Your 4-gas direct-reading meter has been lying to you
- My 4-part series on PRCS's at the SW OHIO ASSP
- OSHA PRCS citations @ tanker cleaning company
- FREE PRCS Training via ASSP SW OH Chapter
- OSHA issues PRCS citations after an explosion on a tow boat
- 1 entrant & 2 would-be rescuers die in H2S atmosphere @ WWTP (Construction Permit-Required Confined Space)
- Worker dies in Nitrogen atmosphere in Rail Car (PRCS)
- Three workers died while working underground on a road project in Key Largo
- OSHA PRCS Citation @ Chemical Manufacturer (Oxygen Deficiency & $64K)
- Labeling your Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- OSHA's PRCS by the numbers (2018)
- Paper Work Requirements for 1910.146 (PRCS)
- OSHRC to decide if welding in a CS makes that CS a PRCS
- Reclassifying a PRCS to a non-PRCS using 1926.1203(g)
- WA-OSHA's PRCS Rescue Plan Document
- Making sense of OSHA's Construction PRCS Standard (WA-OSHA's PRCS Construction Standard)
- OSHA issued PRCS citations in fatal grain bin engulfment
- Cal/OSHA Fines Foundry over $280,000 for Permit-Required Confined Space Accident (Auger Double Leg Amputation)
- OSHA issues PRCS citation to power plant after contractor fatalities
- OSHA issues PRCS citation to contractor after PRCS fatalities (H2S)
- PRCS personnel hoisting system(s)
- OSHA's "paperwork" requirements clarify expectations in the Confined Spaces in Construction Standard
- One Entrant, Two "would-be rescuers" Fatal PRCS Incident (2017, Unknwn Cause of HAZ ATM, Tanker Truck)
- OSHA FATAL FACT: Confined Space Entry on a farm
- Breaking the plane can be fatal (OSHA Fatality)
- One Entrant, Two "would-be rescuers" Fatal PRCS Incident (2017, H2S, Sewer Pipe)
- Father and son die in PRCS; son entered, father attempted rescue (H2S)
- OSHA PRCS citations @ transportation company ($333K)
- Another PRCS "cooked to death" incident (2017)
- Fatal PRCS Entry - Worker killed by agitator blades
- OSHA issues Willfuls and Repeats regarding entry into grain bins
- Two (2) years into OSHA's Confined Spaces in Construction and General Industry workplaces are still struggling to comply
- US Court of Appeals 7th Circuit refuses to hear an appeal involving PRCS Entry Accident and OSHA citations
- An "energy isolation" failure on a PRCS results in a fatality (NH3 Dryer @ Fertilizer Plant)
- OSHRC gets it wrong on 1910.1469(k) Rescue Plans
- OSHRC confirms that EXPIRED "calibration gas" for calibrating atmospheric testing equipment is a violation
- Did the OSHRC just say that blanking/blinding, disconnect/misalignment, or a DB&B is not required for PRCS isolation?
- "Dock Levelers" and Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Failure of the Entry Supervisor to "verify rescue services are available" leads to an OSHA Willful Citation of $126,749 (Railcar & $204K)
- Changing the configuration of a space may also require a different energy isolation plan
- This “man-sized” door does NOT eliminate “limited means of egress”
- Clarifying the "continuous employee occupancy" confined space definition
- OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations @ paper mill ($101K)
- Why cooling towers should be considered PRCS's
- OSHA issues Construction PRCS citations @ FL manhole triple fatalities (H2S & $119K)
- The creation of a Confined Space... from construction to general industry
- Permit-Required Confined Space Alert - Hopper (MSHA)
- OSHA's First Year Enforcement Activities for Confined Spaces in Construction
- Contractor doing a PRCS Rescue Evaluation (1910.146(k) & 1926.1211)
- BSEE Safety Bulletin No. 003 - Mud/Gas Separator Cleaning Results in PRCS Death
- When contractors enter a host's PRCSs (1910.146(c)(8)(iii)
- Construction Companies learning that PRCS Rescue is not a walk in the park (1926.1211)
- Purdue University releases their 2016 Ag Confined Space Fatality Report
- Development of a Confined Space Risk Analysis and Work Categorization Tool (IRSST - Canadian)
- Isolating a Permit-Required Confined Space (1910.146(d)(3)(iii)
- OSHA's take on Atmospheric Hazards inside Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Technological advances in Process Safety and Permit-Required Confined Space Entries
- Confined Space Fatality Alert - Unloading rail car
- Confined Space Alert - Collapse of floating roof in storage tank (WorkSafe Victoria)
- Tampa Bay FD reviews their CS Rescue protocols after Key Largo TRIPLE fatality incident
- OSHA PRCS citations @ tanker truck cleaning facility (oxygen deficiency & $249K)
- OSHA issues Construction PRCS citations (Sewer Entry & $152K)
- OSHA issues PRCS and LOTO citations in PRCS Engulfment fatality
- Permit-Required Confined Spaces and Exposure Records Retention
- OSHA issues PRCS citations @ transformer manufacturer ($43K; 2 fatalities - 1 entrant and 2 "would be rescuers")
- WA-OSHA has published their DRAFT - Confined Spaces in Construction and it is AWESOME
- OSHA issues grain bin entry and LOTO Citations @ farmer-owned cooperative ($411K, Egregious Willful)
- General Industry vs. Construction on Permit-Required Confined Space Citations (OSHRC)
- OSHA cites a contractor $203K for a PRCS fatality and it flies under the radar
- Cal/OSHA has cited a metal processing company $73,105 for serious PRCS violations
- OSHA cites contractor under new Construction Confined Space Standard
- OSHA PRCS Citations on Reclassification with Combustible Coal Dust ($20K)
- USGC Marine Safety Information Bulletin - Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue Drills
- PRCS Entry Supervisor and Rescue verification has changed with 1926.1210
- OSHA's new Fact Sheet on PRCS Rescue - Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
- Does “emergency services” mean “rescue service” in OSHA’s new PRCS standard for Construction?
- OSHA issues PRCS Citations @ food cannery($143K, Willful, Repeats)
- OSHA issues PRCS (Construction) Citations @ WWTP (PRCS, Pressure Testing & $85K)
- OSHA PRCS citations @ railcar cleaning facility (O2 Deficiency & $226K)
- OSHA PRCS Citations @ food plant (Acetic Acid/Vinegar & $79K)
- 2016 Ohio BWC PRCS Rescue Presentation (1910.146(k)
- OSHA PRCS citations @ Concrete Plant ($140,000)
- Does 1910.146 allow (c)(5) AND (c)(7) to be used on the same PRCS at the same time? (Part 2)
- OSHA S&H Bulletin - Hazards when Purging Hydrogen Gas-Cooled Electric Generators (SHIB 01-22-2016)
- Does 1910.146 allow (c)(5) AND (c)(7) to be used on the same PRCS at the same time?
- Temporary Enforcement Policy for Residential Construction Work in Confined Spaces (1/2016)
- Real Life Accident: Chief Mate Dies From Asphyxiation
- Tough start for PRCS Fatalities into OSHA's 2016
- Confined Space Standards Side-by-Side Comparison Chart (OSHA Directorate of Construction)
- Employee Is Killed When Asphyxiated In Oil Storage Tank (PRCS - Issues with five minute escape pack)
- Scaffolder falls from height in a process vessel at a refinery - fatal
- NFPA 350, Table A.10.9.1 may be the MOST IMPORTANT Confined Space document published in 2015
- NFPA 350: Best Practices Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work (Effective 12/4/15)
- Why OSHA states "entry" has taken place as soon as ANY PART of your body breaks the plane
- PRCS "program reviews" under 1910.146(13) & (14) (OSHRC decision)
- OSHRC decision on PRCS Tanker Truck Willfuls
- IN-OSHA PRCS citations @ Power Plant inside pulverizer (Combustible Dusts $20K)
- MSHA's special initiative on Confined Spaces
- Temporary Enforcement Policy for Residential Construction Work in Confined Spaces
- Is "competence" for doing a CS evaluation = to "competence" for doing a RECLASSIFICATION
- Confined Space Evaluations and a "competent person"
- OSHA PRCS citations @ Railcar Cleaning business (Flammable Atmosphere & $963,000)
- The five (5) KEY differences between PRCSs in GI and Construction and the added provisions that CLARIFY 1910.146 requirements (OSHA)
- OSHA publishes Confined Spaces: Protecting Construction Workers in Confined Spaces - Small Entity Compliance Guide (OSHA 3825)
- The process of isolating a PRCS
- When is entry rescue required and when is non-entry rescue required for entries into Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- How many confined spaces do you see?
- Would you be an entrant? (PRCS isolation)
- Side-by-Side comparison of OSHA's PRCS Standards
- PRCS energy isolation methods and locking/tagging
- Questions for those in General Industry work places about when the new Construction Confined Space standard would apply
- OSHA issues temporary enforcement policy for confined spaces in construction (OSHA)
- Comparing OSHA’s Confined Spaces in Construction standard (1926.1201-.1212) to the General Industry Standard (1910.146)
- Can you name ALL the "documentation" one would need to demonstrate FULL compliance with 1910.146?
- NFPA 350 Guide to Confined Space Entry and Work coming in November (NFPA)
- Why is 1910.146(j)(4) INVISIBLE in most every PRCS Entry Program/Procedure?
- On-Duty Firefighter Fatalities Involving Confined Spaces, 2003 – 2012 (NFPA Fire Analysis and Research Division)
- How do you comply with debriefing contractors after they exit your PRCS?
- OSHA issues PRCS Citations @ food tanker cleaning facility ($179K)
- Fatal Hotwork Explosion on Barge (USCG)
- Investigation of PRCS Flash Explosion and Injuries (BSEE)
- Labeling Permit Required Confined Spaces may not be as simple as some would believe
- OSHA issues PRCS citations after two workers died in Railcar with H2S
- WA-OSHA citations after worker, 19, dies inside "bark blower" truck
- UK’S HSE updates their “Safe work in confined spaces” Guidance
- OSHA PRCS citations involving Tanker Truck @ a producer and distributor of food products ($30K)
- OSHA PRCS citations involving Rail Car cleanout ($188K)
- OSHRC affirms PRCS citations (Preventing Unauthorized entry and Rescue)
- How can one argue that a large roll-off trash compactor is not a PRCS?
- Getting in is ALWAYS easier than getting out! (Video)
- OSHA cites a Grain Elevator for 1 willful, 2 repeat, 8 serious violations ($120,120)
- Safety Bulletin - Entry of a confined space on board a cargo ship resulting in three fatalities (Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
- Oregon OSHA – Proposed Changes to Confined Spaces Standard for General Industry and Construction
- Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies During Attempted Rescue of Utility Worker From a Confined Space (NIOSH FACE)
- Confined Space Flash Fire (Tank NOT connected!)
- Cal/OSHA Cites an industrial service provider $82,090 for Accident in Confined Space that Seriously Injured Worker
- Off-Gassing Hazard from Wood Pellets and Chips (The Annals of Occupational Hygiene)
- OR-OSHA HAZARD ALERT: Confined Spaces – Winery Vessels
- OSHA cites concrete company after temporary worker fatality inside PRCS (Failure to LOTO and $303,900)
- ASU’s (Air Separation Units) Nitrogen Fatality
- Calibrating and Testing Direct-Reading Portable Gas Monitors (OSHA Bulletin)
- OSHA cites concrete company for 10 violations after worker fatally engulfed in fly-ash silo
- Confined Space Rescue GUIDANCE that should be taken to heart (WorkSafe BC)
- Confined Space Isolation GUIDANCE that should be taken to heart (WorkSafe BC)
- OSHRC rules on "off-site" PRCS Rescue Services
- Trucking company cited by OSHA for asphyxiation hazards following worker fatality (PRCS and $113K)
- NFPA 350 - Preliminary Draft of Guide for Safe Confined Space Entry and Work is Open for Public Input
- OR-OSHA Alert: Confined Spaces – Winery Vessels
- OSHRC on Permit Required Confined Spaces
- Paint Maker Dies from Exposure to Methylene Chloride While Cleaning a Paint Tank (California FACE Report #11CA009)
- OR-OSHA Delays Construction CS Standards
- Not designed to be occupied (Oregon OSHA’s guide to confined space safety)
- Cal/OSHA Cites Employers for Worker’s Death in Confined Space
- Confined Space Barriers (video product demo)
- FREE PRCS video from NY Dept of Labor
- Worker & FF die in sewer manhole (NY-FACE)
- Large rolloff type TRASH COMPACTORS are PRCS's
- OSHA cites industrial cleaning contractor after worker dies while cleaning storage tank at a chemical manufacturer
- OSHA issues PRCS citations to Brewery ($88,000)
- Drowning in PRCS (TN-OSHA #24-2008)
- PRCS Fatality - acute heptane and toluene toxicity (TN-OSHA Fatality II #4 2010)
- Verifying rescue services are "available" BEFORE entry
- MSHA HAZARD ALERT - Working in Confined Spaces
- NIOSH investigation of Dairy Plant Inspectors and Permit Required Confined Space's
- 11 Serious and 2 willful violations regarding confined spaces
- The infamous Phoenix FD Toluene Tank PRCS Rescue Fatality
- Oregon OSHA - Adopted Changes for the Confined Space Standard
- Grain Bin Accidents Still a Major Problem, Says Safety Specialist
- How fast does my PRCS Rescue Service have to respond?
- Monitoring PRCS Atmospheres and Entrants Rights
- Discussing the three (3) criteria that makes a space a Confined Space
- PRCS Reclassification Flow Chart
- Ammonia Condensers are WITHOUT A DOUBT a PRCS
- February 6th, 2012 PRCS Fatality in 30" Pipe
- Confined Space Emergency Response: Assessing Employer and Fire Department Practices (Cal-Berkley)
- Is a Roll-Off Trash Compactor a PRCS?
- Important Confined Space Atmospheric Hazards Study
- Entering a Cone of Safety (PRCS Safety Tips)
- CS Ventilation Straight Edge Tool
- WorkSafeBC has ammended their PRCS Std... all agencies need to do this
- OSHA explains their expectations for RESCUE from permit-required confined spaces (1910.146(k)
- Using 1910.146(c)(7) as your entry method into a Permit-Required Confined Space
- Using 1910.146(c)(5) as your entry method into a Permit-Required Confined Space
- CS Rescue... Tripods and Winches and a false sense of security
- Creating a Permit-Required Confined Space
- Would your rescue plans pass an OSHA Inspection?
- PRCS Fatality News Account
- PRCS Multiple Fatality Incident
- PLEASE EVALUATE your CS Rescue Service!
- Sweating the SMALL stuff in CS Entry can make a BIG difference
- CONFINED SPACE FATALITY – Oxygen Deficiency from Nitrogen Purge
- PRCS Multiple Fatality Incident - 1 entrant and 3 "would be rescuers"
- Why does Confined Space and High Angle Rescue go hand in hand?
- The MUST SEE confined space video - REAL LIFE TRAGEDY
- Testing a PRCS atmosphere VIDEO
- Confined Spaces: Test to Live
- No Escape: Dangers of Confined Spaces
- Retaining CS Entry Permits
- One MAJOR flaw in the use of Combustible Gas meters that ALL users should know
- Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue
- OSHA cites 5 companies for PRCS violations that lead to a dust flash fire and H2S exposures
- Using my local FD as my PRCS Rescue Team
- Entry vs. Non-Entry Rescue
- Important Confined Space Atmospheric Hazards - Study Do you think wood chips and logs in a ship container hold could produce an IDLH atmosphere?
- Does exceeding the PEL make the atm a hazardous atm?
- Reclassifying a permit required confined space
- Evaluating a Confined Space
- Confined Space Hazards that are to be considered
- Isolation for Reclassification of Permit-Required Confined Spaces
- Evaluating Confined Spaces (1910.146(c))
- Making sense of entry options under OSHA's PRCS Entry Std. 1910.146
- A Purdue University report showed 51 grain bin accidents last year
- Overview of the Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard
- OSHA's PRCS Decision Flow Chart
Confined Space Entry and Rescue INDEX (381 postings as of 1/1/2023)
Partner Organizations
I am proud to announce that The Chlorine Institute and SAFTENG have extended our"Partners in Safety" agreement for another year (2025) CI Members, send me an e-mail to request your FREE SAFTENG membership
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