I have discussed this approach before but think it is worth repeating. In our SMS/Safety Process, we need to view the men and women who do our dirty and dangerous work as our "customers," just like we view our business customers through the lens of our Quality Management System (QMS).
Imagine the outcome if we sent our customers a lousy product. There would be a loss of trust and credibility with those customers. The same applies when we put forth a lousy product to our employees and contractors - we suffer a loss of trust and credibility.
In our Quality Management System (QMS), we sample our raw materials, manufacturing process(s), and finished product(s) to ensure that the final product(s) that reach our customers meet their specifications.
In safety, we should be doing the same thing; however, rather than sampling raw materials, manufacturing process(s), and finished product(s), we continuously sample the activities within the elements of our SMS/Safety Process, the behaviors within it (including management behaviors/involvement/leadership), and the physical working environment where the men and women who do our dirty and dangerous work spend their time.
This safety assurance (SA) sampling effort will be developed, implemented, and managed precisely as the quality assurance (QA) sampling was. When, Where, and how often we sample our SMS/Safety Process is critical to the outcomes AND building trust and credibility with our employees and contractors. Safety assurance (SA) sampling will play a critical role within our SMS, much like quality assurance (QA) sampling, which plays a critical role in maintaining our trust and credibility with our customers.
Just remember, it is the men and women who do our dirty and dangerous work who make our products for our customers, and their ability to do so consistently is driven by our ability to keep them working safely. In that sense, safety can make or break a business.
[My] Safety Thought of the Week - Manage Safety the same as Quality
Partner Organizations I am proud to announce that The Chlorine Institute and SAFTENG have extended our"Partners in Safety" agreement for another year (2025) CI Members, send me an e-mail to request your FREE SAFTENG membership
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