OSHA Respiratory Protection in 2022 : Membership Content
Cathodic Protection and the Utilization of Metallic Bonding to Control Hazardous Energy
OSHA EXIT signs and ISO's international emergency exit symbol as defined in ISO 7010 (OSHA LOI)
OSHA HAZWOPER Activity in 2022
OSHA LOTO Activity in 2022
OSHA PRCS Activity in 2022
OSHA PSM Activity in 2022
OSHA Activity in Chemical Manufacturing Sector (NAICS 325)
OSHA Top Industries for Penalties $ (2022)
OSHA Top Industries for Inspections (2022)
OSHA Top Industries for Citations (2022)
OSHA compliance update 2022
How can improperly maintained eyewash stations cause infections?
Emergency egress and Security Turnstiles
Improving the means of egress illumination
Buyer Beware - OSHA 10-Hour General Industry course does NOT make a facility compliant
CALOSHA's revises its Controls for Hazardous Energies Guide
Covid-19: OSHA’s enforcement activities did not sufficiently protect workers from pandemic health hazards
"Distance" as a passive mitigation measure
Flashback arrestors are PROTECTION devices, not prevention devices
CT-OSHA also pushing ANSI Z358.1-2014
NV-OSHA adopts ANSI Z358.1-2014
Legionnaires Disease death from cooling mist fan
OSHA issues Hazard Letter regarding cannabis production and grinding process
City of New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a performance audit of the City of New Orleans’ (City) Department of Safety and Permits (S&P)
WA-OSHA issues 46 serious and 17 general safety and health violations @ manufacturing facility/terminal ($192K)
UN's GHS Rev.7 presentation
Worker nearly died after co-worker turned on concrete mixer
OSHA announces changes to the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP) to strengthen enforcement, improve compliance
Hearing Protection is the perfect example of why there is a Hierarchy of Controls
Alabama Plastic company charged in worker's death
- And we're the slow pokes (Hearing Protection)
- Using LPG Torch inside silo (Flash Fire fatality)
- Administrative control weaknesses (PIT vs Worker)
- Raised forklift forks, hydraulic hose, and gravity leads to fatal accident
- OSHA, old man winter, and outdoor exit routes
- Clarification on 24' fixed ladder requirements (fall protection system vs. cage)
- Can I have a single SDS or do I need an SDS from each supplier?
- OSHA’s Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS)
- The COVID ETS is not like 1910.1030!
- 2021 OSHA HAZWOPER (1910.120) activity by Industry Sectors
- 2021 OSHA PSM activity by Industry Sectors
- 2021 OSHA PRCS activity by Industry Sectors
- 2021 OSHA LOTO activity by Industry Sectors
- OSHA publishes its Heat Initiative: Inspection Guidance
- Improper cleaning and lubricating breakers leads to explosion
- The Federal Railroad Administration and it's Performance-Oriented RRP
- 1910.178 3-year evaluations and 1910.147 periodic inspections
- What the heck is 5-footcandles, why does it matter, and what does it look like?
- Size Matters... ever heard that one before? Consider NFPA 70E Shock Protection Boundaries when laying out production machines/equipment
- OSHA's 1910.94 is very limited in application, so what is one to do when needing to design a ventilation/exhaust safety system?
- Measurement of unguarded, rotating shaft ends (1910.219(c)(4)(i)
- OR-OSHA points out how we can go 100% electronic with our SDSs
- OSHA updates their COVID FAQs as it relates to "employer required vacinations"
- Hazards of hydrostatic testing
- How close can we get to hot piping/equipment before it requires guarding? (ASTM C1055)
- My first exposure to Safe Work Permits was because of OSHA's HAZ COMM standard - not PSM
- EXCELLENT Noise Management Tools from across the pond (HSE)
- Validating your electrical meter BEFORE testing on the isolated circuit
- OSHA's Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Worker (32) was crushed in mattress packaging machine
- Most Frequently Cited Serious Violations - General Industry FY2020
- Hazards of CO2 Extinguishing Systems (OSHA Bulletin)
- Incorporated by Reference (IBR) database
- Actions Needed to Improve Reporting of Summary Injury and Illness Data (2021)
- OSHA's position on making flammable gas subcategories 1A and 1B
- Do you have a “RED TAG” program in place for your fixed fire protection systems?
- OSHA proposing to update the HAZCOM standard to align with UN's GHS 7th revision
- Damaged electrical wire inside cabinet causes electrocution OUTSIDE of cabinet
- Does the IFC 2021 require fire extinguishers on forklifts?
- 2020 Fatal Combined (MSHA)
- The LIMITED MEANS to perform electrically "energized work"
- Some Major Changes for NFPA 70E 2021 Edition
- Argon cylinders leak causing 4 employees to be hospitalized
- Inert Gas hazards associated with MIG (metal inert gas) and TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding
- With the changing political winds in D.C. comes changes to OSHA and our safety programs
- OSHA HAZWOPER Inspection Activity (10/2019 thru 9/2020)
- OSHA Respirator Inspection Activity (10/2019 thru 9/2020)
- OSHA PRCS Inspection Activity (10/2019 thru 9/2020)
- OSHA LOTO Inspection Activity (10/2019 thru 9/2020)
- Your Air Receiver is a pressure vessel!
- OSHA addresses on-line/virtual training methods once again!
- Electrical protective equipment - testing intervals for rubber insulating gloves
- OSHRC vacates a machine guarding citation where employee was severly injured
- Are you making a "proprietary blend" from your chemicals? (NH3 and Nitriding)
- Chemical container labeling, GHS Pictograms, NFPA 704, and HMIS and the dead horse!
- CNC door interlock bypassed (Fatality & $70K Willful)
- OSHA issues Willful GDC 5(a)(1) Citation for fatal Propylene Explosion (Propylene & $143K)
- Employers Seeking Relief Under Temporary Enforcement Guidance (Respiratory Protection)
- More COVID-19 safety and OSHA inspections (HAZCOM and Flammable Liquids)
- Addressing Hazardous Area Electrical Installations (USCG)
- How high are your loading docks? (1910.28(b)(1))
- The sad state of Hazard Communications in safety
- Cigarette lighters in pockets during hotwork - Allow or Prohibit?
- Another welding on used container fatality
- OSHA issues a new CPL for Silca Exposures
- The internet sensation... face coverings can cause headaches due to lack of Oxygen (Truth or Fiction?)
- OSHA HAZ COM citiations after Nitrogen asphyxiation fatality
- OSHA, Hot Work, and our Grandfathers
- OSHA Discretion in Enforcement when Considering an Employer's Good Faith Efforts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- How fast is a 10 cm/sec flame front?
- Combustible Dust and the 8th Revision of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
- Interim final rule to update the regulatory requirements NIOSH to test and approve PAPRs
- Fire Code and CLOSED and OPEN Systems
- What is a Vertical Standard vs a Horizontal Standard?
- And you wonder why OSHA writes these standards (Exit height and Working Order)
- Free EHS Web Training (Listing of Resources)
- Don't forget "building construction" in your PSSR
- The mortality rate is really low for COVID-19 so this is overkill (all pun intended)...
- Working from Home and OSHA
- Worker connected breathing hood into a Nitrogen system rather than breathing air system
- Pressure Test gone bad (Pneumatic)
- Pneumatic pressure testing of plant air piping system gone bad (Fatality and Injury)
- Safety Manager turn-over cost a business $180,592 in OSHA citations (OSHRC Decision)
- OSHA updates 27 standards and regulations in 29 CFR Parts 1904, 1910, 1915, 1918, and 1926
- Could OSHA issue REPEAT Citations against a "Franchisee" based on an accident at a different franchise?
- Who'da ever known that is a fire extinguisher, darn good thing they put a sign there!
- Using a Voltmeter is ENERGIZED electrical work!
- 2019/2020 Edition of my ESRWP Training material (.ppt)
- OSHRC rules on Unguarded Gear Box Bushing and COM DUST @ grain handling facility
- Fiasco @ the Fuel Pumps (2020, Unbelievable Hotwork practices)
- We have Hotwork Compliance Standards around the world because of these two workers!
- OSHA clarifies the Walking-Working Surfaces final rule load capacity ratings in buildings?
- OSHA issues update to the Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems Final Rule Frequently Asked Questions
- OSHA issues corrections to the Walking-Working Surfaces, PPE, and Special Industries standards
- Fiasco @ the Fuel Pumps #2 (2019, Grocery Bags are not "approved containers")
- 2019 Top OSHA Activity in NAICS Code: 33 Manufacturing (part 3 of 3)
- 2019 Top OSHA Activity in NAICS Code: 32 Manufacturing (part 2 of 3)
- 2019 Top OSHA Activity in NAICS Code: 31 Manufacturing (part 1 of 3)
- 2019 OSHA Emergency Action Plan (1910.38) activity by Industry Sectors
- 2019 OSHA HAZWOPER (1910.120) activity by Industry Sectors
- 2019 OSHA PRCS (1910.146) activity by Industry Sectors
- 2019 OSHA LOTO (1910.147) activity by Industry Sectors
- Managing your Hearing Conservation Program records and activities
- OSHA's position on minimum 1st aid training, certification, 1st Aid kits, and response times
- ANOTHER fatality from welding on Tanker Truck with vapors
- For the love of life... LABEL your vessels that utilize an inert gas!
- Personal Fall Arrest System or Ladder Safety System on Fixed Ladders (OSHA LOI)
- Definition of Confined Space, as it may apply to large product heating and aging furnaces (OSHA LOI)
- Personal Fall Arrest System or Ladder Safety System on Fixed Ladders, and Fixed Ladders Used on Grain Silos for Emergency Escape (OSHA LOI)
- OSHA reiterates that on-line training does NOT meet all training needs
- Fiasco @ the Fuel Pumps #1 (2019, Gas Station Attendant scrubbing with gasoline)
- OSHRC affirms Willful and Repeat LOTO citations, Egress, and PPE matters
- 2019 OSHA's Process Safety Management (1910.119) activity by Industry Sectors
- Lesson in Safety Management... A Safety Professional may be necessary (OSHRC Decision)
- OSHA HAZLOC citations @ silicone facility after Quadruple fatality (Flammables & $1.5M)
- Enforcement of 29 CFR 1910.29(f)(1)(ii)(B) & (f)(1)(iii)(A): Heights of Handrail and Stair Rail Systems
- Does the HCS apply to universal waste, which is included within the definition of hazardous waste and subject to 40 CFR 273? (OSHA LOI)
- OSHA and NFPA Breathing Air Compressor testing and postings
- Regional Emphasis Program for Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate (FGAN) and Agricultural Anhydrous Ammonia Facilities
- Determining whether an injury would apply to the work-related exception personal task and outside the assigned working hours
- Flame Resistant Lab coats don't belong in Process Areas
- Hazard Assessment and Verification (1910.132(d) & (g))
- OSHA clarifies the 6-month testing frequency of Rubber Insulating Electrical Gloves (1910.137)
- Investigation of March 15, 2018 Pedestrian Bridge Collapse at Florida International University, Miami, FL
- Compressed Gas Labels and GHS
- Can we agree on the terms completely, fully, and absolutely certain?
- OSHA's Spring Regulatory Agenda
- Car Wash Chain Conveyor sprocket guarding and employee misconduct
- Fire aboard Cargo Ship Chipolbrok Moon (Hot Work Lessons Learned)
- Have you seen these? Where do they belong?
- 6-hr Intermediate HAZCOM/HAZMAT (.ppt)
- Protecting sprinklers during Hot Work
- 2018 OSHA Emergency Action Plan (1910.38) activity by Industry Sectors
- 2018 OSHA Employee Emergency Alarm (1910.165) activity by Industry Sectors
- In the working world of codes, standards, regulations, and rules two little bitty words carry a lot of weight
- Forklift vs. Ammonia Piping
- GHS does not require SDS to provide NFPA or HMIS labeling information, but when they do - IT MUST BE CORRECT
- OSHA, the IFC, and your Emergency [egress] Lighting
- OSHA further clarifies in-plant labeling vs. "shipped containers" labeling under the GHS (1910.1200(f)(1) 1910.1200(f)(6) 1910.1200(f)(7)
- OSHA LOTO, PRCS, PPE, Emergency Response, HAZCOM, ESRWP citations @ heat treat business ($1.3M)
- OSHA LOTO and PRCS citations @ railroad ties manufacturer ($120K)
- FREE Electrical Hazard Recognition and Abatement Training (OH BWC)
- Another by-passed interlock claimed another life
- OSHA uses the NBIC Part 2 for improperly supported steam lines posing a hazard (GDC Citation)
- The typical Safety Inspection responses (Video)
- OK is just NOT good enough in Safety
- OSHA Inspections: Regional Emphasis Program on Ammonium Nitrate
- Is your Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) being performed by "qualified personnel"?
- What does OSHA now require for annual submittal of Injury and Illness data?
- The four (4) things one must know before selecting an APR
- Did you know... Safety Cans
- Understanding Assigned Protection Factors (APFs), Fit Factors, and the "Safety Factor of 10"
- OSHA issues LOTO citations for CIP and Line-Break
- 2016, 2017, 2018 PSM Inspection Data Analysis
- OSHA's 2018 PRCS Citations (By NAICS)
- OSHA's 2018 LOTO Citations (By NAICS)
- OSHA 2018 citations in NAICS Code: 311 Food Manufacturing
- OSHA's 2018 PSM Citations (By NAICS)
- Contractor in a Chlorine Process - HAZCOM or PSM training and Fit-Testing needs? (OSHC)
- OSHA LOI on the GHS HAZCOM standard
- Regional Emphasis Program for FGAN and Agricultural NH3 Facilities
- OSHA's 2017 Top 10 Violations
- OSHA Due Dates for some fixed ladders is November 19, 2018
- OSHA and weather reporters
- Surgical masks are NOT filtering face pieces! (NIOSH)
- Surgical masks are NOT filtering face pieces! (NIOSH)
- A robot, a conveyor, two different maintenance crews, and an amputation with no LOTO (OSHRC)
- Does color coding on your NFPA 704 Diamond matter?
- Settling the Fit Test debate on when a QLFT vs. QNFT is required
- Going above OSHA minimums on Fit Factor(s)
- OSHA machine guarding citations to steel fabrication facility and its staffing company (multi-employer citation OSHRC)
- Can employee's be fit-tested with "stubble beard growth"?
- Can OSHA require abatement when no citation has been issued? (OSHRC and enterprise-wide abatement)
- Are your LOTO "machine specific" procedure actually "specific" and the OSHRC settles the debate about isolating a PRCS
- MIOSHA revises their Eyewash/Shower Equipment requirements
- Another worker dies when he hooked his SAR into a Nitrogen Supply
- OSHRC establishes "stable and secure against sliding or collapse" (1910.176)
- Not following your own programs results in OSHA citations - OSHRC vacates (1910.176)
Does an ammonia refrigeration tech need to be a "qualified electrical worker"?
OSHA plans to amend Quantitative Fit Testing Protocol(s) (2018)
OSHA Cites Cosmetics Manufacturer Following November 2017 Fatal Fire
Filtering out Confusion: Respirator Reuse and Extended Use (NIOSH)
Filtering out Confusion: User Seal Check (NIOSH)
Filtering out Confusion: Frequently Asked Questions about Respiratory Protection Fit Testing (NIOSH)
New Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and referenced RAGAGEPs
There is a difference in labels on "shipped containers" and "workplace labeling"
OSHA Safety for Public Sector Highlights of Updated Law M.G.L. c149 §6½
MIOSHA has adopted major changes to its requirements for walking-working surfaces and fall protection in general industry
Not following 1910.134(i)(8) can result in fatalities (breathing air couplings)
Sling inspection records
OSHA issues PSM Hot Work Citations after Triple Fatality @ Paper Mill
What's OSHA been up to for the past month? (12/14/17 to 1/13/18)
Top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards violated in FY 2017
Insurance company uses the "intentional non-compliance policy exclusion" clause to refuse claim
The line between OSHA and MSHA enforcement just got thinner
OSHA issues Willful and Serious after slag fatalities @ power plant (LOTO and PPE)
OSHA wins Silica Rule Appeal
Respiratory protection may have exacerbated a pre-existing medical condition in CS fatality
OSHA issues Corporate Wide Settlement Agreement to Grain Handling Company
Choosing the proper Fit Test protocols based on the respirator type and usage
Using Respirator Mobile Test Units for Medical Clearances, PFTs, and Fit Tests
Compressed air used for cleaning and "effective chip guarding"
Safety Data Sheets and NFPA 704/HMIS labeling information
Workplace Labels (sometimes called secondary, internal or in-house labels) under OSHA's GHS
IN-OSHA LOTO/Guarding Citations @ automotive manufacturing facility ($224K)
Respirators and facial hair is based on SCIENCE and NOT OSHA's desire to make workers shave
To do or not to do... Hot Work when the Sprinkler is out of service?
OSHA posts a new batch of Propane/LPG Accident Investigations
Fit-Testing 101, how not to do it
The OSHRC clarifies "storage" and the fire-barrier requirements when storing oxygen and flammable gas cylinders
OSHA enforcement activity on their 1926 Subpart AA - Confined Spaces in Construction
What's OSHA been up to for the past month? (10/7/17 to 11/6/17)
2017 OSHA PSM activity by Industry Sectors
2017 OSHA PRCS activity by Industry Sectors
2017 OSHA LOTO activity by Industry Sectors
2017 OSHA HAZWOPER activity by Industry Sectors
OSHA's Interim Enforcement Guidance for the Respirable Crystalline Silica in Construction Standard, 29 CFR 1926.1153
What's OSHA been up to for the past month? (9/14/17 to 10/14/17)
OSHA's 2017 Top 10
Sharing bad safety programs is a bad safety practice
OSHA clarifies "forklift modifications" requirements
OSHA clarifies recording injuries/illnesses when supervision is shared by a prime contractor and subcontractor at a construction site
Are you confident in your Hot Work Program, Permit, and Training?
OSHA's position on "Swing Gates" and fixed ladders
What's OSHA been up to for the past month? (6/29/17 to 7/29/17)
Which IDLH values do you use in your respirator use decisions?
OSHA may allow "alternating tread stairs", but your building code may NOT
Safety 2017 - ASSE Annual Conference Presentation
OSHRC rules on Arc Flash Injury Case (Arc Flash and PPE matters)
Working example of a Noise Attenuation Evaluation (1910.95(j)
Timing of HBV shots is UPHELD by OSHRC as critical to BBP Control Plan effectiveness
A review of OSHA's "Shaming Campaign"
OSHA announces a DELAY in the July 1, 2017 Electronic Submission of OSHA Log Data
Why Does OSHA Require Retention of Placards? (1910.1201)
Does OSHA’s new GHS for Hazardous Communications require my fixed storage tanks to have Pictograms?
OSHRC upholds citation for employee(s) reaching under interlocked doors/guards
Interim Enforcement Procedures for New Recordkeeping Requirements Under 29 CFR 1904.35 (OSHA)
OSHA Clarifies the Employer’s Continuing Obligation To Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness
An accident involving fall protection on low slope roofs and 6' distance assumptions (OSHRC)
HOT WORK Statistics (NFPA Research)
"Safety" for Process Safety Managers
OSHA once AGAIN states their position on respirators and facial hair!
OSHA renews it REP for Safety Hazards in Auto Parts Industry – NAICS 3363XX (Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing)
Severe Injury Reports from 1/1/2015 through 9/30/2016 (OSHA)
Am I required to have a Fire Prevention Plan (FPP)? (1910.39)
Enforcement of minimum approach distance requirements in 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart V
1/4" openings are NOT universally permissible on machinery (OSHRC Machine Guarding decision)
Welding Carts and Separating your Flammable gases and Oxidizers (IFC 2015)
2017 OH BWC Presentation - Safe Work Permit(s) Management System
Clarifications to CPL 02-02-079, Inspection Procedures for the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)
OSHA's NEW Walking & Working Surfaces Standards (ppt's)
OSHA's NEW Walking & Working Surfaces Standards (Tiered & Highlighted)
OSHA’s NEW 1910.23 Ladders (ppt)
OSHA's Top Ten with Citations, Inspections, and $'s (2016)
OSHA's Million Dollar Club (2016)
2016 OSHA HAZWOPER (1910.120) activity by Industry Sectors
The major changes in the Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems Final Rule
2016 OSHA LOTO activity by Industry Sectors
Use of Zip Ties As An Additional Means of Control for Tagout (OSHA LOI 1910.269)
Welding on "containers" and OSHA's use of the word ABSOLUTELY
OSHA by the numbers (1/5/17 to 2/4/17)
OSHA Log Summary Posting Reminder
Conflicts between OSHA and Fire Code(s)
Fatal occupational injuries SLIGHTLY INCREASE in 2015
OSHA issues final rule clarifying the ongoing obligation to make and maintain accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses
Establishing noise exposures at and above the Action Level are assumed to be WITHOUT hearing protectors (OSHRC 2016)
NIOSH Respirator User Notices and OSHA Compliance
OSHA sends another "nasty gram" to an employer regarding the use of LPNs AND EMTs to avoid recording injuries
Instead of a Citation, you may receive a “letter” from OSHA
Interpretation of 1904.35(b)(1)(i) and (iv)
OSHA's new Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Protective Equipment (Fall Protection Systems) and "hoist areas"
OSHA's new Walking and Working Surface standard and "fixed industrial stairs"
OSHA's NEW fall protection requirements for low-sloped roofs in General Industry
OSHA's Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Protective Equipment (Fall Protection Systems) standard has arrived
OSHA clarifies Injury Rate Formula (OSHA LOI)
Is there any justification to not record an STS shift on employee exposure after de-rating falls below 85 dBA? (OSHA LOI 2016)
Facial hair and respirator fit [1910.134(g)(1)(i)(A); 1910.134(g)(1)] (OSHA LOI 2016)
OSHA's 2016 Top 10 Cited Standards
OSHA posts two (2) new Letters of Interpretation for the new GHS (HazCom)
OSHA UPDATE on Post-Accident Drug Testing and Walking-Working Surfaces for GI
OSHA proposes to amend respiratory protection standard to add two additional fit-testing protocols
OSHA's Standards Improvement Project, Proposed Revisions (October 2016)
OSHA issues citations for not protecting Propane Tank and Cylinder area
Safety and Health Program Assessment Worksheet (HI-OSHA)
NC-OSHA provides some EXCELLENT ppt's for FREE
More OSHA compliance data - OSHA 2015 Citations by NAICS Industry Sectors
OSHA issues citations for NH3 Refrigeration Fatality ($173K; seafood processing business)
OSHA Citation Analysis for PSM, LOTO, PRCS (2015)
NIOSH Study Supports the OSHA Annual Fit Testing Requirements for Filtering Facepiece Respirators
OSHA's investigation of lathe operator's fatal injuries finds machine guards were bypassed at machining facility
Fire Extinguisher used as an "air receiver" catastrophically fails and claims three (3) legs!!!
Machine guarding CNC Mills and Lathes (OSHRC Decision)
Post-Accident Drug Testing and OSHA's New Reporting Rule
OSHRC can not agree on what a "machine" is as it applies to LOTO (OSHRC)
OSHA Penalty Adjustments to Take Effect August 1, 2016
Delay of Enforcement of the employee rights provisions under 29 CFR 1904.35
Whats OSHA been up to for the past month? (June-July 2016)
Hazards of Pressure Testing Fire Extinguishers
"Previous employer citations" may not be REPEAT citations (OSHRC)
US Department of Labor announces new rules to adjust civil penalty amounts
Recent OSHA Initiatives Signal Increased Enforcement (Sponsor Article)
OSHA Multi-employer citation policy used @ Power Plant with Contractor LOTO issues
OSHA, PPE Hazard Assessment, Injuries, Feasibility, greater hazard, and Industry Practices (OSHRC Decision)
Establishments in the following industries with 20 to 249 employees must submit injury and illness summary (Form 300A) data to OSHA electronically
What's OSHA been up to for the past month? (May 2016)
What's OSHA have in store for us? (Spring 2016 Agenda)
Combustible Dusts Hazards and OSHA signage
Does 1910.134 require a separate fit test for each harness where respirator wearers are required to use different harnesses, depending on their job task? (OSHA LOI)
What's the condition of your storage racks?
- FATAL Air Receiver Explosion (Paper Mill)
- Use of Aftermarket Replacement Component Parts for NIOSH-Approved Respirators (NIOSH)
- Revised Interim Enforcement Procedures for Reporting Requirements under 29 C.F.R. 1904.39
- Year One of OSHA’s Severe Injury Reporting Program: An Impact Evaluation (OSHA)
- OSHA citations for NOT managing Relief Valves on Air Receivers (1910.169)
- OSHA uses 1910.132(c) to cite GI workplace for improper use of PFAS
- Updating your Asbestos Signs before June 1, 2016 to comply with the new GHS HAZCOM (OSHA LOI)
- Understanding 1910.145, Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags
- A look into OSHA's battles with Congress
- NATE Climber Connection: PPE Inspection (Video)
- PFAS saves another life - RESCUE PLAN is critical (Video)
- E-Stop buttons MUST be "red in color"
- Forklifts and Hazardous Locations (Classified Areas)
- REMINDER... OSHA 300-A Posting by February 1st
- OSHA issues another Hazard Alert Letter regarding EMT's providing medical care
- EMT's, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), and OSHA Recordkeeping
- Pitfalls of Contractors and LOTO (1910.147(f)(2)
- Administrative court sets precedent, allowing request for enterprise-wide hazard abatement by employer to proceed to trial
- OSHA issues another Hazard Alert Letter regarding EMT's providing medical care
- EMT's, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), and OSHA Recordkeeping
- Pitfalls of Contractors and LOTO (1910.147(f)(2)
- Administrative court sets precedent, allowing request for enterprise-wide hazard abatement by employer to proceed to trial
- OSHRC decision on "minor servicing" and "safety blocks" in lieu of LOTO
- OSHA's Fall Regulatory Agenda (2015)
- OSHA grants VARIANCE to Lockout (1910.147(d)(4)(i)
- NIOSH Letter to All Respirator Manufacturers regarding facial hair INSIDE the respirator
- CHALLENGE: Protecting the Safety and Health of Workers (OSHA/MSHA OIG Report 2015)
- OSHA screening methods for Process Safety Management during a NON-PSM inspection
- OSHA says fainting at the sight of blood is RECORDABLE
- OSHA restates Injury/Illness Recordkeeping requirements for temp/contract workers
- Are your Safety Data Sheets compliant?
- MIOSHA citations @ Warehouse (Electrical Fatality; $357,000)
- OSHA loses Fatal Lathe Guarding case
- OSHA citations for Flame-Retardant Clothing (FRC) in a non-PSM facility
- Breaking down OSHA's General Hotwork Requirements (1910.252(a)
- OSHA's REVISED Field Operations Manual (FOM ) incorporates "employer safety incentive" programs directly into the inspection process
- OSHA's Top 10 Citations for FY 2015
- OSHA is REVISING electrical safety-related work practices standard for general industry and the electric power generation, transmission, and distribution standards for general industry and construction
- Making sense of the hierarchy of controls (OR-OSHA Podcast)
- OSHA issues LOI on caring for Flame-Retardant Clothing
- Whats OSHA been up to for the past month? (7/17/15 to 8/16/15)
- Training Requirements in OSHA Standards (OSHA 2254-07R 2015)OSHA Heat App and Heat Illness Awareness
- When is a compressed gas cylinder in "storage"?
- OSHA issues proposed rulemaking clarifying the ongoing obligation to make and maintain accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses
- OSHA cites paper manufacturer for willful, repeated, serious safety violations ($211K)
- Another HUGE addition to OSHA's SVEP club!
- Take NOTICE... 11% of Fatal Falls in 2013 were 6' or Less!
- The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Facepieces Class 3 (FFP3) and Half Masks (UK's HSE RR1052)
- OSHA issues "Inspection Procedures for the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012)"Whats OSHA been up to for the past month? (6/10/15 to 7/10/15)
- OSHA's General Industry Fall Protection Standard under OMB Review
- So here’s a trick question for you IH professionals… When I get my new SDSs, do I have to retain my old MSDS for 30 years?
- Are you maintaining your heat sampling data per 1910.1020(d)(1)(ii)
- Interim Enforcement Guidance for Hazard Communication 2012 (HCS 2012) June 1, 2015 Effective Date (OSHA)
- Using OSHA inspection data to analyze respirator protection program compliance (DOL Report)
- Does the “voluntary use” of a "filtering facepieces" (dust masks) require the use Appendix D?
- Whats OSHA been up to for the past month? (3/19/15 to 4/18/15)
- "Hazardous Locations" and complying with the "new" 1910.307
- "Mirror Check Day" Tuesday, March 19, 2013 - Region One OSHA Cooperative State Programs
- $53 million in Workforce Innovation Fund grants
- 1910 vs. 1926 - which applies to my "work"
- 1910.144 Safety color code for marking physical hazards
- 1910.212(a)(1) applies to unguarded rotating chucks on lathes
- 1910.307(g)(4)(i), HAZLOC’s, Zones, and Professional Engineers
- 2011 Top 10 Federal Standards with the Most “Other-Than-Serious Violations” Cited
- 2011 Top 10 Federal Standards with the Most “Repeat Violations” Cited
- 2011 Top 10 Federal Standards with the Most “Serious Violations” Cited
- 2011 Top 10 Federal Standards with the Most “Willful Violations” Cited
- 2011 Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Federal Standards w/Sections Cited
- 2012 HAZCOM GHS ppt from OSHA
- 9,400 High Rate Workplaces Receiving OSHA Letters (March 2013)
- A Guide to The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)
- A lesson in Pressure Vessel Safety via 1910.169
- A OSHRC decision that will make you scratch your head
- A sign Spring is coming... Cal/OSHA Issues High Heat Advisory as Temperatures Rise Across the State
- A VERY interesting look at Safety Regulations from ABC's John Stossel's Blog and was on 20/20 a while back
- ACGIH® Presents Hearing Conservation Program Management Webinar – September 12, 2012
- Air Pressure Receiver CATASTROPHIC FAILURE
- AK-OSHA Review Commission's Decision on whether a “Fish Bin Chiller Alley” at a seafood processing plant is a Confined Space/PRCS
- Alarming Number of Workers Fail to Wear Required Protective Equipment
- Alternating Tread Type Stair
- Annual Review and Scheduled Modification to OSHA's Administrative Penalty Policy
- ANSI Launches Online Portal for Standards Incorporated by Reference
- ANSI-ISEA 207-2011 - Revision to High Visibility Vests
- Are some of OSHA's proposed standards hindering job creation?
- ASTM Developing Standard to Test Resistance to Fogging of Eye Protection Devices
- ATTENTION BREWERS... Check your PRCS and HAZCOM practices!
- Backward Hard Hats?
- Basis for EW/SS locations?
- Cal/OSHA Cites employer(s) (Plant, Staffing Agency, and Training Company) over $200,000 Following Death of Temporary Worker
- Cal/OSHA Issues Notice, Schedules Public Hearing on Process Safety Management (PSM) Program Assessment
- Can your HAZCOM program stand-up to an OSHA inspection?
- CAUTION: Your Safety Warnings May Not Be Working
- Changes in OSHA's HAZCOM may impact EPA Compliance!?!?! (Huh?)
- Changes to Maryland Chemical Information List (CIL) Requirements
- Clarification of OSHA's HAZWOPER Standard (1910.120) as it applies to clearing and re-railing train cars after derailments
- Classification of Combustible Dust under the Revised Hazard Communication Standard (OSHA Memo)
- Clearance in front of electrical panels - why does OSHA require it?
- Compactor or Baler safety protocols
- Company argues before the OSHRC that LOTO does not apply to their die changing activities - an analysis of a OSHRC 2009 decision
- Company to pay $1.33 million to resolve OSHA citations, criminal penalties in 2011 death of worker; Agreement includes safety improvements and $450,000 for worker's spouse
- Comparison of NFPA 704 and HazCom 2012 Labels
- Compliance Mapping… an eye opener for many managers and supervisors
- Compliance Resource Tip... ecfr.gov
- Compliance Tip: Next time you're using a handrail...
- Compliance Tip: Air Receivers
- Compliance Tip: Bloodborne Pathogen Training
- Compliance Tip: Do I need a first aid team?
- Compliance Tip: Electrical Safety Related Work Practices
- Compliance Tip: HAZCOM Labeling (Photo)
- Compliance Tip: Industrial Stairs Angle (Smart Phone App)
- Compliance Tip: LPG Cylinders Storage
- Compliance Tip: Projecting shaft ends
- Complying with OSHA's PPE Standards
- Compressed Air Hazards and Acceptable Methods for Complying with 1910.242(b)
- Compressed Gas Cylinder Separation
- Computer based tools for workplace heat stress
- Consumer Products & HAZCOM requirements
- Conveyors, Duct Work, and your Hot Work Permitting Process
- Cost of Falls and Workers Comp
- CSB Releases New Safety Video on One Year Anniversary of Kleen Energy to Show Hazards of Gas Releases
- Deaths Involving the Inadvertent Connection of Air-line Respirators to Inert Gas Supplies
- December 1st, 2013 Training Requirements for the Revised Hazard Communication Standard
- Did you know... NFPA 704 and OSHA's GHS Haz Comm
- Did you know… Emergency Egress and Alarm Systems
- Disconnect for Electrical-Discharge Lighting Existing Fluorescent Luminaire
- Does it matter what type and size fire extinguisher my Fire Watch is equipped with?
- Drinking Chrome – New Studies Expose Threats to Tap Water
- DWS (WY-OSHA) Warns of Telephone Scam Targeting Businesses
- EEI, ULCC, and the TCIA have negotiated a settlement with OSHA on the compliance dates for the Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Standard
- Electrical Panel Clearance and NEW NEC requirements
- Electrical Safety Videos from ESFi
- Employer Safety Incentive and Disincentive Policies and Practices
- Engineering Controls and Economic Feasibility
- Ever heard of "Access to employee exposure and medical records"
- Ever heard of "Access to employee exposure and medical records" (e.g. 1910.1020)
- Ever wondered how many OSHA standards require an actual written program, Qualified person, Competent person, etc.?
- Facial Hair, Respirators, and Fit Testing
- Facial Survey Results Region VI
- FATAL Hotwork Incident (MI-OSHA)
- Federal Jury Convicts Former Shaw Group Safety Manager Of Major Fraud Against The United States
- Fire Extinguishers & HAZCOM Labeling
- FREE On-Line OSHA Compliance Tools from OSHA & MSHA
- FREE Respirator Software from NIOSH
- FY 2011 End of Year Federal OSHA Inspection Data
- FYI... OSHA Outreach Monitoring Report
- General Industry Fall Protection requirements begin ...?
- General Industry Standards with Training Requirements
- General Industry Standards Written Program Requirements
- GHS HAZCOM and Workplace Labels
- GHS Training Materials
- GREAT Forklift Training PPT from OSHA Region V
- H.R. 632: Voluntary Protection Program Act
- Hazardous Locations (Examples from OSHA)
- HAZCOM Training Modules from MI-OSHA
- HAZWOPER Training MUST consist of MORE THAN video training
- Hearing Protection Attenuation Evaluation, has it been done?
- Hearing Protectors Attenuation Analysis
- Hearing Protectors, Safety Glasses, and Respiratory Protective Equipment in Combination: Effect on Sound Attenuation
- High Visibility Vest - Hotwork & Electrical Work
- Hot Work Safety
- Hotwork tank explosions - OSHA is not the problem!
- Hotwork, the 35' Rule, UPDATED loss data, and changes in NFPA 51B and at CAL-OSHA
- How long do you keep your hotwork permits?
- How to Read the OSHA Standards 29 CFR 1910 – General Industry
- If you have a trash compactor in your workplace, you will want to read this OSHRC decision
- Individual Pleads Guilty to Id Fraud and Impersonating an OSHA Official in Wake of Gulf Oil Spill
- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Roadway and Highway Construction Work Zones
- Is air monitoring required to establish respiratory protection levels?
- Is your Respirator Cleaning methods compliant?
- Jordan Barab of OSHA speaks at the COSH conference ("cutting corners on safety and health will not be tolerated"
- Knowing your propane cylinders (Part II)
- KY-OSHA Recordkeeping requirements did NOT change on 1/1/15
- Ladder Safety - Too many falls!
- Last Chance Agreements – Company properly fired maintenance employee for not wearing side shields on safety glasses – violated the LCA
- Load Center Capacity Calculator
- Lockout? We don't need no stinking lockout... says management!
- Looking for help with decisions on Eyewashes and Safety Showers?
- LOTO Accident - REAL Accident that cost a life!
- Machine Guarding Applications and Attributes
- Machine Guarding ppt from OSHA Region V
- Maine DOL's GHS Video, PPT, & Sample Plan (EXCELLENT Resources!)
- Man accused of posing as OSHA inspector arrested
- Mapping a regulation from concept to publication
- March 2012 Update on OSHA’s Refinery & Chemical National Emphasis Programs
- Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) issues SCAM ALERT
- MI-OSHA Annual Fatality Information
- MSHA Machine Guarding ppt
- National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors release Violation Findings Fourth Quarter Report
- Need some Procedures for your Emergency Response Program?
- New deadline for the Electric Generation, transmission, and Distribution standard is February 17, 2015
- NEW Flammable Liquids Fact Sheet (OR-OSHA)
- New Recordkeeping interpretation. Question 10-4
- NFPA 70E® 2012 20 Most Frequently Asked Questions
- NIOSH Hearing Loss Simulator Instruction and Training Guide
- NIOSH noise database for power tools
- NIOSH recommends exposure limits FAR below OSHA's current PEL for Cr(VI)
- OIG: OSHA'S Site Specific Targeting Program has Limitations on Targeting and Inspecting HIGH RISK Worksite
- On-Line FIRST AID training is NOT enough (OSHA 2012 LOI)
- Oregon OSHA delays rule adoption for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution rules in Construction and General Industry
- OSHA & Eyewashes
- OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course Now MANDATORY in Seven States
- OSHA 300-A Posting Reminder
- OSHA Activity Update
- OSHA amends 1910.1030 (BBP)
- OSHA answers HAZCOM labeling question in LOI
- OSHA answers questions regarding Eyewash and Safety Showers
- OSHA Boot Camp
- OSHA cites Asphalt Manufacturer following worker being trapped in hot liquid asphalt
- OSHA cites chemical manufacturer following nitrogen fatality (5(a)(1), PSM, WWS)
- OSHA cites employer for 8 willful, egregious violations after worker injured on machine without safeguards
- OSHA claims "cost savings" with the new GHS Hazcom Std
- OSHA Clarifies the Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard
- OSHA Compliance and perceived "paperwork deficiencies"
- OSHA Compliance Assistance Facts: FY 2012
- OSHA Compliance is sometimes a “Nike moment”… Just Do It!
- OSHA defines "amputation" and "loss of an eye" in their latest LOI
- OSHA extends comment period on proposed rule to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses
- OSHA extends temporary enforcement measures in residential construction through March 15, 2013
- OSHA FACOSH Recommends Updating PELs by Executive Order for Feds
- OSHA follow-up inspection of oil refinery reveals continuing worker safety violations
- OSHA General Industry Requirements for Labels, Signs, Postings, etc.
- OSHA Hospitalization, Amputations Reporting Inspection triggers
- OSHA insists recordkeeping obligations are ongoing (United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled differently)
- OSHA Internal Memo: Interim Guidance on Enforcement of the revised Hazard Communication Standard
- OSHA is planning for the I2P2 rule
- OSHA issues "Per-instance" Willfuls for Guarding and LOTO
- OSHA issues LOI on the NEW HAZCOM Std and Combustible Dust
- OSHA issues REPEAT for cleaning air greater than 30psi ($22K)
- OSHA issues WILLFUL and EGREGIOUS citations for machine guarding
- OSHA issues WILLFUL for facial hair under tight-fitting respirator (Lead Abatement & $49,500)
- OSHA issues Willfuls & Repeats for PRCS, PPE, Respirators w/ some HAZCOM, Fire Extinguisher, and Electrical citations for good measure
- OSHA LOTO Citations @ food box manufacturer ($122,500)
- OSHA Memorandum: Adequate Means of Egress at Workplaces
- OSHA publishes removal criteria for employers from the Severe Violator Enforcement Program
- OSHA Region V Fatality Stats as of 10/1/11
- OSHA Rejects Arizona State Plan Changes..... February 6, 2015
- OSHA restates that if employees do not understand English, their training MUST be in a language and vocabulary they understand
- OSHA Review/Lookback of OSHA Chemical Standards
- OSHA revises the Out Reach Program requirements again (2/2013)
- OSHA revisions strengthen Outreach Training Program
- OSHA seeks public comment on agency standards to improve chemical safety
- OSHA temporarily withdraws proposed column for work-related musculoskeletal disorders, reaches out to small businesses
- OSHA Top 10 Cited Standards and standards for which OSHA assessed the highest penalties in 2012
- OSHA Training - Flat Roofing Safety 2011
- OSHA Training Institute Centers to begin charging a card processing fee for 10 and 30 hour cards
- OSHA Update - Most Frequently cited SERIOUS Citations
- OSHA updates 1910.35 Head Protection
- OSHA updates CPL 02-00-158, Inspection Procedures for the Respiratory Protection Standard
- OSHA updating Head Protection Standard in both GI and Const
- OSHA will continue requiring independent safety testing for electrical devices
- OSHA withdraws proposed interpretation on noise
- OSHA's 1st LOI of 2013 is a perfect example of how a how a group of workers may fall under both GI and Construction standards
- OSHA's 2013 Most Frequently Cited Standards
- OSHA's Accreditation Process Needs Reexamination (GAO-13-88, Dec 11, 2012)
- OSHA's Citation Policy for Paperwork and Written Program Requirement Violations (CPL 02-00-111)
- OSHA's Clarification on effective date of SDSs replacing MSDSs
- OSHA's GHS Labeling made easy!!!!
- OSHA's Issues Compliance Directive on Personal Protective Equipment
- OSHA's Most Frequently Cited 1910 (2014)
- OSHA's new APF guidance document focuses on mandatory respirator selection provisions added to existing Respiratory Protection standard
- OSHA's new guidance document focuses on mandatory respirator selection provisions added to existing Respiratory Protection standard
- OSHA's position on the respiratory protection "program administrator"
- OSHA's proposed rule to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses requires quarterly reporting
- OSHA's Semiannual Agenda of Regulations (1/2014)
- OSHA's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (June 2014)
- OSHA's SVEP Decision Matrix
- OSHA's Top 10 Citations (2014 Preliminary as of 8/1/14)
- OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard is NOT the only standard that requires “verification of knowledge” after training
- OSHRC affirms HAZCOM and LOTO citations at chicken processing plant
- OSHRC case discusses the legality of OSHA’s Com Dust NEP
- OSHRC decision on Combustible Dust (OSHA Dust Sampling, Chain of Custody, Knowledge of hazards, and Signage for ComDust areas)
- OSHRC decisions on Machine Specific LOTO Procedures, LOTO Periodic Inspections, and LOTO Training for Affected/Other employees
- OSHRC determines that a zip tie does NOT constitute a “permanent” fixture
- OSHRC on "Universal PPE Hazard Assessments" at distribution centers
- OSHRC on guarding of horizontal shafting below 7' with an "arbor" and protrusions on shaft ends
- OSHRC rules on LOTO case
- OSHRC says fire extinguishers are EXEMPT from HAZCOM Program coverage
- OSHRC upholds WILFULL GDC with Postal Carrier Fatality due to Heat Stroke
- Pedestal Grinder Safety
- Policy Background on the Temporary Worker Initiative
- PPE payment for static dissipative safety-toe footwear
- Proposed Actions in OSHA's Inorganic Arsenic Standard Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
- Protecting Respiratory Health: What Should be the Constituents of an Effective RPE Program?
- QNFT or QLFT, which is acceptable for an emergency responder entering IDLH atm’s?
- Qualifications for Forklift Operators (Opinions?)
- Queens Man Sentenced In Manhattan Federal Court To Two Years In Prison For Role In Scheme To Issue Fraudulent Safety Training Certifications To Construction Workers And Companies
- Reading fire extinguisher labels
- Real world use and performance of hearing protection
- Record Requirements in the Mechanical Power Presses Standard
- Recordkeeping and Fatality Reporting Quiz
- Recordkeeping...who is the "highest ranking company official working at the establishment"?
- Reduction Procedure and OSHA 300 Log
- Regional VPP Recommendations from OSHA Assessments
- REMINDER... NEW OSHA Injury Reporting Requirements began on 1/1/15
- REMINDER: Post your OSHA Log Annual Summary by February 1st
- Respirator Facial Hair Diagrams
- Respirator Q&A about "program administrator"
- Respiratory Protection Program Administrator
- What is the fit factor? (Respirators)
- Revised Electrical Std "Grandfathering" and applicable dates
- Roof work and proper Fall Protection
- Rubber insulating gloves periodic electrical tests - REQUIRED frequency
- SAFETY REMINDER - if you have a "compactor" or "baler" and you want a GREAT resource on how to manage and operate them safely...look no further!
- Safety Tip: Fire Watch and Monitoring (FM Global)
- SCBA Remaining Service-Life Indicator Performance Requirements
- Severe Violator Enforcement Program (2013 White Paper)
- Should OSHA get out of the pre-accident inspection business? (Editorial)
- So does my facility have to hire an expert to perform an Arc Flash Analysis to be compliant with OSHA
- St. Louis employers ordered incarcerated for failing to comply with OSHA citations and court sanctions
- States that require a 10/30 hour OSHA card
- Summary and Explanation of Revisions to the Acetylene Standard as it applies to cylinders
- Temporary enforcement policy for 29 CFR 1910.137(b), 1910.269, 29 CFR 1926.97(b) and Subpart V
- The "numbers game" and auditing
- The new GHS HazCom Std review by the OMB has been "extended"
- The Use of Contact Lenses in an Industrial Environment (ACOEM Guidelines)
- The “Father of OSHA” passes away
- Top 10 MSHA Citations for 2010
- Top Ten things to do OR NOT to do during OSHA Inspections
- Understanding UL "Listing" and "Approved" - there is a BIG Difference
- UPDATE - Did you know there is a Right & Wrong way to mount a forklift cylinder?
- UPDATE on 2011 OSHA Activities and what to expect in 2012
- UPDATE on OSHA's VPP from Michaels...
- UPDATED - Training Requirements in OSHA Standards and Training Guidelines
- UPDATED: OSHA's 2011 Top 10 OSHA Violations
- Virginia State OSHA has passed a "Reverse Signal Operation" standard for BOTH General Industry and Construction Industries
- VPP Policy Memorandum #5: VPP and Safety Incentive Programs
- VPP Policy Memorandum #7: Further Improvements to the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP)
- VPP STAR is not a "get out of jail free card"
- WA-OSHA enacts NEW Safety Standards for Electrical Workers
- West Virginia Enacts CSB Plan for Licensed Propane Techs
- What ANSI Z87.1-2003 changes in Safety Glasses Requirements
- What is Fee for Intervention (FFI) and who is doing it?
- What is the difference between "street glasses" and ANSI High Impact Safety Glasses
- What is the phase-in period in the revised Hazard Communication Standard?
- What type of respirator do I need?
- Whats OSHA been up to for the past month?
- When is a Fire Watch actually required?
- When it comes to handrails... sweat the small stuff, well at least 1.5"
- Who is the OSHRC and what does the commission do?
- Why are so many fearing OSHA's I2P2
- Work-Related Burns in Michigan: First Annual Report (January 2009 – December 2009)
- Your auditing and you come across this... What would you cite?
OSHA Compliance Articles INDEX (691 postings as of 1/1/2023)
Partner Organizations
I am proud to announce that The Chlorine Institute and SAFTENG have extended our"Partners in Safety" agreement for another year (2025) CI Members, send me an e-mail to request your FREE SAFTENG membership
Member Associations